Monday, February 11, 2019

Winter has arrived!

Our corner of Canada is much scorned by the rest of the country when we fuss about snow. It comes infrequently and is usually gone in a day or less. However, we've been in a "deep freeze", or perhaps just a cooler for the past week or so. Some snow fell late Friday, followed by punishing winds that battered against the house and caused multiple power outages, uprooted trees and debris to fly everywhere. 
 On Sunday afternoon the snow began again, this time in earnest. Tim and I went for a long walk. It was magical. Fat snowflakes landed on our faces and we turned our open mouths upwards to catch them, bits of cold on our tongues. Snow fell until around 9 or 10 pm. This morning is white and beautiful - and schools are cancelled. More snow is falling. I'm looking forward to taking a walk on my own later this morning. 

Today is this fellow's 5th birthday. He had his friend party last weekend, followed by a little family party here on Sunday. His birthday is a reminder to me of how God redeems days and memories.
Twenty-five years ago, on this day, this little guy's father was just 10 years old, living in a small town on the edge of the Amazon jungle. He was struck by a hit and run driver and suffered severe head trauma. We were flown to the capital city for medical treatment. He was in a coma for 4 days. His recovery took years, and we are thankful for his agile mind and body now. But over the years, I always mourned a little on February 11th. Perhaps it was a loss of innocence for me, and some grieving in spite of the good outcome.

However, all that grief and sorrow was taken away when our boy's son was born exactly 20 years later. Now there is just joy and thankfulness. Thanks be to God. 

Tulips are brightening the days. These were last week's and I don't have any in the house just now and won't be making any trips to the store to get them in the snow.

I recently finished the binding on this simple quilt. The scalloped edge meant bias binding and I cut miles of it. Enough to do another quilt, I think. I took it out into the snow on Friday for a photo shoot. It was very cooperative.

The snowdrops are currently completed covered in a blanket of snow, so I'm glad I took this photo on Friday. The blooms are almost at their end.

On this snow day, after my walk, I plan on watching Pride and Prejudice while I sew. There will be copious amounts of hot tea, and a lot of gazing out the window, too. 

Linking with Mosaic Monday, hosted by Angie of Letting Go of the Bay Leaf. 


  1. Beautiful post!

  2. Snow is so pretty! The last time it snowed here was December and we got 19 inches in one day. Now that was a little too much for me, because we were stuck here for about 4 days before the plows came! Happy Birthday to the 5 year old!

  3. Such a beautiful read for me this Monday afternoon, it would be nice to see the expression on people's faces when they read such uplifting posts, as I am smiling, and nodding of hearing of How God is always working in our lives, He took something that satan meant for bad and turned it into something wonderful, Happy birthday to your grandson, he is adorable. Thank you for sharing, I am truly blessed. Stay warm and enjoy your sewing.

  4. Oh, Lorrie. I am sitting here in tears as I read your story. My mother-heart can feel the sorrow and grief as you relived those days over the years. How merciful is God to redeem those years with the birth of a son on the very day that once meant pain. God is so good!!

  5. Happy Birthday to your little grandson. The photo of him smiling at his birthday cupcake makes me wonder what special wish is being conjured up before the candles are blown out. The timing of his birthday is truly remarkable. It was with a sense of sorrow that I read about what happened to your son when he was only ten. Can only imagine how hard that was for your family. What a happy day it must have been for all when his son was born. God is good!
    Enjoy your pretty snow while it lasts. Snowfalls are cause for celebration when they don't happen often.

  6. It’s great to get a Snow Day. I did not know this story about your son and the beauty for ashes redeeming of the day, February 11. Just like God! your grandson is a very handsome five.

  7. Oh what a sweet confirmation of God's love and kindness at the birth of your grandson. 5 is such a great age! Enjoy the snow. Sounds like it's snowing again in the Seattle area, too. Happy snow day to you!

  8. Lori, your quilt is so pretty. I suspect that scalloped binding was a bit tricky. It looks festive against that snow. Happy Birthday to that cutie and Happy Valentine's Day!

  9. Happy Birthday to your sweet grandson!

    I prefer to admire the snow from indoors. HA! We're under another winter storm watch: "Winter storm with a combination of 15 to 25 cm snow and ice pellets, possible freezing rain, and strong winds expected Tuesday and Tuesday night. " YUCK!

    Keeping my fingers crossed for a snow day!

  10. ...I've seen many snowdrops, but never as lovely as yours!

