Friday, December 15, 2017

Before the Party

Dust is banished. China and crystal gleam, waiting to be used. The fridge is bursting. An air of expectancy fills the house as all that's left is to wait. 

How do you feel before a party? Up until Wednesday, two days before the party, my mind whirled, my hand wrote lists, and I woke up at night thinking of something I didn't want to forget (even if it was on the list). 

By Wednesday I realized that everything that needed to be done, had been done, and the rest didn't matter. Last night I did a final dusting and vacuuming. We're ready. I like this stage of hosting big get-togethers.  

I was thinking that this time is a parallel, on a much smaller and insignificant scale, to Advent. We prepare, we count the days, we anticipate, and finally, we just wait until our guests come through the door. Joy fills our being as we welcome each one. Advent, of course, celebrates the coming of just one, so eagerly longed for that the party is held again and again each year.  

This morning I set out the dishes: a station for cold drinks, another for hot, the dining room table for the savouries, and the dry sink for the sweets. Hopefully this will keep people moving. Those little pink post-it notes on the platters? They are to remind me what's going on each one. I sorted that all out earlier this week. 

In the darkness between 8 and 8:30, the mantel lights glow and the fire throws cheerful warmth. Cushions are plumped and all is ready. 

Do I feel like going to teach classes today? Nope. I cope by compartmentalizing - once I'm out the door my mind focuses on school and home thoughts are left behind. 

Just one more thing - this sweetheart is 7 years old today! Happy Birthday, darling girl. Where did the years go?


  1. I love this post. I am usually on HYPE before a party. THis year my kids will help me as they arrive two days before we host an open house. Im determined to enjoy the whole gathering. people are driving over and hour, to visit us. I want the food and goodness to overflow. The birthday girl is so dang cute

  2. You are ready and you will enjoy it so much because you have thought it all out and prepared!

    My granddaughter turned 7 this year, too! How does that happen so quickly?

  3. Your prep and anticipation feels familiar, even the post-it notes on the platters and spaces of what will go where when the time comes.

    Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!

    PS And a very happy birthday to your sweet 7-year-old granddaughter!

  4. I always fret a bit before company is coming. I guess it's just my nature but I understand I'm not alone. I'm happy to realize that many ladies are like this before a gathering in our homes. It sounds like you have everything ready and a lovely time will be had by all. Enjoy!! I also had a little lady turn seven this month. Happy Birthday to your little one!

  5. Looks lovely and so well organized...I suspect that you are great at planning if you have all these things done before you leave for work! Minimizes the stress...lists really help me stay organized.
    Enjoy your event and weekend.

  6. With all that planning it is sure to be a perfect party.

  7. I am just the same - lists are made, then completed, and new ones compiled, my mind works overtime instead of sleeping, and then the occasion finally arrives.
    Happy Birthday to the'sweetheart' who is seven years old today.

  8. Anonymous1:12 PM

    so beautifully prepared you are,, and a very pretty birthday girl,

  9. Enjoy the evening so beautifully prepared. Seven? Wow. Tempus Fugit.

  10. I hope you have a wonderful gathering. Spending time with loved ones is so special. Hugs.

  11. Happy Birthday to your little darling!!!
    I love to give parties--although that isn't happening this year. I love all the planning and prep and try to have everything ready a full day before the party so I can just add the final touches at the last minute. I sometimes help my daughter to give her parties and she works full-time...SO...we are working right up to the last minute and hoping we have time to shower and change clothes. LOL..and that is how she rolls!

    Have a blessed, wonderful weekend. xo Diana

  12. Everything looks wonderful! I hope your party is a success, but I am sure it will be. I have never been a fan of parties (shy) and I envy the people who can pull them off with such skill. Have a great time! Kit

  13. Organization goes a long way in having a successful party and it looks like you have it. I do love it when everything is ready and waiting for guests to arrive. Looks like you are in for a good time. Hopefully you'll let us know how it went!

  14. Preparation and Planning Prevents Poor Performance! You are SO well-organised and your home looks beautifully festive. I hope the party went well. x

  15. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. From the look of things your party was a huge success thanks to all your planning ahead.
    Bon dimanche.

  16. No doubt by now your guests are still talking about the warm hospitality received at your holiday party. How could they not when everything was so well planned and beautifully presented.

  17. Your Christmas decor is lovely. The closer I get to my holiday vacation (4 sleeps left!), the harder it is for me to keep my mind at work. Happy Birthday to your adorable granddaughter!

  18. I just love how you have organized down to the very last detail, and you can relax at the last minute, and just enjoy knowing that all is well and ready! I love what you said "dust is banished" lol! What a great feeling that is! One can only wish it would stay banished forever, ha! I know your party was a success, and I can't wait to read all about it!

  19. I had to scroll back to see the party you mentioned. Sounds like you were well organized ahead of time. That always makes things easier and less stressful. Glad to hear it went so well. xo

  20. I'm so behind but happy to catch up and see the preps for the party. Happy Birthday to your sweet grand!

  21. I can releate so well to your thoughts here, doing things in simlilar fashion. Once everything is ready there is a certain anticipation that is very special. Yes, I've also thought of how Advent in relation to the anticipation of how God must have felt when He prepared the way for our Savior to be born.

  22. Many good wishes, I love the photograph of your adorable granddaughter.
    We spent time with three of ours today, precious moments indeed.

    All the best Jan


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