Friday, June 28, 2019

Summer Begins

The first day of summer break. School is behind me for two months and summer adventures lie ahead. I didn't sleep well last night, as usual on the first day of break. My mind has no place to settle without the structure of teaching the next day, and so many activities want to crowd in and say, "me, first!" It takes a few days to find a summer rhythm.

Yesterday we awoke to welcome drenching rain and a day that remained cool and cloudy. The thirsty ground drank it in and the hydrangeas curved low to the ground with the weight of water. They've bounced back and are ever so pretty. I have several bushes of them in my garden and each blooms a different colour although they are from the same stock. Varying soil conditions, I suppose. 

My sister-in-law from Alberta was out for a visit and the two of us went for lunch at Cary Castle Mews on the grounds of Government House. The setting is lovely, but the lunch was just so-so. After finishing our cups of tea we took a stroll through the gardens. White roses flourish against a stone retaining wall.

I've always loved the idea of a walled garden, ever since reading The Secret Garden many years ago. The idea of a private place, tucked away from public view appealed to me then, and now, but I'll also add the appeal of creating a warm and windless micro-environment to my grownup wishes. 

A few late Irises bloomed in the garden and I couldn't resist snapping a photo in honour of our newest little granddaughter of the same name. Three weeks old today. I was there for four days last week and hated to leave. She is utterly precious. 

Back in my own garden the first dahlia opened after the rain. Petunias bloom in profusion. The first flush of roses is almost ended, but there will be more. We're picking raspberries and enjoying them for breakfast, as well as putting 2-cup portions in the freezer. Unfortunately, we have a stink bug problem and picking them is rather tedious as each berry needs to be inspected. The nymph stage of the stink bug is rampant. I've been looking up solutions and will be attempting something soon. Fortunately, the bugs fall off easily when I shake the berries, but what a nuisance. 

It's a good year for lettuce - do you want some? The first tomatoes are formed, tight green orbs that will ripen into delicious soft redness, and we've eaten a few early blueberries. Oh, what a delicious time summer is. 

One Sunday afternoon Tim and I went out to East Sooke Park and walked the Coast Trail. It's such a beautiful place. I was especially struck by the fields of daisies blowing in the wind, a white undulating wave among the green.

More and more, it seems that bloggers are abandoning the format. I've contemplated leaving, but I enjoy words more than photos, and the slower pace that blogging seems to enforce upon me, and probably upon the few readers I have left. I've been so occupied with other things recently and am looking forward to having more time to write blogs and to read and interact with others. 

Today I'm looking forward to a visit from my eldest daughter and her daughter, followed by getting ready for a short boating expedition this afternoon. 

Tell me, what are your thoughts on summer? On blogging versus other social media platforms? On life in general?


  1. That photo of the dahlia is stunning! Our summer is speeding by! My tomato plant has tons of tomatoes, all green in various sizes. I think in the next couple of weeks we will see some of them ripening. As far as blogging goes, it is my choice of social media.

  2. Enjoy your summer! The flowers are beautiful!

  3. The flowers are gorgeous and congratulations on the arrival of your newest granddaughter! It's interesting that you enjoy words more than photos. So do I. Although I enjoy the photos, I first began blogging because I needed to write. I used to write short stories for the church bulletin and when I no longer did that, I turned to blogging to express myself. However, the last two or three years has found me struggling with words to share. I think I'm just plain tired and maybe I really do need to take a long break from it. But I have noticed that FB friends are posting sometimes two and three times a day and I don't want to be doing that either. So, I guess we'll see what transpires over the summer months. Enjoy your company and Happy Canada Day weekend!

  4. I love to blog! I enjoy sharing photos and writing a little...and then connecting with friends I've made over the years. It's enjoyable for me and I want to continue and hope you will too. It's interesting to hear about your life and to see glimpses of what you see so many miles away. Hydrangeas are my favorite flower and I don't have any here in Florida. Enjoy your weekend! Hugs!

  5. The white roses against that blue sky are lovely.
    It is a shame about blogging but as long as the few blogs that I do enjoy are still here then I am happy - so please don't stop.
    I have an instagram account which I hardly every used. It is boring, people put up a photo usually without any words or descriptions.
    Enjoy your summer break and may the sun shine for you.

  6. Oh summer holidays await...beautiful flowers. I particularly like the roses juxtaposed against that rock wall at Government House. I have taken similar pictures. Sorry to hear that your lunch was just so-so I haven't been to the tea room yet this year and plan to go with a friend.
    Hope that you sleep better tonight.

  7. So glad that you are on summer break with a bit of extra time for blogging. You’re a natural!

  8. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Oh my goodness gracious your photos are amazing! The blossoms are so beautiful, I do not do Facebook or instagram, I just blog and I left blogging for a while when it became difficult but I’m back now because I missed the friends I have made, I blog on a much smaller scale than I did in past years for many reasons but purposely to keep in contact with the great people I have met through blogging, I enjoy your blog and I do hope you continue.

