Sunday, November 17, 2019

Catching Up

A few weeks ago I attended a Pro-D conference for language teachers. They had a draw for a prize and package and to my immense surprise, my name was drawn. This past weekend Tim and I caught a ferry to Vancouver. Included in the package was one night at the Hyatt Regency. Our room was on the 29th floor, with a wonderful view of the North Shore mountains. Well. Our view was completely obscured by rain that fell during most of our stay. The view across the street, of the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, was pretty nice, though. 

I'm not crazy about heights, but it was fascinating to watch (for a short time) the traffic moving on the streets below. This was during a lull in the rain. 

Our package also included VIP tickets to Cirque du Soleil's "Luzia". We were treated so well. Before the show we enjoyed Prosecco and hors d'oeuvres in a private room. On our way into the show we were handed bags of popcorn, and our seats were excellent. During the intermission we went back to the private room for dessert, and received a little gift bag. I felt quite spoiled by it all. 

The show was jaw-dropping. I've seen quite a few Cirque shows on DVDs (we show snippets in our French classes), but to see the performance live was a completely different experience. The grace and strength displayed by the performers is truly mind-boggling, and the crowd was gasping and awe-struck many times. The theme and costumes were all so artistic - I really can't say enough good about it all. 

We had a relaxing morning in the hotel since the heavy rain convinced us to not walk along the water as we had planned. Instead, we drove out to Steveston and found a little place for breakfast. The rain stopped and we took a short walk along the harbour front before heading to the ferry. 

By then it was all blue skies, puffy clouds, and brilliant sunshine. I went out on deck to take photos in Active Pass, where ferries often pass each other. 

These ferries are our connection to the mainland, and are part of the highway system. It's a pleasure (usually) to ride them, too, although some people complain about the time it takes and the costs (which is not cheap!) I enjoy the ride because I can read, eat a meal if need be, or just sit and watch the scenery pass. 

Home life is full of the daily routines that make up much of one's schedule. I find much satisfaction in preparing good food, keeping the house tidy (I do the dreaded jobs first - like cleaning the bathrooms), and puttering around. I bake every week, but don't often take photos of it - these are some ginger sparklers (chewy, not crisp) that were made awhile ago. There are none left, and I'll be baking something else this week. 

Are you thinking about Christmas yet? I've pulled out Nigel Slater's "The Christmas Chronicles" and read a snippet or two each day. I made a stocking for our newest grandchild, and have begun making a few simple Christmas gifts. I'm trying to be realistic about the time I can devote to that, but my yearning usually overtakes the practical. 

This past weekend in Vancouver is actually the second in a row that we've been away. During the previous weekend we visited my parents and siblings in Abbotsford and Chilliwack. We took a short walk on the Vedder River Canal and spied this heron perched in a tree, eyeing the river for salmon. 

 Closer to home we've seen a variety of birds in our garden, at the feeder, including a Northern Flicker. He's much larger than the usual House Finches, Chestnut-backed Chickadees, Nuthatches, and Sparrows that usually visit. 

Between travels near and far, and a busy teaching schedule, I've neglected this blog, and have not read or commented as much on others as I would like. I'm hopeful that I'll have a more settled routine going forward. Thank you to my faithful readers and commenters. I appreciate each one. 

How about you? Are you thinking about much? Planning for the holidays? Do tell. 


  1. What a wonderful treat, Lorrie, good for you! I love the Cirque du Soleil and how nice to watch it in style.

  2. What a lovely package to have won - it sounds to have been an all encompassing delightful weekend. It is now many years since I have been to a Cirque du Soleil performance, but I will never forget the magic of it, and as you mention the grace and the strength of the performers.

  3. That was a fantastic prize to win at Pro-D. I've been working a lot so much has been neglected. We're leaving for Arizona in 2 weeks. We will drive down with our dog nd our daughter will fly down for Christmas. I've never been to a Cirque du Soleil show. It must have been lovely. The last time I took the ferry, I paid for the quiet lounge and read my book the whole time. I was a foot passenger so it was inexpensive. It always feels like a mini-cruise to me.

  4. What a wonderful gift you had! Too bad about the rain. I would enjoy riding a ferry. Just beginning to think about Christmas....

  5. Oh pooh on that rain!

  6. That must have been such a lovely surprise....and to see the Cirque du Soleil also, such a treat.

  7. Congrats on winning such a cool prize. It must have been fun to get a taste of VIP living!

    I have started thinking about Christmas. I only have basic cable and had a free preview of a channel that had the Hallmark Christmas movies. So I watched as many of the cheesy holiday films as I could during the preview. HA! My Christmas decor will go up next weekend.

  8. That was the best prize! Glad the sun came out for your 'cruise' back to the island. I always enjoy that ferry ride on a nice day...a mini-cruise.

