Tuesday, March 13, 2018

On a Quiet Evening

My bag had to be at school this morning, along with my sleeping bag, so that the vans could be packed. We will be driving, in 4 vehicles - 3 large vans and a small bus - for three long days to Mexico. I have a little tote bag and my pillow to take tomorrow. 

As part of the team of chaperones and drivers for this trip, I had to get my commercial driving licence. That meant a computer knowledge test (which I failed the first time because I didn't study enough about engines and torque and shifting), plus a driving test that included a vehicle inspection. That I did pass. Then, I needed a medical sign-off from my doctor assuring the licensing office that I was of sound mind and body. Also passed.

In a recent conversation with a friend, (actually, with more than one friend), she expressed both admiration and not a little horror that I would do such this - both go to Mexico and get my licence. To summarize what my friends said: "I've decided I'm too old to do things that are out of my comfort zone." 

My response is that I never want to feel so old that I'm not going to challenge myself. I am cognizant of my age and I won't be attempting foolish behaviour, such as bungee-jumping, but I'm not willing to stagnate. The students will have a day at Six Flags on the way home, but I won't be riding any roller coasters, thank you very much. 

I don't consider myself particularly adventuresome, and I often have to push through fear and worry to do the things I do. I pray. I trust God. I ask for strength to do whatever it is I need to do. 

On this quiet evening at home, I'm pondering a lot of things: a friend from my high school days is dying, and an uncle is also declining. Life is indeed uncertain, and all too short. Even as I write these words, I push away fear and uncertainty, entrusting my days and this trip to God's hands.

How do you feel about new experiences? Do you find that you sometimes have to acknowledge fear and then decide to not let it stop you?

Several weeks ago I mentioned a sewing challenge - 6 items in 6 weeks. I did finish. Tim took photos of me on Sunday afternoon when the sun shone beautifully warm. Yellow is out of my comfort zone, but I made the vest reversible in case I wanted to push myself a little. 

The family who live nearby came over on Sunday afternoon for a casual dinner. I've been wanting to try Brenda's Sour Cream Lemon Pie ever since seeing it on her blog. It was delicious and a big hit. Those pretty blue napkins are from my cousin from Wales who was here on a short visit and stopped in for breakfast on Saturday morning. They are from the Burleigh Pottery makers in England. 

The weekend's warmth and sunshine has dissolved into cooler temperatures and drizzly rain. I'll be at the school very early tomorrow morning as we plan to catch the first ferry off the island. The house is clean, there are some meals ready for Tim, and there's nothing left to do. 

I may not be able to blog much (or at all), but I'll look forward to reading your thoughts on my return.  


  1. Have a safe trip and have fun!

  2. Travel safely Lorrie but above all have a great time and enjoy the adventure.
    I am always pushing myself when I travel to unusual and distant places and do of course wonder if we are doing the right thing. However, I don't want to end up like others of my age who do nothing to expand their horizons, discover new experiences, or explore.
    I love your yellow vest, and think that it suits you very well.

  3. Well done for finishing the challenge. How you have time I don't know!
    Prayers for safe travel. Take care.

  4. I admire your resolve to not grow stagnant. (I am thinking there are other ways to not do that 🙂, but if God has shown you this is what He wants, this is the way to go.)

    Your nifty yellow vest is a perfect choice because it is offset by whatever color you wear beneath. I once had a pair of yellow pants because I love yellow, but it makes me look a bit peaked when worn near my face. No danger of that with pants.

    My prayers will be with you for safety, good health, and a successful mission. I know that there will be an adventure or two and I look forward to hearing about them when you return.

    Adding your friend and your uncle to my prayers as well. Seems we are never without cares and concerns in this life.

    Many blessings to you and the team!

  5. Dear Lorrie,
    Be safe and enjoy your adventure. I also like your yellow vest. How clever of you to make it reversible.

