Thursday, November 08, 2018

Friday Bliss / Friday Five

Rain has once again been vanquished by sunshine. This morning I looked outside from the bedroom window to see white-frosted roofs stepping down the street below our house. A frosty morning usually means a sunny afternoon, and such was the case. I like the way sunlight streams into the living room, although I don't admire the way it reveals the need for window washing. 

Last weekend's rain dampened and clogged the bird feeder. They would come and try to feed, but couldn't, so Tim took it apart, washed and dried it thoroughly, and refilled it. It emptied quickly with house finches flying in to chatter and feast. 

Dark-eyed juncos await their turn at the feeder. I can see another housekeeping job that needs to be done. 

Autumn afternoon light slants low and adds a glow to the garden.

I've had a hankering for warming Beef Bourguignon. On Tuesday night I browned each piece of meat, peeled carrots, chopped onions, and deglazed the browning pan with wine and beef stock before tipping it all into the slow cooker. Into the fridge for the night and the next morning I popped the dish into the cooker and turned it on before leaving the house. What a delicious smell greeted me when I walked in the door. I fried up a pan of mushrooms to add for the last hour or so. Such a satisfying dish, and one that's good reheated. 

The weather man has been warning us about cool nights so I yesterday I went out and clipped all the flowers in the garden - dahlias, a couple of zinnias, and a quartet of golden African daisies. 

Mid-autumn is nearly here. How has autumn been for you?

Linking with Friday Bliss, hosted by Riitta of Floral Passions.  


  1. How lovely to still have flowers to pick from your garden. I have just a very few very late roses, but apart from Kaffir lilies not much else.
    You beef looks delicious. I did a beef in beer dish recently which was very good and so right for Winter, ahich seems tobe our season at the moment.

  2. Autumn brings on colour and the warmth of hot stews and those delicious aromas that go with it - yum! I've never had a slow cooker - though I have sometimes thought I should. Have a fabulous weekend ahead, and thank you for stopping by my blog this week.

  3. You show lovely bird photos & a delicious dish. Your dahlia bouquet brightens any day with its colors. It is amazing how well pink & orange go together... We have had both sunny & cloudy days but extremely warm. Wishing you a lovely weekend Lorrie.

  4. Lovely photos, the stew in a slow cooker! Thank you for the reminder I need to buy a slow cooker.
    Autumn here in a lower elevation of Vermont has been extended by the slow to change color foliage. There are pockets of gold and orange as if autumn is playing hide and seek. Tonight, snow in the forecast. It's no wonder a squirrel showed up yesterday.

  5. Lovely photos, Lorrie. I like your little winged visitors and your flower bouquet!

    We've had a lovely Autumn here. Starting this weekend we are getting into colder temperatures and cold overnights.

  6. This autumn has been so beautiful! There are still flowers blooming in the parking lot gardens. The geese are especially noisy flying overhead. I can see snow on the distant mountains now. Your dahlias are so colourful!

  7. Just what I was looking for. A delicious Beef Bourguignon . Thank you Lorrie for this easy, but no doubt, delicious recipe.

  8. Your beef bourguignon looks yummy and what a lovely arrangement of flowers.

  9. Autuum has been up and down like a yo yo.
    Some days warm, then within hours a cold front blows in. Also, very rainy and dull. The leaves are almost totally off the trees, but the colours were beautiful while we had them to enjoy.
    Looking forward to colder days. Yes, I can't believe I said that, but at least with colder days the skies will be blue and the sun shining.
    Your picture have motivated me to make a delicious stew tonight. Your picture looks mouth watering!

  10. November has been lovely here in Nashville and many beautiful leaves are still clinging to branches. Tonight we have our first freeze so I will be combing the garden for blooms too and covering pots of herbs to try to keep them going as long as possible. Your stew looks wonderful, my husband would love that! I will be making a pot of chili tomorrow for the first time this season.

  11. We haven't had a frosty morning yet at the cabin, a bit later than normal this year. I took my geraniums out of the flower pots (repurposed BBQs) and brought them to town to spend the winter in the condo. I did that last year with great success so I'm trying it again. Saves money and I get a more mature plant to start with the following spring. - Margy

  12. November has seen storms here, a little earlier than normal but beautiful skies more than make up for it. The beef bourguignon looks delicious, perfect for the season.

  13. Your beef dish looks so inviting and delicious. And your flowers from the garden, such a pretty bouquet of pink and orange in that wonderful blue vase. And of course I loved seeing your birdies at the feeders, they do add so much joy to life.

    You asked about mid-autumn and what we are up to. I have to admit that autumn is long gone from my mind as our world continues to be covered in snow. I'm trying to keep from rushing ahead to Christmas thoughts, at least wait until after Remembrance Day, but I'm starting to dream and wonder about what I shall do for the season coming up.

    I'm wishing you a beautiful weekend, Lorrie!
    Brenda xox

  14. Seems about time for some beef bourguignon here too. Such a comforting meal. Our weather has suddenly turned cold, damp and rainy. I'm enjoying it so far. I hope you have a good weekend, and enjoy that beautiful bouquet!

  15. Autumn has indeed been beautiful and like you I have noticed the windows with the sunlight shining through them. The beef meal sounds so good and I must make that soon. Happy Autumn!

  16. That is such a pretty bouquet. Autumn has been colorful and very wet...lots and lots of rain.

  17. Your week looked so lovely. Autumn has not hit here yet but it is supposed to be cooler next week. Enjoy your weekend.

  18. Oh that dinner looks wonderful! I liked looking at your last flowers. Ours have been long gone. We've had some snowy days and cold temps. But a warm up is on it's way. Maybe I'll get my leaves up finally. :) Kit

  19. Oh yes, I love the sun until it shows every bit of dust and dirt on the windows - or the streaks I left in their place! Sigh. That beef dish looks like just the ticket for our cooler days and nights - we are making a steak dish tomorrow night - maybe we are on the same wavelength!!! It's been a lovely autumn thus far, but I think winter is right around the corner!

  20. just about the same here in Eugene (unsurprisingly). it honestly never occurred to me that frosty mornings usually mean sunny afternoons, but of course it makes perfect sense. I feel less chilled on a frosty morning than i do when it is drizzly gray even if the drizzly day temp is warmer .... all in my head I know..... your last bouquet of the season is beautiful.

  21. Your Beef Bourguignon is making my mouth water. Even though there is still another month of the autumn season, I'm already feeling the sub-zero chill of winter.

  22. A lovely post, and I always enjoy seeing your photographs.

    Beef Bourguignon. is a delicious dish :)

    All the best jan

  23. Your Beef Bourguignon looks and sounds amazing!


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