  9. Hi Lorrie,

    What a nice bonus for you to win this trip! Your photo of the street and cars below your hotel room reminds me very much of our view from the Warwick Hotel in Manhattan several years ago before Christmas. We weren't as high up as you were, though (I don't care for heights either). I love your bird pictures! Those herons can be quite large, can't they? Such interesting-looking birds. The Northern Flicker looks like he's in the woodpecker family?

    We're looking forward to Thanksgiving at my in-law's house this year, and I've already started decorating our house for Christmas. It seems to take me longer every year, so I have to start earlier. I know what you mean about blogging and visiting; I seem to stay behind all the time these days, and it makes me feel bad. We just do the best we can, right?

    I hope you have a good week, Lorrie!

    Hugs to you,


  10. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Enjoyed the blog and the nice photos.
    Ginger cookies look so good, would you share the recipe?

  11. Congratulations winning a trip!
    Neat photos, you two make a cute couple.

  12. Too bad the rain obscured your view, but you still managed to enjoy the time away. I do a little Christmas baking, but since I have a very small family, we don't use a lot. I used to do lots of crafting for Christmas, but the arthritis in my hands has put a stop to that.

  13. How very nice to be treated so well at that performance. What beautiful photos of the ferries. I never knew of ferries until we moved to Washington State. It is a great way to travel the miles over water. Those cookies look delicious. Our (U.S.) Thanksgiving this year is late and it will delay Christmas decorating plans. I am thinking about gifts...

  14. Great WIN!!!!! Im so happy you won and enjoyed it. Hooray> It is okay if you aren't able to post as much, we all have times like that! No worries. I love flickers We have them here and there is one kind that is very prehistoric, looking. Pileated woodpeckers??? that may be it.

  15. Congratulations Lorrie on winning that trip.You will be able to share the experience with your class.Good picture of the Heron.

  16. What a delightful trip for you and your husband, even though there was some rain on your party! How amazing to see the show in person, and to be treated so kindly throughout the show! Loved seeing the picture of you and your husband! And the ferries, I imagine there is a bit of a love/hate relationship with them, lol. Those molasses cookies looked soo good, we love the chewy kind here as well. We have cut sugar out of our diet, and so I don't bake as much as I used to, although with the holidays coming up, we may relax a bit on that, especially now that I have a hankering for some molasses cookies :) Truly, there is no place like home! Blessings and hugs :)

  17. Enjoyed your photos and the Cirque would have been amazing to see in real life too. We are thinking about an Alaskan cruise and a few nights in Vancouver, we have been there for a couple of days a long time ago, but are looking forward to seeing more of the beautiful city. If you have any ideas for sightseeing or a day trip I would like to hear about it. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Congratulations on your win. It looks and sounds like a fabulous time despite the rain. Your ginger cookies look so good. Christmas has begun to tiptoe in here. I'm still trying to hold off until our American Thanksgiving has come and gone to bring it all out.

  19. Wow! What a special treat to win. Love your cookies, they look so good. I was just looking at Nigel's Christmas Chronicles this morning and thinking it was time to read more of it. And always lovely nature and birds all around you.

  20. How fabulous you won such a great get-a-way - just sorry the weather didn't cooperate better! Great pic of the two of you with wings!
    I love sailing on your ferries - the trips are so beautiful in that area.

  21. Congratulations on winning the getaway, Lorrie! The photo of you and Tim with the butterfly wings is darling! Your ginger sparklers look wonderful. I'm a big fan of chewy cookies.

  22. Lorrie - I once attended a safety conference, and one of the recommendations was to always stay on the 9th floor or below in a hotel. The reason? Fire ladders can only reach to the ninth floor! I have a slight fear of heights to start with, and this only added to it! We have seen one Cirque performance, in Las Vegas, and yes, it was jaw-dropping. How wonderful that you also received VIP treatment! I have thought about Christmas only with respect to finishing my Christmas tree skirt, and putting up the outdoor lights before it got too cold. The rest will have to wait until we return from a US Thanksgiving trip! Enjoy your weekend!

  23. Congratulations on winning the overnight package and cool extras with it!

  24. What a wonderful treat you had won, Lorrie!
    Thank you for your comment. You are one of my first readers so I am very happy if you are interested to stay in touch. I was preparing the list of addresses... and it looks that the invitations were already sent, which wasn't my intention because the list isn't ready yet.
    Wishing you a happy week - soon it's December!

  25. Lorrie, what a marvelous getaway! And your photos have quite taken me away. My personal faves are the ferry photos, oh and the cookies of course, and the birds!

  26. You had such a wonderful time with your beautiful grandchildren! The children bring the right Christmas mood.


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

Blogtober Twenty-Seven

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