Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Last Summer Day

Here we are, almost to the end of September, and summer lingers. Shimmering days of warmth that cool to "pull up a blanket" nights create some of the most perfect weather imaginable.

I've picked raspberries twice this week, probably a pint each time, and today I gathered another handful. This is luxury. 

Tomatoes that just won't quit. I hate to say I'm getting tired of them, for in a month or so they will be mere memory. So I pick and roast and freeze against the dark chilly wet that will soon be upon us. 

The roses don't seem to have any inkling about the cold front that is moving in tonight. Growth abounds and I fear that their promise will be nipped in the bud, so to speak.

Today was so lovely I could hardly bear to be indoors. Since we are learning about activities we like to do in Spanish class, I asked them if they would like to go for a walk. Of course, they did! And so we spent 15 minutes walking around the block, enjoying this last summer day. 

Echinacea opens, a stalwart perennial that I planted a mere month ago. I bought one white and two purple and hope to have masses of blooms late next summer.

We celebrated two of the family's three birthday celebrations last weekend. I brought a tray of stuffed jalapeno peppers - pepper poppers. They are a treat most of the family enjoys. A bit fussy to prepare, but gobbled down in a hurry. It's always a bit of a gamble to eat them, for jalapeno's heat is highly variable, and there's no way to know until it's in your mouth.

There's been some reading, as well. Louise Penny's latest Inspector Gamache mystery Glass Houses, as well as the stack above. The Susan Wittig Albert stories are gentle mysteries set in England's Lake District, featuring Beatrix Potter! The historical timeline is correct, but the events and other people in the books are fiction. Even the animals play a part in solving the mysteries. I enjoyed reading Luard's book mostly for the essays written about each month of the year. 

I mentioned a Grilled Kale salad a few weeks ago and some asked for the recipe. I used this recipe for the grilled kale, but then added nectarines and goat cheese instead of the plums and ricotta, because that's what I had on hand. The dressing of balsamic vinegar, olive oil, a bit of honey, and fresh thyme was delicious.  Now I have a bag of plums in the fridge, so perhaps a plum version is next. 

The garden beckoned when I returned home this afternoon and I followed its siren call with my camera. The bees were busy, busy among the flowers, especially the oregano. 

Tomorrow, they who watch these things say, clouds and rain will prevail. It's best to enjoy the weather that comes along, for we really can't do much to change it. So out will come the cozy sweaters and blankets, and there will be tea and chocolate in the evenings, along with a lighted candle for cheer.


  1. Lorrie, each photo was my favorite, until I saw the next one! Then when I saw the bee photo, I had a clear winner. That is astonishing! Wish I had your "problem" of too many homegrown tomatoes, and I'd take some of those raspberries off your hands as well.

  2. I must admit to been a tad envious of your harvest, since our move we are sadly lacking on the garden front. We hope to start getting a vegetable plot established soon. Beautiful photos.

  3. Great shot of the bee! Our roses seem to like September weather.

  4. Lorrie,

    Harvest sounds so simple (and happy) but I know it requires a ton of work in the spring and all summer long. My sister used to get a ton of tomatoes, and she would boil them a few minutes, peel the skin, and then store them in the freezer to make all sorts of recipes during the winter. Grilling sounds fantastic,too. I like to do red peppers, but I want to get them at our farmer's markets, sadly, I didn't get to many. Maybe you know this. I am loving the recipe with the kale, it looks wonderful. I've had grilled kale in Asheville and have wanted to find a recipe. It has a whole different flavor that way than fresh.

    We are having cool temps and I'm soon happy! I hope you have the rain you need, and then good fall weather!


  5. Oh I can feel the heat of your day, what a lovely post. I’ve just read my first my first inspector Gamache novel and thoroughly enjoyed it will have to look out the Lake District one. Have a good weekend. B x

  6. Hi there Lorrie, I surfed in through Diane's blog and wanted to let you know I'd been here. What a LOVELY BLOG you have here! I am enjoying all your posts and the pretty pictures. I've never been to your area and like learning about new places. I blog from beautiful Charleston, S.C. Happy weekend!

  7. You still have tomatoes! Mine finished a while ago, and I recorded that I had 25 pounds from the season, so not too bad, though not as good as last year. Like you, I still have roses that don't know Summer is over. Hasn't the year gone quickly?

  8. Copying and pasting from afar, which makes it a trick to remember all I want to say, though perhaps it is not necessary to say it all. I do, however, believe that one must say something after having read this gentle post (essay) on fading summer.

    Will you cut the tender blooms to enjoy in the house or will you pray that they are strong enough to make it through the cold and rain? I find my silly little roses to be quite hardy. I am sure that without the deer perpetually lopping their heads off that it would have been a spectacular year.

    Love the image in my mind of a class on a walk to enjoy the have taught them something precious when they remember it. Course you may be asked to take many walks! 🍃🍂🍃

  9. Perfect celebration of the end of September
    The salad looks great. I'll try the ricotta and the goat cheeses.

  10. I love raspberries - they are one of my all time favourite fruits - we too are still picking tomatoes - I never tire of them as their flavour is so much better than those purchased from a shop. It is lovely to enjoy sunshine during these months, it feels like an extra bonus.

  11. You beautifully describe the change of seasons. Such a welcome they are, and a blessing to live where they are distinct. Your kale salad looks and sounds amazing. Enjoy the cooler temps this weekend.

  12. Your gardens are a joy to behold

  13. Hello Lorrie, great idea to take your class outside. What a warm day it was yesterday! I read all of those fictional mysteries by Susan Wittig Albert. Enjoyed the animals communicating. :)
    Those poppers looks amazing! Would love to pop one in my mouth. Have a good weekend!

  14. I enjoyed your lovely day, Lorrie - it sounds near to perfect, to me. How wonderful to take your students outside. I'm sure of all their memories of school, this will be one of the best. The photos are wonderful and my mouth is watering over those poppers. xx Karen

  15. I would have gobbled down those pepper poppers too, as well as the yummy grilled kale salad (I didn't even know you can grill kale...). After over a week of scorching temperatures, we're now in sweater weather.

  16. Yummy looking Poppers and a grilled kale salad...oh my they look delicious!
    Its a beautiful day here on Pender Island at Otter Bay...sunshine peeking through the clouds and a few showers but the fire is on and there are good books close by...I have on reserve Louise Penny's newest book...cannot wait to read it.

  17. What a lovely post! And that photo with the wasp was incredible. Poppers huh? They look great but I'm afraid I could never eat Have a great weekend! :) Kit

  18. Ahh raspberries and tomatoes still in the garden, how utterly wonderful. Walking with students so special. And reading Susan Wittig Albert, I have enjoyed her books in the past and must go searching for more. Those poppers look delicious and my family would love them. Happy Autumn!!!

  19. Raspberries ... my favourite berry! You're certainly squeezing out the last of summer in the garden. Yes, we must enjoy it while it lasts. I keep the kids outdoors every opportunity and tell them the bitterly cold days will be here soon enough!

  20. Whenever I have a chance to catch up on favorite blogs, I stop by here for a cup of virtual tea with you. Always refreshing and inspiring. Thank you for the beauty and heart you offer! Alexandra from OlenkasSong

  21. Such a beautiful and and varied post ; I always enjoy visiting here :)

    I just picked 5 tomatoes today...I was tempted to pull the plants up and be done with them a week ago as it seemed that they were done, but no..waiting worked.


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