  9. Beautiful flowers and such a pretty name for your new Grandaughter. I don't use Facebook or Instagram and like to blog as I like to learn from others and visit places that I am unable to in real life. Today I learnt that your school holidays are the same as Scotland, England starts a little later another two/three weeks away depending on where you live.

  10. I remember those first few days of the summers holiday, bliss but somehow nebulous. Trying to get your head around the order of life. Just been visiting some glorious walled gardens in perfect midsummer. Hope the sunshine returns to your corner soon. Enjoy your garden. Bx

  11. You are a good writer and I hope you don't end your blog. I am finding myself lagging a bit, partly because now that I'm retired I'm not on my computer as much, and it all takes more of an effort. It seems retirement is busier than ever, but in a more fun way. Lots to enjoy and lots of ways to invest in others' lives, including our grandchildren. I guess I love IG because it is quick, and I do love photos and playing with them. I'm glad I see you on both places. I can understand your lack of sleep. Sometimes I get so busy thinking of all I want to do in a day during the early morning I just go ahead and get up. Hope your time on the boat is relaxing and helps you get in the summer mode!

  12. Happy Summer Vacation!! I love all your pics. I think that is one of the best parts of summer, seeing everyones flowers. I use my blog as a third journal. I love taking pics with my phone so IG is a great place to share. But I will continue blogging forever. Though my posts do tend to spread out come my busy time of year. I still love it! Today is a perfect Montana summer day. :) Kit

  13. You are a gifted writer and that would be lost with Instagram. Happy summer to you. Love your description of your mind and trying to sleep your first night of summer vacation. :)

  14. My gosh- what gorgeous flowers and your words are beautiful, too. I love summer and all the green and growing things that everyone shares. Hope you have a blessed Sunday night- xo Diana

  15. Although my spring and early summer has been over-busy, I do miss blogging more regularly. And I certainly miss reading the blog posts of my friends. I think that Instagram offers the appeal of a quick check-in, which is often what we have time for! (When I upgrade my "antique" cell phone, I will probably post more frequently on Instagram.)

    I can imagine that it was hard to leave that sweet new baby Iris! Grandbabies are some of life's sweetest blessings!

    Happy summer to you! You've probably hit your summertime groove already!

  16. A new granddaughter? My goodness I have missed a lot in the last few months. Congratulations to you all. Wonderful news. So enjoyed seeing what's going on in your garden. Beautiful blooms and, yes, I'll gladly accept some lettuce as that season is long past in my garden. I so hope that you don't decide to abandon your blog. I still love to read blogs and it makes me sad to see so many that are no longer blogging, although I totally understand the reasons. My own blog seemed to be destined for the scrap heap. Not much left to say and increasing spam comments were taking the fun out of it. However, since our summers are so HOT and I am indoors more I think I'll dabble for a bit longer.

  17. Beautiful floral shots!

    Sometimes I struggle to come up with a weekly blog post, but I'm glad that I've managed to keep it up. I'm not very active on social media and use it to follow others. I joined Instagram in December 2017...and only posted two photos. Whoops!

    Here's an interesting article on "The Return of the Blog":

  18. awesome article.
    thanks for sharing :)

  19. Well, there's just nothing like a good blog that you hang onto and feel you know the author in time. Having just met a blog pal last week for real, in person, it reaffirmed all the great gifts blogging brings to me. I love your flowers!

  20. Summer? I love it. I'm so glad we have seasons. As for your blooms...they are just beautiful! I rather like Instagram for a 'quick share' of life as it happens, but I still like to blog as a record for myself. My monthly re-caps and travel posts are my journals these days. I still enjoy visiting some of my original blog friends, though many are no longer blogging. Happy Canada Day!

  21. Lorrie - I love every season while I am in it! Right now I am glorying in the flowers and baby animals and the long hours of sunlight that summer brings.

    As you know, I have only been blogging for a couple of years, so I am still enjoying it. Since I am a relative newbie, I hope that people continue to participate … I follow some of my family and friends on FaceBook, but I don't post myself, and I don't use other forms of social media. Like you, I want more of a story and I enjoy writing myself, so blogging is better suited to that. In the end, I am blogging first for me, so even if no one ends up reading it, I will be happy!

  22. My favourite seasons are Spring and Autumn …
    Lovely to see your photographs.

    I enjoy blogging and visiting friends in 'blogland'.
    I don't do Instagram or Facebook or Twitter.

    All the best Jan


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

Spring Prelude

  Fine rain fell as I walked through Butchart Gardens with a friend this morning. Signs of spring are popping out everywhere. Witch Hazel ha...