Monday, January 02, 2012

A Good Start

Six adults sat around our small table for Sunday lunch. Grandbaby had her high chair. We've more or less settled into our temporary digs and it feels quite cozy. Almost like being in the apartments we lived in as married students at college so long ago. Baked ham, Twice-baked potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower gratin and a coleslaw made for a good meal. A plate of Christmas baking rounded out the menu.

Mid-afternoon we went for a walk. We're enjoying a very mild winter so far and walking is very pleasant.

By the time we headed home the light was fading fast. The days might be lengthening, but progress is imperceptible. 

It was a good start to a New Year. Family gathered together, good food, the enjoyment of nature. 

Our travelers are now in Italy and were invited to an Italian home for New Year's Eve. They say one of the great wonders of Italy, alongside the Coliseum and the Leaning Tower of Pisa, is the amount of food and wine Italians can put away. It was a fantastic experience for them.


  1. That table does look cozy. I can not fit more than six comfortably around mine. It's one of the things I'll be looking for at the flea market...a table for 8 or 10.
    We do not need less room as we grow older, we need more.

    Glad that you are well settled. How long must you wait for the house back? =)

  2. Your young travelers are having a wonderful adventure. Good for them!

  3. I recognise that walk - so glad to know that you are settling back in at home!

  4. I forgot you about you moving!!!!! It's going to be a great year!

  5. Glad you are settling in OK and that your wanderers are enjoying Europe!

  6. You're in already? Boy, that was fast!
    Sounds as if the wanderers are enjoying tjemselves in Italy, I can't wait for our spring trip to Positano to experience all that Italian hospitality myself.

  7. That was quick...the settling in and inviting family for dinner! Enjoy your new/old home.

  8. Delightful move....take care..

  9. You have already moved?? Did you have far to go?


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