Friday, February 26, 2016

Five on Friday

1. The miniature daffodil buds have opened into full flower. I'm getting antsy to get out into the garden. Rain showers are scheduled for the weekend, but perhaps I can get out there between the drops and do a little more clean up. Spring means lots of work outdoors, but then things settle down and don't require as much time.

2. Another photo of the bog. I fancy I see a little bit of green on the bushes here and there. Perhaps it's just wishful thinking.

3. We enjoy watching the drakes and hens swimming around together these days. There are a few American Coots in the water, too, but they don't pair off in the same way, and, in fact, often seem to be making an unwelcome third. They are such awkward looking birds and remind me of some of my young students who have not yet grown into their limbs.

4. I had my husband's grandmother's crocheted lace tablecloth out recently and used my macro lens to take a photo of it. The centre motif is a scant one-half inch diameter. Such intricate work and a labour of love that I treasure.

5. It's no secret to those who know me that I'm a Francophile. The fleur-de-lis topped crown sits in my garden and is becoming wonderfully aged and rusted. These days, we are planning our summer trip to England, Wales, and surprisingly, France. France was not on the original agenda (to my regret), but when friends contacted us about doing a Paris to Normandy river cruise, we began thinking about it. The dates will work with the remainder of our trip, so I'll be seeing Paris once again. In England we plan to visit London for a few days and the Cotswolds and then Wales. We have the dates organized and now are beginning to plan what we will have time to see, for we know that it would take a very long time to see everything on our list. 

I'm linking with Five on Friday (it's still Friday here) hosted by Amy of Love Made My Home. 


  1. It's nice to get out in the gardens and see the ducks on the bog. The coot really is an unusual bird with its white bill and thick body. Lovely to have your grandmother's crochet. Your trip sounds wonderful - so many interesting places. I think I would love to see the Cotswolds:) Hope you get a chance to get out in the garden this weekend :) xx Karen

  2. Such pretty photos, Lorrie. There is so much beauty in nature, I have to remind myself more often to look.

  3. It is so wonderful to see the daffodils starting to bloom - and love the ducks. The coots are funny old things (is that where we get the phrase "old coot"?). I've seen a flock of them in the snow - they really didn't know what to do with it and kept attacking the flakes. Your crown is lovely - and your trip sounds wonderful - dream of mine for sure. I hope there are few raindrops this weekend - we've already had some tonight. The daffodil fields are in full bloom - you should come down and see them - they are amazing - tulips are not far behind.

  4. I love this time of year when all the spring bulbs are starting to appear. Sounds like a great trip, hope you enjoy our wonderful Country.

  5. Aww sound like a lovely trip
    Enjoy x

  6. Lovely photo's it's lovely to see signs of Spring starting to emerge, your trip sounds wonderful I bet you can't wait. Have a great weekend. :)

  7. I can definitely see green out there. It is a frustrating time when you long for summer to come back. Like the sound of your holiday plans particularly the river trip in France. I look forward to hearing about it. Have a great weekend. Barbara X

  8. Oh Lorrie, not Cornwall?

  9. Great photographs - love the crochet.

  10. Five lovely things, the daffodils look so cheerful. Your holiday plans sound wonderful with so many options of places to see:)

  11. The fleur-de-lis crown is stunning. Lucky you!

  12. What an exciting trip to plan! You've wanted to get back to France for so long -- happy for you!

  13. What fun to plan a big trip! You've written about wishing to go back, and how lovely it will be to do just that! So glad we can 'go along for the ride'.

  14. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Oh joy...planning a trip to England with a little river cruise thrown in! That's fabulous. I just decided I needed a photo album from our last trip and not just my digital photos. So much to see but always good to remember to see things well instead of trying to see too much. I'll be curious to hear how you enjoy a river cruise...

  15. How exciting to be planning your trip. We have long wanted to go to Normandy.

  16. You get to go to England again?! Wonderful! I hope we get to travel with you vicariously. :)

  17. Oh Lorrie, how wonderful! I am so excited for you! That sounds like a wonderful trip.

  18. I hope you got out in the garden this weekend. We are starting to do some work as spring is around the corner, if not here already, albeit with cold temps. The lace tablecloth up close looks like yarn. What delicate work she did--a treasure for sure.

  19. Lorrie I'm drooling at the sight of your Fleur de Lis crown!
    How lovely to hear you're planning a trip.
    The planning, followed by the anticipation of it all is part of the excitement for me!
    All wonderful places - you'll be in heaven!
    Love the birds and daffs which both tell you early Spring has arrived, Mother Nature has such beautiful signals!
    My mother crocheted a large table cloth for me in very fine natural cotton, indeed a labour of love as by then she was in her 80's with failing eyesight. It is my greatest treasure and will be passed down through the generations I hope.

  20. I had your blog listed in one of my blog notebooks and today was the day to read you again!

    I am so happy you will be getting over to England and (being a Francophile myself) FRANCE! I enjoy immensely reading Rosemary's blog, WHERE FIVE VALLEYS MEET. She lives in the Cotswolds with her husband (both retired) and writes and photographs her travels phenomenally! She is a gardener and this past week she and her husband had their first year's picnic on the river Wye (I visited there with my daughter on our visit from the Cotswolds to Wales in 2007). I encourage you to check out her blog - the sooner the better as I'm sure you will get some great suggestions for your trip!!!

    Mary in Oregon

  21. Your trip in planning sounds terrific Lorrie and so glad France was added in for you. The macro of the crocheted piece shows just how good the stitches are and I hope my work will be like that some day.

  22. How exciting to be planning an big adventure, including France. Ahh how I love Paris. I have one of those crowns, but hadn't thought to put it outdoors. Love seeing your mini daffy's and the birds in the bog. Happy Springtime! PS - we will be traveling this year too. Amsterdam, Brugge, Paris, London, York. All in May.

  23. I'm thrilled to hear you will be adding the Paris to Normandy Seine River cruise to your European trip Lorrie. That was part of our Sept./Oct. trip last year and we so enjoyed it. Will you be visiting the WW2 Beaches? Also Auvers-sur-Oise (Vincent Van Gogh) and Giverny (Claude Monet), both so wonderful - you may recall I wrote posts on all those great historical places throughout Normandy. Let me know if you need any info. when choosing your shore excursions. Which shipping line are you going on? We were on Avalon Waterways and loved everything about them.

    Happy weekend - Mary

  24. I love your five, especially your trip to London - maybe we might just bump into each other :) It was funny, but I was just thinking of my great grandma's Victorian table cloth and that I need to get a break in the clouds to take some photos. Great minds hey! xx

  25. Sounds lik you have so much to look forward to this summer and I'm looking forward to following along with your travel plans.

    I get so excited with all the signs of spring but seeing thy hyacinth and daffodils are my favorite. Our daffodils aren't up yet but the hyacinth started blooming last week.

  26. Just that spring might finally be here.

  27. Hello Lorrie. Sorry I missed commenting on this Five on Friday post. Some lovely images here and lots for you to look forward to in the coming months at home and abroad. The river cruise from Paris to Normandy sounds wonderful.

  28. Thrilling for you Lorrie. Do you have a plan for London?


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