Thursday, February 14, 2019

Friday Bliss: Tea, cookies, and SNOW

Bunches of ranunculus appeared in the store this week. Tight buds that will open into layers of pink. I couldn't resist and a small bouquet made its way home with me. 

The big news this week has been the weather. Snow, snow, snow - and more snow. It's been beautiful. School was cancelled for an unprecedented three days in a row. I went for long walks on my own to enjoy the transformed landscape. It's not cold, and so lovely out there.

On Wednesday, I took two grandchildren to visit their cousin, about 15 minutes away. The snow was all the entertainment they needed. 

Driving was fine on the main roads, but our town has few snowplows and side streets were slippery and messy. Coming home I lost traction on the hill on our street, backed up to a clear patch of pavement for traction and set off again, this time with a heavier foot. I made it, but just barely. Later, I saw some of our neighbours out shoveling the street because they could not make it, either.

My father taught me how to drive in all kinds of weather. He drove big trucks and trailers when I was young. To this day he is a good driver. We lived in the north where there is plenty of winter driving, and I feel quite comfortable in the snow.  

This fat robin is probably wondering when the snow will disappear. In the tall tree outside my daughter's dining room window a varied group of birds arrived - flickers, robins, varied thrush, red-headed woodpecker, juncos - all at once, to chatter and feed. 

I stitched a quilted heart to use as a hot mat for a teapot on the coffee table.

Tim and I celebrated Valentine's Day at home, simply, on the 13th. I made dinner, he brought me roses. I baked heart-shaped cookies, a family tradition. Tea and cookies are a lovely way to spend time chatting with a friend, a child, a husband, or anyone.

I hope you've all had a sweet Valentine's Day, celebrating positive and loving relationships in your life. 

Linking to Friday Bliss, hosted by Riitta of Floral Passions.  


  1. Nothing like snow to enhance family time. Sounds like you are having the perfect week. Enjoy. B x

  2. Beautiful snow photos, the smiles show who enjoys the snow the most. I agree cookies and tea are perfect for special times together. I had planned to bake cookies yesterday, but dh and I spent the day shopping.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. It's good to know how to drive in all weather and nice that you got the cousins together for some winter time fun...making memories! I love the little quilted mat. I need to make a new one for next to our coffee pot where our cups sit. Enjoy your day. (we went on a long hike yesterday to celebrate! lol) Hugs!

  4. Such a fabulous snow day photo of the the children, their hats are adorable - they are obviously having a ball in your not often seen snowfall around Victoria.
    You really have had a lot of beautiful 'white stuff' Lorrie - do be careful on those roads, especially early mornings if you head out when the roads may be slippery.

    Glad your Valentine celebration with Tim was enjoyable at home - we did similar.

    Pretty china and the quilted heart is just lovely - you are so talented.
    Sending hugs from balmy Raleigh at present - but an entire week of rainy days ahead!
    Going out this morning to prune the fig tree while we still have a dry, sunny day.

    Mary x

  5. Such a fabulous snow day photo of the the children, their hats are adorable - they are obviously having a ball in your not often seen snowfall around Victoria.
    You really have had a lot of beautiful 'white stuff' Lorrie - do be careful on those roads, especially early mornings if you head out when the roads may be slippery.

    Glad your Valentine celebration with Tim was enjoyable at home - we did similar.

    Pretty china and the quilted heart is just lovely - you are so talented.
    Sending hugs from balmy Raleigh at present - but an entire week of rainy days ahead!
    Going out this morning to prune the fig tree while we still have a dry, sunny day.

    Mary x

  6. Lovely shots of the snow. I love your quilted mat for the tea pot!

  7. I grew up in Michigan and learned to drive in the snow. Your snow fall looks beautiful. Love your heart mat!

  8. What a fun day in the snow, Lorrie! I learned how to drive in the snow, also, living in Ohio and Michigan, but there's not ever much her in Texas. Your quilted heart mat is darling! It sounds like you and Tim had a lovely Valentine's Day.

  9. I can imagine you had lots of fun in the snow with the grandchildren and their cousin. I used to enjoy driving and had to for work, but since retiring to a very hilly region I usually leave it to my husband and use public transport if I go out by myself. The quilted teapot mat is lovely. You're very skilled with a needle or a sewing machine.

  10. Lots of snow here, too. Our kids have missed a lot of school days this year and will have to make those days up come June. Those are precious pictures of the kids!!!
    Hope your flowers open up perfectly so you can enjoy them.
    I absolutely adore that quilted heart!
    Have a wonderful weekend- xo Diana

  11. Your grandchildren look so energetic and happy with the snow! We have also had a snow chaos and my husband got stuck in the snow with his car :) it took him an hour to get rid of the snow.... Ranunculus are so pretty flowers right now, so far I have only had tulips... Your teapot mat is really charming and the tea table so cozy! Enjoy your weekend.

  12. 3 snow days, that is a lot. Do you have to make them up? Snow seems to really be a kids paradise. I remember the snow forts and snow fights. Today the snow is sticky enough to make a snow man here but don't have enough kid in me to day to go out and make one. :)
    Beautiful blissful photos!

  13. The children look so happy to be out in the snow, and it looks really pretty too. I too was used to driving in snow as we spent the first few years of our married life living in Scotland.

  14. Such a pretty quilted mat. My mom makes me quilted potholders which I love. Always feel terrible when I burn a hole in one!! So much snow! Kids love a snow day. Because we homeschooled, we never got any snow days, haha. But I gave them their birthdays off. :)

  15. The ranunculus must have come from a long way away. Perhaps we shouldn’t treat ourselves, considering the air miles, but I must admit I’ve been doing similarly. These dark short winter days I need all the cheer I can get. I have a bunch of Alstroemeria sitting on my sitting room table and a couple of bunches of daffodils in the kitchen and on the mantlepiece. No snow here, I won’t mind not getting another load.

    I really love your teapot and cups. One of these days I am going to get my best cups out, I really will. I am always afraid that they might break but having them sitting in the cupboard brings no pleasure either.

  16. Your pretty Valentine tea time photo would make a great card! We had candy grams at the office on Valentine's Day--I think I consumed more than sugar that day than on Halloween!

    I used to be fearless when it comes to snow driving. When I was in high school, I drove a classmate to a nearby (5 minutes by car) bakery during a blizzard because she needed to get scones for her English presentation (I think it was on Jane Austen?!?). These days, I stay off the roads if I don't need to go out during a snowstorm.

  17. The snow is beautiful and you sound as happy about it as your grands look! And that is very happy! The trouble with snow where you live is probably the same as in our part of Oregon ... most people don’t know how to drive in it. And a lack of equipment to deal with it, as you point out.

  18. Lorrie - I am glad you were able to get out and enjoy the snow. It is very magical, this form of water that has substance!!! We went off the road the other morning (no damage) - it was a solid sheet of ice. My hubby had to get out of the truck and scatter traction sand in order to get us out of the snow bank and back to the house! Your heart-shaped cookies look light and delicious - a perfect complement to tea. Enjoy your week ahead!

  19. Oh look at those smiling faces! I am glad you got some snow to play in. Thanks for the pic of the robin. I miss them! You have a wonderful week! Kit


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