Thursday, September 28, 2023

Autumn Begins


September is nearly gone. We’ve travelled from the middle of Ontario to central Alberta in the past six days. Lots of driving, but wonderful weather and scenery along the way. The colours of red maple forests are stunning, unlike anything we have in the west where all is gold. 

Next week we arrive home on our west coast island. Thanks for following along and I hope to begin regular posting soon. 

Enjoy these last days of September. 

Monday, September 18, 2023

Westward Ho!


Throughout our travels I've enjoyed the various styles of houses I've seen. Lunenburg, Nova Scotia has some very pretty brightly coloured homes with contrasting doors. I'm trying to talk Tim into painting our front door a bright colour! 

We did visit Green Gables, but left Prince Edward Island a few days earlier than planned due to the incoming storm. We had hoped to visit the Gaspé Peninsula, but decided to skip that, also due to stormy conditions. We are slowly heading westward - we're one time zone closer to home now, in Rivière-du-Loup, Québec. Such a pretty little town. Tim is out on a bike ride and I am sipping tea, cozy and warm in the trailer. 

We will be with friends later this week, and family early next week. The leaves are changing and there is a crispness in the air. Enjoy autumn, or spring, wherever you may be. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Moving Along


There are so many wonderful sights in this grand country of ours. We are seeing but a fraction, and our hearts and minds are full. I’ve been keeping a daily journal of our travels and it’s becoming difficult to absorb all of our little adventures. 

Above is a sea stack at Hopewell Rocks on the Bay of Fundy where the highest tides in the world occur. It was fun to wander around them at low tide. 

It seems we have a few sunny days followed by a stretch of cloudy and/or rainy ones. Today is one of the latter. We hiked in the rain and then came into our cozy warm home on wheels for hot tea and some chocolate. Outside just now I hear thunder. 

Tropical storm Lee is headed our way and we can expect more rain and wind. We are keeping an eye on the weather forecast and can leave in a hurry if things look more serious. 

Tomorrow we are headed to Prince Edward Island for a couple of days. Maybe some biking (depends on the rain) and hopefully a visit to Green Gables. 

Have a beautiful day. 

Monday, September 04, 2023

Into the Past


Our ferry crossing from Newfoundland was smooth as glass - such a relief! 

We spent the day at Fort Louisbourg, another of Canada’s National Historic Sites. Parks Canada does a wonderful job of interpreting the past with knowledgeable guides and costumed interpreters who took us back to 1744 when the French controlled this part of Canada. 

Stories galore. 

Friday, September 01, 2023

All Sorts of Days


Rainy days, cloudy days, and a few sunny days that we appreciate all the more for their rarity. Unless rain pours down for hours, we manage some sort of walk or hike everyday. Under moody skies Trout River sat like a haven of peace when seen from the trail above the hamlet.

Today, in contrast, is sunny and warm with a cool breeze that hints of the season in waiting. We will be leaving Newfoundland on the Sunday night ferry and then exploring more of the Maritimes for a couple of weeks before heading home. 

I’m sitting outside the laundromat waiting for clothes to finish their cycles. Goldenrod waves in the wind. Bits of milkweed fluff sail through the air. It’s lovely.  

A Ferry Ride

  There is no bridge between Vancouver Island and the rest of Canada. Instead, we rely on BC Ferries. A fleet of variously sized boats, ply ...