Thursday, August 20, 2015

Walsh Cove - A bit of the Caribbean in the Northwest

Azure. Turquoise. Cobalt. Ultramarine. Sapphire. Water in every possible colour and then some.

We chug up Waddington Channel. Light glints off the water. Sky, sea, mountains meld in harmony to fill our senses. We tuck in behind the Gorges Islets.

Waddington Channel flows between East and West Redonda Islands. The islands thrust up from the ocean in steep inclines. Beaches are few and small. But, oh, the colour. The peace. A feast for eyes and soul.

I take the small dinghy and paddle slowly around the cove. Oysters and mussels crowd the inter-tidal zone in prodigious generosity. I'm entranced by the minutiae of creation.

I discover three heart shapes in this cove. The golden-orange rock now sits on my china cabinet. The white rock is immense. A tiny empty mussel shell lies open, washed by the waves.


I succumb to the lure of the water. After the first shock the water slides like silk against my skin. Tim joins me and we swim in the lovely, refreshing sea. Behind us, the island rises, inhospitable, as fortified as a medieval castle. 

We stand on the back deck and rinse off the salt with sun-heated water from our shower bag, then eat a simple dinner with a million-dollar view. 


  1. So very beautiful. Besides the beauty of the sea, I love the sight of trees upon trees upon trees. In Colorado, the view is always of trees and mountains. Lovely. Best wishes, Tammy

  2. It looks like you found paradise, What fantastic scenery.

  3. Oh that spot looks idyllic!
    Love the colour of the showers are great !
    Enjoy your holidays

  4. C'est tout simplement époustouflant !!! Et le silence... je parie qu'il y a un merveilleux silence ! Tu as de la chance de pouvoir aller dans des endroits pareils.

  5. oh, glorious! Or, and thank you Carole for this addition to my French vocabulary, époustoflant. Absolutely!

  6. Such an amazing yet simple experience and you stir the senses with your story. The color of the water is striking!

  7. How sublime is this amazing place! I would rather paddle in that sun-kissed water than check into the fanciest Caribbean resort, even if George Clooney was there!

  8. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Ahh...what a beautiful spot you found yourselves in! Love the photo of you floating in the water...looks relaxing.

  9. It is so beautiful. I think it's time I visit BC again, I have been away from it too long already.
    Lovely photographs.
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  10. Ah that color of the lake! Love must be so much fin swimming in it :)

  11. So beautiful - and all those hearts too! Sometimes we don't have to wander too far from home to find places which touch our own hearts. Nature is everywhere - even just outside the door.
    Lovely swimming 'hole' by looks of it.

    Happy weekend Lorrie dear - Mary

  12. There is nothing like swimming in fresh water. I grew up swimming in lakes, never swimming pools (and all the chemicals). The water is just gorgeous!!! Oh lucky you.

  13. The water is an absolutely gorgeous color and a lovely place to swim.

  14. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Gorgeous - the blues are amazing. Looks like heaven. :-)

  15. ooooh, how blissful it all looks. The beauty of a boat is that you get to find little coves to have all to yourselves - must be quite magical.
    Love the pic of you swimming, well, floating.
    I think looking at the textures and patterns at the coast is so soothing, like a massage for the mind!

  16. Such a summer memory...easing into the water, the heart shaped rocks a token to keep....

    Your shots bring back childhood memories of the islands, boats, the smell of marine diesel...bobbing endlessly, the sun baking the boat.

    Great shots, and thanks for the turquoise momentoes Lorrie.


  17. It sure does look like Caribbean blue waters you're floating around in, how relaxing! Good find on the three heart shaped items, one now a treasured possession.

  18. It does indeed seem a feast for eyes and soul...and you recount it so beautifully!

  19. Oh how beautiful! A touch of the Caribbean for sure!

  20. You found an amazing spot and you look like you are so relaxed in the beautiful blue water. Love the gold rock, too :)

  21. I'd be swimming, too. The scenery is just so beautiful. Looks pretty much like paradise.

  22. Looks like you had a great summer and holiday.
    I'm glad the mamma bear was so easily scared off my your brave companion.
    Are you getting excited about school starting up again?

  23. What a pretty area. - You look cute out on the lake. I can't swim but sure would enjoy a refreshing dip in the water.

  24. That is a million dollar view. The water would pull me to come and play too. It is so clear and pristine.

  25. Lorrie, your million dollar view and the crystal clear water is enough to make one jealous. Looks like a wonderful trip. It jogged memories of a boating trip we took in 1999 along the Turkish coast. It was July, so the dips in the ocean were a favorite way to end the day. Thanks for sharing more of this wonderful trip.

  26. That aquamarine color is just stunning! All the views are appealing, especially of you lolling about in the water. :-)


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