  11. What a beautiful post, wonderful pictures and your writing has spoken to my heart this morning. Yes we enjoyed our Florence concert, it was fun after two lots of surgery for my son. You're right life changes in an instant and it is so important to cherish every beautiful gorgeous snowy moment. Our schools in Bangkok were closed last week but not for a snow day but a pollution day! Enjoy your fresh air in your gorgeous country!
    Wren x

  12. I went back and read the story of your son and his son....again! That is just amazing! God shows us His love in so many ways....changing a bad memory into a precious one! Happy Birthday to this sweet little guy and blessings to your son. I raised 4 sons and know how hard it is to have bad things happen to them. It hurts us more than we can say. Hope you're enjoying your snow event. It looks beautiful! Hugs, Diane

    1. PS I love your quilt...favorite colors of mine! And the edging really makes it special! Very nice!

  13. How very wonderful that the date you dreaded and caused you sadness was replaced by a joy-filled day. What a blessing. I am so sorry that your son/you had to go through all the trauma that life caused you.

    I hope you have a wonderful week. Happy birthday to that little bright spot in your life! xo Diana

  14. Lorrie - I am tickled that you found your inner child and enjoyed catching those fat snowflakes on your tongue! Some of the simple joys are the best … A scary story about your son and the coma - glad it had a happy ending - your grandson is quite the handsome fellow. What a clever idea to take your quilt out in the snow for a photo session - since you don't get much snow, this will be a lasting memory! As always, I am grateful for your contribution to Mosaic Monday - enjoy the rest of your week!

  15. I agree with Angie about spreading the quilt on the snow -- not every quilt has that opportunity! And it's a beautiful way to display its loveliness!

  16. That horrific day and following period will be forever etched into your mind, but it was rather special that some of those dark shadows were expelled exactly 20 years later by the arrival of your dear little grandson - poignant memories now given new joys.
    Glad that you got the snow that you were all eagerly awaiting.

  17. Such a beautiful and uplifting post. To read that your Grandson was born 20 years after such a trauma is indeed a blessing. The inner child emerging enjoying the snow was a joy to read. Such a beautiful quilt nestled in the snow, stunning!

  18. Love you photographs again. You have a great ability to capture so much beauty. We are having a Winter storm here in Ontario yet again. Stay warm.
    Karen B.

  19. Such an inspiring post dear Lorrie. That little guy is so adorable and reading the story of what his daddy went through brought tears - thank the Lord he was able to get medical care and eventually made it through the dark days. How hard that must have been for you and Tim.

    Your snow is unusual but lovely - catching snow flakes is something we never grow too old to do on a cold winter's day! Wet here again today, but the birds are chattering all around the sodden garden, and the daffodils continue pushing up along with the brightest green bluebell leaves to add a wee bit of color to the shades of brown.

    Stay warm and safe - Mary x

  20. A grandchild’s birth is such an incredibly joyous occasion anyway ... and beyond words to think how wonderful a gift that this sweet boy was born on that exact day. ..... our families in Seattle and Tacoma are experiencing this weather event with varying degrees of acceptance. not quite as bad in Eugene, but as you say any amount of snow in that corner of either of our countries is an event!

  21. A perfect show to watch! Glad you are enjoying your snow. We got 2 more inches and I can hear the wind bringing us more. 😊 Kit

  22. This is proper winter! I'm almost embarrassed by our blue skies. I hope you're keeping warm, as is your sweet sweet grandson.

  23. How special that your grandson was born on that of all days. Happiness from sadness. Glad your son recovered so well, I can only imagine how hard it must have been for your family.
    I’m enjoying your snow filled days. Not a flake of the white stuff here, in fact spring seems to have arrived. Enjoy your week. B x

  24. Dearest Lorrie; OMG! What a special day you have!!! I can guess what you said and the innocence the sweet little boy has in his smile truly makes our heart warm.
    Although we are having cold days, not piled snow (normally a couple of time by now) . I wish I can see the beautiful white outside; among the pretty pictures, LOVE the first picture and how I wish to take a photo snow with bird p;-)
    Lots of Hug and Lovefrom Japan, Miyako*

    1. PS; Feb. 11th is our National Foundation Day. According to old Japanese mythology, the first emperor of Japan ascended to the throne on this day about 2650 years ago.
      my husband said I should write to you about this ;-)

  25. Similar has happened to friends of mine … and yes, happiness can come from sadness. An inspiring post Lorrie. Your grandson has such a lovely smile, a beautiful photograph of him. In fact all of your photographs are lovely to see.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  26. Love that pic of the snowdrop in the snow! Happy birthday to your grandson. What an inspiring story. God is good.


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