Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Boxing Day Thoughts

Every year I wish for snow on Christmas Day. In looking back I see that 2008 was a white Christmas, and now, 2017. Light snow began on Christmas Eve. In the morning, I looked out the window to see delicate snow frosting branches and foliage, softening the lines of houses and cars, and transforming the landscape. 

It was the first gift of Christmas Day, and the gifting carried on throughout the day. 

Gifts of the day, in no particular order, included:
* little ones arriving in pajamas
* twinkle lights
* pretty, thoughtful presents
* food a-plenty
* interesting conversations observed, listened in on, and participated in
* cousin love
* creative moments
* a little snowman in the back garden
* talking to my parents via phone
* texting siblings
* cups of tea, hot cider, and homemade eggnog

Our son and his wife gave cardboard houses to the three grands. They came flat-packed and the size of each house is rather grander than first thought. We moved the furniture in the eating area/sitting room (some to the adjoining laundry room) to create space for this instant housing complex. A big pack of markers was put to good use throughout the day. 

The houses came complete with mailboxes. Once discovered, the girls ran downstairs to the playroom to create mail for each others' boxes. It was a brilliant way to keep them busy and happy throughout the day.

Before sitting down to our non-traditional Christmas lunch, we posed for a family photo. I set up the tripod and dashed in during the 10-second delay.

Since some will ask about our non-traditional lunch, here's the menu. It's based on foods we enjoyed in Ecuador. It's a little ironic, because while living far away, I always attempted the foods from home - turkey, cranberry sauce, etc. Now that we're back in Canada, we celebrate with the foods we came to know and love from Ecuador. Here's the menu,

Ceviche de camarones (shrimp ceviche - I like the Ecuadorian version because the shrimp is pre-cooked)

Locro de papas (potato soup) It's always served with slices of avocado on top and chopped or sliced hard-boiled egg

Pastel de choclo (corn casserole) This tastes much like the humitas we enjoyed, but since fresh corn husks are impossible to find at this time of year, we bake the mixture in a glass baking pan.  

Fresh bread, Green salad

For dessert I made a Pavlova with a Cherry Wine Compote, and Whipped Cream. Not an Ecuadorian dish, at all.

I hope that you are enjoying these post-Christmas days. I'm looking forward to lots of relaxation, some reading, long walks, and possibly some sewing. I'm keeping my options open and my schedule flexible. 


  1. What a wonderful Christmas! I'm intrigued by your Ecuadorian meal. The cardboard houses are adorable! I especially like the cute mailbox slots.

    We also had a white Christmas here. A Christmas Eve/Day storm brought 10-15 cm of snow. I was at my parents' place and attempted to assist with the shoveling...this physical activity made me realize that I need to get in shape and improve my upper body strength. HA!

  2. Say, did you miss a year? Love that beautiful family photo! Enjoy your vacation...

    1. All fixed now! Those years go by awfully fast.

  3. Your day sounds wonderful. What a wonderful family photo!

    Those houses are awesome! Great gift!

  4. I love so much of what you wrote about but what caought my attention for future refference were the cardboard houses! What a great idea! I smiled at how you referred to them as a housing complex and how they got into sending mail. That's exactly what our grands would have done. A beautiful family!

  5. You have a lovely family...thanks for sharing the beautiful collage of photos. I also like the way you made a list of all of the happy moments.

    This is a great menu. I'm wondering-did you actually live in Ecuador, or was it a visit?


    1. We actually lived there. For 21 years. Our three children were born and raised there. It was a wonderful experience that I wouldn't trade for anything!

  6. Merry Christmas to you! That's a great family photo. I use a remote for my camera so I don't have to make the mad dash. I found it online and they are really inexpensive. Enjoy your week!

  7. Looks like a good time was had by all - loved the little housing complex what a freat idea! Hope you Christmas continues to be peaceful and happy and sending all good wishes for 2018.

  8. What a wonderful day with so many blessings. The housing complex looked to be a big hit. Best wishes for the New Year.

  9. Your Christmas sounds wonderful and the meal delicious. The housing development that popped up in your house looks amazing and fun. And I love that they made use of those mail boxes! Enjoy this week between.

  10. The houses look like a lot of fun! I'm tempted to try some other form of festive dinner one year. Your Ecuadoran lunch sounds delicious.

  11. How magical to wake up to snow on Christmas. Those houses are so fun! Your menu does sound interesting!

  12. Great family photos. I love those cardboard houses! How fun to make some mail for those boxes. :)

  13. Your collage is so much fun, all those happy faces! Almost as nice as the family photo, but that one is truly tops! Your menu sounds delicious, you must share recipes sometime--the Pavlova too, a favorite of mine that I make each year in May with strawberries for my birthday cake, but cherry wine compote sounds intriguing.

  14. Those pop up houses are great. Your time together along with the food sounded fabulous!

  15. Your menu sounds just delicious! What a beautiful family portrait. I would frame that. I didn't even think to take a family picture.

  16. How lovely to start your day with little ones arriving in jammies, and those box houses are brilliant. Well done with the family photo, you are all gorgeous. Thank you for sharing your Christmas memories with us.

  17. I loved seeing your family photo, Lorrie, and the collage of happy faces. Those cardboard houses look like the best gift! Your menu sounded so interesting, and I'm sure brought back cherished memories of your time in Ecuador. Happy New Year, Lorrie!

  18. It sounds like the perfect Christmas Day, and those cardboard houses are inspired! x

  19. Looks and sounds as if your Christmas was lovely.
    I do like your family photograph.

    All the best Jan

  20. You have such a beautiful family....I see lots of family resemblance too! And how neat are those houses! Makes me wish I could play too! I wonder if I could climb in or would someone have to help me get back out! heehee! Enjoy your week and your break from school! Hugs!

  21. What a wonderful Christmas you had with your family Lorrie! All the best for the New Year!


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