Sunday, April 14, 2019

April Showers Bring April Flowers!

"April was just beginning...And everyone was silent, deep in thought, and everything around was welcoming, young, so near - the trees, the sky, even the moon - and one wanted to think it would always be so." (Anton Chekhov)

The air is soft in late afternoon or early evening. Perfect for walking. Plenty of grey skies and rain mean that everything is green, green, green, a thousand shades of green, and the blossoms are popping out everywhere. Henderson Shooting Stars (Dodecatheon hendersonii) grown on thin stems that seem barely strong enough to hold up the flowers. When I looked up the Latin name today I learned that Shooting Stars are in the primula family. Do they grow in your corner of the globe?

A magnificent trio of prunus trees grows in one garden along a nearby street. The ground beneath is covered in soft pale petals and more petals drift downwards in the slightest breeze. I was caught by their beauty and spent a fair bit of time admiring the trees as I approached. 

Today is Palm Sunday and I wonder, should the Triumphal Entry of Christ have occurred in our city, if we might have waved cherry blossom branches in place of palms to praise the Lord.

We spent some time with friends this weekend, visiting Poet's Cove on Pender Island. I went for a walk with one friend, in steady rain. We returned quite drenched, just in time to see the clouds dissipate and the sky turn blue. There is a Great Blue Heron that I've seen on several visits who likes to fish along the rocky shore facing the dock. He's a handsome fellow, don't you think, with the varying shades of blue and the soft breast feathers that seem to float in the air? 

We watched him stretch out his neck and stand, motionless and intent, and then, quick as a flash, duck his beak into the water and come up with a fish which he promptly swallowed. He then retracted his neck, turned, and picked his way along the rocks to shore.

When we visit Poet's Cove we reserve a cottage with a kitchen so that we can prepare our own food. And we eat well. One couple prepared a dinner with barbecued beer can chicken, and a carrot orzo side dish. Another couple provided a salad and I brought along some sourdough bread that we baked there. Dessert was a lemon tart, a small dish of cold blackberry soup, and white chocolate hazelnut pralines. We are thankful for good friends with whom we laugh and sometimes cry, share delicious food, and wonderful conversation ranging from gardening to politics to religion to travel. We might not agree on everything, and that's just fine. 

Tulips are beginning to bloom here and there, and these pretty ones are on the deck at Poet's Cove. 

Linking with Mosaic Monday hosted by Angie of Letting Go of the Bay Leaf. 


  1. Beautiful Spring! (Beautiful memories for me.). I would think that any gathering in a place named Poet’s Cove would be blessed! The name alone makes me happy.

  2. Lorrie - we have shooting stars here, but it will be another month before their heads will be nodding down by the stream. That heron is very intent - and it paid off! I love to find places like Poet's Cove, where you can get away and yet still have the 'luxury' of good eats and good company. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  3. Poet's Cove is a very poetic name, no wonder you were fascinated and it also reflected in your text! So much beauty. They sell Shooting Stars also in Finland, but I don't have that in my garden - I sure should because it looks so delicate & beautiful. Happy Easter week Lorrie.

  4. We have Great Blue Herons here and they are always such a joy to see. What graceful creatures. A spring weekend spent at Poet's Corner sounds delightful!

  5. Poet's Cove looks like a wonderful place to spend time. Wish I had some of that sourdough bread right now to have with my morning coffee. Have a good week ahead.

  6. Enjoying your lovely photos, the flowers are beautiful. We have not had enough rain here so not many flowers.

  7. Hello, lovely flowers and blooms. Gorgeous photos. Poet's Cove sounds great. Happy Easter to you and your family. Enjoy your day! Have a great new week ahead.

  8. I have never seen Shooting Stars here, but am going to research them to see if they grow here. They are so pretty.

  9. Beautiful photos, and the food!
    I don't recall see the Shooting Star flowers here in Vermont. I Googled it. They do grow in Vermont if you buy the plants. lol

  10. The tulips are beautiful and I love that big Great Blue Heron! Sounds like a wonderful weekend. Enjoy your day! I don't think that flower grows here but I'll look it up too! Hugs!

  11. Spring looks beautiful where you live.

  12. Oh, how lovely! The flowers are so beautiful and what a wonderful place to take a walk. No pretty blossoms here yet but it's only a matter of time. Poet's Cove sounds like a splendid place to spend time with friends and what a feast you had! We have lots of herons here. The park we go to in the city has a wonderful harbour where next month the boats will be sailing and we will have many birds, including herons, to watch. Happy Easter, Lorrie!

  13. No, we have none of those first flowers featured...more’s the pity. The heron reminds me of Arthur Treacher. Yes, I do believe you would wave those beautiful branches of cherry blossoms. I’d wave pine boughs. 😉 My goodness! You do eat well. Nothing like friends and conversations that stretch us.

  14. We have a Great Blue Heron that visits our small creek, off and on. We love to see him! Gorgeous cherry blossoms, and primulas!

  15. Lovely floral images. Life would certainly be boring if friends agree on everything!

  16. What a lovely thought about Jesus and cherry blossoms! Just Lovely

  17. Looks like a lovely spot to spend time with friends. The blossoming trees are such a treat. Love the blue heron! My mouth is watering just reading your menu items. Have a wonderful Easter!

  18. Great shots! I love the heron.

  19. How pretty! Look at that wonderful bird. I could watch them all day long. Sounds like a fun time with your friends. 😊 Kit

  20. The spring greens are such a welcome sight at this time of year. The shooting star flowers are so pretty. Don't think I've seen them around here before. I do find the blue herons interesting to watch. We had one that would visit the goldfish pond at our last house. The wingspan when he would come in for a landing always amazed me.

  21. We do have shooting stars - I've only seen them in the mountains.

  22. Such wonderful photographs …

    All the best Jan

  23. Hi Lorrie,

    Oh those Shooting Star flowers are gorgeous! I don't think I've ever seen them here, but I think they would probably grow in our region. The cherry blossoms are so beautiful; they always make my heart sing. Truly one of my favorites! <3 <3 Yes, the great blue heron is handsome indeed. We saw lots of different herons last summer at Magnolia Plantation Gardens in Charleston.

    It sounds like you had a fun weekend with good friends -- it's a blessing to have friends like that. The blooming tulips are gorgeous! Thanks for all your recent visits, and I hope you have a great week, Lorrie!!

    Warm hugs,



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