Thursday, April 30, 2015

Five on Friday


1. The tulips are almost done. These are the last, three beauties in a pot on the back deck. I'm convinced the squirrels got a lot of my bulbs because I know I planted more. 

2. Peonies are coming! There are lots and lots of buds and I'm so looking forward to all the pink ruffly petals.'s only the beginning of May. So early, even for our climate.

3. And can you believe it - tiny green strawberries already forming. I noticed the flowers a week or more ago and again, I'm surprised at how early everything is growing. It makes me wonder what the summer holds.

4. These gorgeous cornflowers (centaurea montana) self seed in my garden and offer blooms throughout the growing season. This plant is in its first bloom and I was struck by the perfect geometry of the bud.

5. My full-time teaching stint ends tomorrow (Friday - I'm posting Thursday night). I've had to work to get my head around it. Part of me (the larger part) was hoping the teacher would decide to take the remainder of the year off and I could finish. I've grown attached to these students and will miss them. The other part of me (that I'm cultivating in my mind) is looking forward to spending some time with the little ones, gardening (the weeds are taking over), sewing and a host of other activities that have been set aside for the past three months.

I'll still be at the school from time to time. AP exams are happening over the next two weeks, and I'll be invigilating again.

The weekend approaches. We'll be taking a trip to the mainland and I'll tell you about it next week. Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Happy May Day, dear Lorrie. Stunning flower captures, the cornflower is Mother Nature showing us just what perfection looks like!
    Have a great weekend and enjoy your newly acquired leisure time.

  2. Your flowers are wonderful - my last tulips are blooming too - a few daffodils linger. I will miss them when they are gone - but new things are coming on. I planted sweet peas last weekend.

  3. I want a dress that pretty cornflower blue!!! It would match my eyes! LOVED all your floral shots & thank you for teaching me a new word "invigilating" (had to look it up)

    The rabbits ate ALL my red tulips...caught him in the act one morning. Grrrr! He does it every year, too

  4. If Vee were still doing her note card parties, this would be an ideal set. Such clarity and detail in your photos, Lorrie. Just beautiful! I particularly like the color of your tulips and that coneflower... wow.

    Enjoy your weekend and Happy May Day.

  5. We do get attached to school children. That's why we teach. We love children and we love to share knowledge. Your garden looks to be a wee bit ahead of ours. And my strawberries all winter-killed. Have a fabulous week end.

  6. I understand the mixed feelings. . . .luckily, the garden is ever so distracting at this time of year!

  7. Your tulips are absolutely stunning! It's a shame they are so short lived. I love cornflowers as they seem to keep going all through the season - it does seem to be a lot quicker coming around this year. Enjoy your break from the teaching, leaving something is always a mixed blessing, but I am sure you will fill the time soon and find the balance. Have a wonderful May Day. xx

  8. I sure enjoyed all the spring time loveliness while on the island! Hope your time at school finishes off well and that you have a wonderful time on the mainland this week end! We are busy working on our out door fire pit area...but I am actually hoping for some rainy weather,,the land is dry and some rain would be great!!

  9. As always, your flower photos are beautiful! Love the lovely to have something that blooms throughout the season.

    Enjoy your "free" time. I'm sure it will be productive!

  10. Sad and happy for you that your time teaching is over...but the timing is good, because you can spend those blissful days in the garden should you choose. And I can't wait to see your peonies are but specks right now.


  11. Hi Lorrie, great photos . . . I can feel your mixed emotions about your teaching job, but it will be nice to have more time at home especially during springtime. have a lovely weekend.
    Connie :)

  12. This is such a cheerful post. I hope you have a great weekend. Our peonies are about ready to pop open too, I just love bringing a bouquet inside. I can understand your mixed emotions about school but knowing all you like to do, I'm sure you will enjoy having the extra time to do those things. I've never heard the word invigilating before, but can figure out what it means.

  13. Wonderful photos, Lorrie! The beauty of those flowers is almost incredible.
    Wishing you a very beautiful and gratifying May.

  14. So wonderful to see all that is growing in your garden and blooming already!!! So lovely!!! I hope that you enjoy the changes that your change in teaching will bring and that it will all be good!! xx

  15. Our tulips are also gone and I am awaiting peonies. I wish I had more of them in my garden.
    The farms around us are beginning to pick strawberries about a month early, which is truly amazing.
    How I would love some self seeding cornflowers, so very pretty.

  16. Lovely blooms. How blessed those students were to have you filling in for their regular teacher! We are making a trip to B.C. this Saturday, how far inland are you going? We'll be in Chilliwack. Have a wonderful weekend.

  17. Lorrie, your blooms are so beautiful. I am amazed as well at how large my peony buds are already especially since they were the wedding flower for our kids 10 Junes ago.

    Enjoy your free time out of the classroom.

  18. Oh Lorrie, your pictures were such a delight to look at! They are full of sweet color and charm. How exciting to have Peonies coming up! Mine are barely above the ground so it will be a while until we see any pretty flowers.

    Happy weekend, my dear! Hugs!

  19. Your flowers and berries are beautiful. We have eaten a few of our ripening strawberries. Its just so hot here...its as if we only have two seasons now Autumn and Summer. For the past couple of years Winter has been too warm to call a Winter and Spring lasts one month then the heat comes. So its been different in maintaining the garden. The plants do not seem to know what to do.

    It is difficult when our job ends before we anticipated. I have learned to embrace it. But it took two years just to do that! Best wishes.

  20. Cute peony flower buds! It's exciting to imagine gorgeous flowers.

  21. it would be hard to leave after 3 months but another chapter awaits. It will be lovely in May and June to spend those days with your grandchildren and in your garden. Your pictures are lovely and I especially love the cornflower photo.

  22. Your flowers are beautiful. I love peonies too but only have one that was here when we bought our home. Ours have fat buds too but the plant is crowded with horse tails that keep spreading. We yank them up but they pop up everywhere. Never, never plant horsetails!

    I hope you're having a lovely weekend.

  23. I especially love the photo of the cornflower! :)

  24. I especially love the photo of the cornflower! :)

  25. There is so much happening in your garden! Love the colour of your tulips. I had the same problem with my tulip bulbs. I thought mice ate them, squirrels never crossed my mind :-)

    Happy week!

    Madelief x

  26. I've really enjoyed your tulips - such lush pinks!
    It sounds like you're ready to spend a little more time in your garden and on the water - sounds like the spurts of work make for a very good schedule and life style!

  27. Love your pink tulips,even though you're disappointed that some little critter has been eating them. The cornflower is so vibrant such a beautiful shade of blue. I could see that photo as a card. Enjoy your trip.


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Five to Delight on Friday

  While working in the garden on a sunny day, I noticed these tiny Trumpet (Cup) Lichens growing on some old wood. No more than 2.5 cm in le...