  6. Good luck, Lorrie! It sounds like a great adventure. I like your yellow vest.

  7. I hope your adventure goes well and that you have a wonderful time, you have worked so hard for it, I admire your ability to challenge yourself:)

  8. Good for you! I hope you have the best time ever! In your home, or traveling to Mexico, God can keep you. People travel all the time. Life is short, so enjoy everyday. Yay! for you!

  9. Lorrie, I love your thoughts about not making decisions based on your age. I think it's wonderful that you are making this trip and even driving a van! That is the only part that would scare me a little. You are quite the seamstress too...beautiful garments...love the color combinations! Have a fun and safe journey!

  10. I’m glad to hear you are still up for a challenge. Age is just a number after all. Those driving exams sound a little daunting. Love all your clothing challenges especially the waistcoats. I look forward to hearing about your trip. Good travelling. B x

  11. Your use of the word 'stagnant' resonated with me; if we're not growing, we are dying. My hubby and I tend to get out of our comfort zones by stretching ourselves in familiar areas such as kayaking (try a new river) or hiking (a more difficult trail or camping overnight). We are confident because we are building on a solid foundation, we have each other and we have God.

    I certainly don't want to leave this life with any regrets - as you pointed out, life is too short and we don't know when we will be called! One of our motivations for retiring early was to have the physical capacity to fulfill our dreams.

    Worry probably affects me more than fear; I am working on dismissing the worry and being in the moment.

    You are the quite the model - clearly a woman of many talents!

    I look forward to hearing from you upon your safe return!

  12. Have an amazing trip. I agree, we do need to challenge ourselves for that is how we grow. Love your sewing challenge and that pie looks soooo delicious!

  13. Well done in all your preparations for this trip.
    Have a lovely time away.

    All the best Jan

  14. Lindas flores. Adorei os narcisos. Cumprimentos.

  15. Happy and safe travels, Lorrie! I look forward to hearing all about your adventures when you return.

  16. I think you are very brave - driving a vanful is a huge thing!

    What is that spidery-french-fries kind of flower? I've never seen such a thing before!

  17. I'm so proud of you and full of admiration, Lorrie! I love that you're doing this trip for the kids, and praying and trusting God.
    Your outfits look wonderful on you, and your pie...can I have a piece, please?
    May God bless you on your travels.

  18. Lorrie, I feel that GOd has connected us today. I am so relieved to hear that others feel as I do about new experiences and travel. I promise to pray for you. I am trying very hard to be positive and trust too. I have to really work at this. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who has travel anxieties. Vacations are supposed to be fun, right? Thanks for your honesty and your sharing. It means so much to me. I feel like God is giving me signs of His love and support through your blog post today!

  19. God go before you and protect you all along the way. Good for you for pushing forward to do all you had to do to prepare for this trip.

  20. The pie--and the crust--look delicious! Your trip reminds me of the years I stepped out of my comfort zone and took teenagers to Romania to work with orphans. It turned out fine as I'm sure your trip will. I just am wowed at the three day journey to get there -- but even that is part of the experience.

  21. I love your thoughts on pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to take this awesome trip! I'm sure it will be something you will always remember and you will have lots of stories to share and laugh over. My two eldest children went to Paris with a group in their French class with their one little teacher as chaperone. It was the time of their lives and they have such happy memories of their teacher, too. I'm sure your students will feel the same. Love your hand-sewn wardrobe - well done! You have been busy.....now that you have your new license, perhaps you will be moonlighting as a long-haul driver? No? :) Can't wait to hear about your adventures! Hope all goes well. xx Karen

  22. Your big adventure doesn't sound like something I'd be up for at *any* age, but you go girl! You're right - sometimes we have to give ourselves a push so we don't become stagnant. Wishing you a wonderful trip!

