Friday, September 27, 2024

Sun Followed by Rain


Some mornings I go out to the garden and find drowsy bees curled into flowers waiting for the warmth of the golden sun. On other days the rain drips down in misty curtains and softens the landscape. I wonder where the bees find refuge. I know I am content to stay indoors on those days. I did walk with a friend one morning and came home looking like a drowned rat, my hair dripping. It rained more than we'd anticipated. 

Every few days I fill a vase with water and take it out to the patio table where I arrange the flowers, snipping leaves and stems to discard later. I take note of the symmetry of the blooms no matter what the variety. A vase or two of dahlias, one small one with roses that lose their petals quickly, and a jug of zinnias brighten up various corners of the house. 

A tea party on a rainy morning for a daughter celebrating her birthday was a short but delightful affair. Candles, a vase of roses, and pretty tea cups added to the convivial mood. 

Scrumptious soft madeleines with a hint of lemon. Scones with butter and jam - no Devonshire cream available here. Earl Grey tea. A fun little celebration.

Cora accompanied her mother (the birthday girl) to the party, drinking cambric tea and being very careful of the teacup. Her older sister is now in kindergarten all day. This little one goes to junior kindergarten in the afternoons.

Our eldest granddaughter, now in high school (where have the years gone?), is part of a program teaching students leadership and other skills. The school has a greenhouse and students grow produce, harvest, and market it. I signed up for four Harvest Boxes and received the first one this week. I'll be making the included recipe soon. 

The fallen leaves in the forest seemed to make
even the ground glow and burn with light.
Malcolm Lowry 
October Ferry to Gabriola

This morning I heard the wind sighing in the poplar trees. Wood ducks and mallards paddled on water covered with green pollen. Leaves twirled down to the ground. I was filled with an immense sense of well-being. 

Three September birthdays will be celebrated tomorrow. The day is predicted to be fine, full of golden light. 

Wishing you mellow days filled with contentment.

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Sun Followed by Rain

  Some mornings I go out to the garden and find drowsy bees curled into flowers waiting for the warmth of the golden sun. On other days the ...