Sunday, July 07, 2013

Lavender's Blue Dilly Dilly

Out to my garden in the early evening, just after the irrigation system stops its soft spray. The hammering and drilling noises coming from next door where the neighbour is rebuilding his deck have thankfully ended for the night. Children play in a yard nearby, their voices rising and falling, a sprinkler ticks rapidly, and indistinct hum voices hum from a distant patio, punctuated by bursts of laughter. Butterflies and bees drone lazily.

Early summer pleasures. Among them, lavender. I've harvested several bunches for sachets, but left some plants alone to enjoy. Summer evenings are full of loveliness. I hope that you, too, are enjoying the pleasures of summer.

Joining with Mary for Mosaic Monday


  1. I love the scent of lavender, pretty images! Have a happy week!

  2. It is one of my favorite scents! mmmmm....

    Lovely photos!

  3. Beautiful. I love the look and scent of lavender! I'm going to try to schedule a trip to a local lavender farm soon!

  4. Beautifully written.

  5. A favourite plant and I love the scent. Unfortunately mine is a soggy mess on the ground from heavy rains.

  6. This just reminds me to harvest mine too. Love your photo!

    Mary, MI

  7. The fragrance of lavender is a wonderful thing. On occasion, I've tucked a sprig inside my pillowcase. I think I`d better learn how to make sachets!


  8. If you read the words aloud to me, I could close my eyes and be there instantly. May that deck be built quickly! ;D beautiful lavender with water droplets shining...a gilding of the lily...

  9. Oh my goodness! Your mosaics brought back so many memories of a few childhood years in Maine. My father was in the Coast Guard and we were stationed in Rockland, Maine. Right outside my bedroom window was a huge lavender "tree". The smell was fabulous. I wish they would grow on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, but I think we have too hot a climate for them. I am your newest follower and am visiting from Mosaic Monday. Have a wonderful week and I hope your get a chance to visit me at Still Woods Farmhouse. I posted my first ever mosaic/collage today!
    Blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse

  10. *sigh*
    It's such a beautiful time of year. I love to water the plants in the morning and catch the scent of the lavender and rosemary.

  11. I enjoyed this sensory glimpse of your summer evening. And your photos are lovely...

  12. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Love the lavender and your 'delightful summery' prose ~ Great mosaic photos ~ Happy Day to You. ^_^

  13. A very pretty lavender mosaic.
    the sounds of Summer are not very pleasant this morning - roofers working next door.
    Thanks for stopping by. Yes, when the geranium died back last Fall, I never got around to pulling the dead plant out, then when I got ready to plant some annuals this Spring I saw a bit of green, gave it a shot of miracle grow and it came back. Just got lucky on that one I guess, because they normally don't survive.
    Have a great week.

  14. You have me singing the song! I'm enjoying the scent of lavender over here as well...though I'm sure mine doesn't look as pretty as your picture.

  15. As much as I love lavender, I've never tried to grow it! I really should! Enjoy your week my friend!

  16. I grew some lavender in a large container this year. It looks lovely and is doing better than the ones I have in the ground, I took your button so I could follow you

  17. Very pretty lavender blues.

  18. So beautiful! They look wonderful in the garden!

  19. The sweet sounds of summer - add in a small plane buzzing in the distance - perfection. I love the happy sounds of summer. Your lavender is gorgeous.

  20. Need to harvest some of my Lavenders too. First thing in the morning is supposed to be the best time.


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