Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Enchanting Days


Europe is a wonderful place. Coming from a place where the oldest building was built in the mid-1800's, the history evident everywhere in France was intoxicating. Here I am in the pyramid at the Louvre where miles of treasures quickly overwhelm.


A charming scene from Avignon. Makes me want to dig out my paints and try. But I'm not a painter. So sad.


Inspiration in a shop in Avignon. The ribbon racks visible have a secret. They slide back to reveal even more luscious trims behind. Since this wasn't a shopping trip (we brought only carry-on luggage - well, what used to be carry-on size), I could only drool. I did get some French handcraft magazines for inspiring ideas.


As any fabric lover knows, seeing is only half of the experience. It was SO hard not to touch the gorgeous fabrics in Versailles. I wanted to stroke the silk wallpaper, run my hand over the embroidered bedding, feel the cool carvings of stone under my hand. I understand the restrictions - if we all did that, there wouldn't be anything left. But in the Grand Trianon I couldn't resist. The guard's back was turned and I reached up and quickly ran my hand over these tassels. Ah, gratification.

Home again and wanting to create. Rearrange my furniture and accessories. Make pretty things from fabric and trims. But where to start?
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1 comment:

  1. Glad you are back safely and that you enjoyed your trip. My son is planning to buy a studio apartment in Paris. He loves it and goes there as often as he can.


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