  23. Oh by now you must be on your way driving down Mexico way and you are truly one brave soul. Back in the day I worked at a school that I had co-founded and I am not sure why, but every time there was a field trip, I had to drive and it was a 16 passenger church van. I kept telling administration that I couldn't drive it, because I needed a special licence and they would not hear of it. "No you are a fine driver, just be careful!" Dear Lord, the long journey's He brought all of safely back from. Rain showers with children is not fun. I hope that you are having a wonderful time. I looked up the lemon pie recipe, will make one. Your sewing turned out great, all of the pieces looks very nice on you. I challenge myself as far as I am able, but you are right, no roller coaster rides for me, not any more. Happy weekend~

  24. Well done you on taking up such a challenge to be driving the bus in Mexico. I don't think I would be up for it. I don't consider myself particularly adventurous either. I wish I was more so. We certainly must make sure we continue to challenge ourselves. Also well done on the sewing challenge. The pie looks delicious (our family loves lemon meringue pie) and have a fabulous week. Safe driving!

  25. Good for you for doing something that is a little scary and out of your comfort zone. You will really bless your students by your willingness to take this on. I think we need to push past the fear sometimes. I'm deathly afraid of heights, but went zip lining a couple years ago. Terrifying but also exhilarating! xo

  26. Wow!! That is amazing. Going to Mexico with the students. Way to go. I hope you have a great time and take lots of photos. Safe travels! :) Kit

  27. Congratulations on pushing your boundaries and I believe in not giving up on anything new just because of the number on your birth certificate. Would it count if I said I would go to Mexico, do whatever needed to be done, ride the rollercoaster on the way home, but not do the driving? I'm not cowardly, just lazy ;>)

    I AM going to learn to pilot our boat before we leave for Oregon. That's a bit of a stretch for me.

    Safe and happy travels (in case you see this along the way) and I look forward to your posts when you return.

  28. Wow. What an adventure! Wishing you a safe trip and a fabulous time & look forward to all your stories once you are back!

    Way to go with the sewing challenge as well! Fabulous.

    The pie looks amazing.

  29. Good for you for taking on such a challenge. I hope you have a great time.

  30. I am so encouraged by your willingness to take on a new challenge. I think that while we still can, we should. I see how my mom can't any more and it makes me appreciate the time I have. I know you will be a blessing to the kids and others on this trip. God bless!

  31. I'm amazed at your tenacity and determination! But I love that with the strength and help of the Lord you are willing to challenge yourself! I think that is so amazing! I have seen some pictures on IG of your travels, and know that the time there has really had a deep impact on you, and will look forward to your written thoughts and pictures when you get back. And wow, to make 6 new things in six weeks, that is an incredible accomplishment too! They all turned out amazing! I will continue to keep you in my prayers, not sure how long you will be gone, but look forward to hearing about it when you get back... also that lemon pie does look soo good! :)

  32. Wow - that is adventuresome - and sounds like an amazing opportunity. I tend to shy away from challenges until I realize that I still need to challenge myself to be my best and aging does take away the chance of doing something dumb - but at least I still try and do things that are sensible. Your flowers are fabulous - and the clothes challenge obviously went very well - great outfits. Oh the pie sound so great -and what a treat to have a visit from a far-away cousin. Keep on enjoying the challenges of life - they are what make for growth and fun.

  33. Hello Lorrie, I saw your interesting photos on Instagram, but only now I know why you are in Mexico. You must have been a good driver all your life. I can drive a tractor, but I definitely wouldn't like to drive a van... especially with passengers. :)
    Your sewing and cooking and baking always produce great results.
    I wish you a safe and rewarding travel and a Happy Easter.

  34. what an adventure that you have embarked upon ! I look forward to seeing your posts about it in the future. Your clothes-sewing projects are clearly a beautiful success/ congratulations! :)

  35. I think you are very brave to drive a commercial vehicle. I think it’s wonderful though. I have always wanted to surf. So at age 54, I decided it was time for me to try. I still don’t know how to surf but I had so much fun trying. I plan to take more lessons really soon. I am terrified of height. A few months ago, I went on an adventurous nature hike with one of my daughters in Costa Rica. There, I had to cross a down tree and several rope bridges over some rapids. It was terrifying but I made it. I was very happy with myself. I think we should keep doing things that are outside of our comfort zone. It keeps us young physically and mentally. Have a nice trip Lorrie.


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