March might be the most capricious month of the year. She came in like a lamb, warm with a bit of sunshine. False spring we call it here because we know that there will be blasts of cold weather ahead. For now, I'm enjoying the warmth.
Yesterday was cloudy, but no rain fell. A steel grey sea and a great variety of cloud formations. Good for walking and observing.
In more sheltered areas, the sea was a beautiful green-blue. Small rocky islets would be fun to explore via kayak on a summer day. Something to keep in mind.
Prunus blossoms are just beginning to open. All those gold-tipped stamens like long eyelashes fill me with delight.
Birds are taking full advantage of the season. This Red-winged Blackbird sang his song and didn't seem to mind my camera at all.
Northern Flickers are such elegant birds with their smooth feathers and patterned neutral colours. A group of them pecked away at the ground finding all sorts of things to eat.
How lovely to see a pair of swans at the lagoon. I am curious about the difference in their beaks - are they two different species or a male and female? One looks like a Trumpeter Swan and the other a Mute Swan. They seemed very much a pair.
How dull the grasses on shore look. The end of winter can be a drab time, but soon life will emerge bright green.
At 5 am this morning I was awakened from a deep sleep by the house shaking in an earth tremor. The ten seconds of movement seemed very long. I stayed in bed but didn't manage to sleep any longer. So it's been a slower day around here.