Sunday, May 01, 2016

May begins

The guys left very early in the morning for their fishing trip. The rest of us fell fast asleep for another few hours. I think the guys had more fun - they caught two halibut during their 6 hour trip. Divided four ways, that means that each family has about 12 pounds of halibut fillets in their freezers. We had some last night for dinner - simply pan roasted, with salad on the side. Delicious!

The girls (and Mister F) gathered at our place for a relaxing morning. I set up the little shade tent. The little girls made all kinds of "stew" using leaves and blossoms from the plants Nana allowed them to pillage. Mint, feverfew, lilacs (they are almost done) made up most of the "stew," said to have medicinal properties.

In the woods and wild meadows, the camas lilies (camassia quamash) are in bloom. Native to North America, the bulbs of these plants were a staple in the First Peoples' diet. They are harvested only when the plant is in bloom, for the leaves and bulbs are very similar to another plant, commonly called the death camas. You can probably figure out the unwelcome result of eating those bulbs. I won't be eating the camas bulbs, but I do enjoy seeing the blue flowers with their long, delicate, gold-tipped stamens.  

And so begins May. Roses are blooming, the sun is shining, and it seems as though summer is already here. I know that the west coast is enjoying a second unusually warm spring, and that other parts of the globe are still enjoying enduring colder temperatures and even snow (said in a whisper). Are there signs of spring or summer in your corner?


  1. Big smiles on the fishermen's faces, and what a catch! A wonderful provision for you all in coming meals. Our weather is fluctuating like crazy, but the humidity has arrived along with a hearty round of thunderstorms, so I'd say summer is here.

  2. You were hoping for a halibut dinner and they are a huge fish! I order fish from the menu often when out as I rarely cook it. Neither hubby or I grew up eating fish except sticks sometimes, it was always beef and chicken.
    We're in to a chilly rainy spell, dampness that goes deep to the bones.

  3. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Whoa! I didn't realize halibut were that huge! That's great that they caught them. Sounds like everyone had fun.

  4. Holy Halibut!! Those fish are huge!! No wonder everyone is smiling in the photo. I'd be thrilled to see that land on my dinner plate ;) I can imagine how good your fresh fish was for dinner. Glad you all enjoyed the day in your own ways. We're still cold and today quite wet with a continuous drizzle. The furnace is still on :[ Despite the miserable weather, there are lots of signs of hardy spring flowers crawling out of hibernation. Soon there will be blooms! Your wild lilies are beautiful!

  5. Oh lucky lucky you to have halibut for the plate and the freezer!
    Wasn't it a glorious weekend?

  6. Now that was some haul for your freezers. What a delightful day, quality time spent with those adorable little ones. The stew sounds delicious...

  7. I hadn't realised that halibut was such a large fish.

    I have Camassia in the garden and am so enjoying the blue spires that have recently opened.

  8. Happy looking fishermen!
    I'm astounded at the size of their catch.
    There's nothing quite like fresh fish straight from the sea.
    What fun the little ones have with you - their stew sounded very tasty!
    Enjoy your sunny spring days.

  9. Yes, SNOW. We don't whisper it and while we'd rather not have it, snow this time of year is wet, light, fluffy and doesn't last long. It does crimp our gardening style. And we shout SNOW, AGAIN? STILL? But it is okay, for the sun will come out. Fabulous looking fish. They will be good eating, I am sure. Have a wonderful week. Happy May.

  10. HUGE FISH! Good gracious, they are huge! The grans are so precious. Enjoy every moment. You are blessed my friend.


  11. Precious few...

    Oh what a blessing to have all that halibut! Fantastic.

    Say, did you make the grands' hats perchance?

  12. Wow, what great fish! Many delicious meals to come. Looks as though you have had a good start to May!

  13. Halibut is one of the few fish I like. Very nice haul for the fishermen!

    Your day sounded fun too! Love those little camas, very pretty.

    We are looking like spring here - warmer this week with rain. The sun is working to peek through right now though!

  14. I am with you on the weather. Oh my it is in the 80's today and the house is wide open. Lucky you for having the halibut in the freezer. What a wonderful treat that is.

  15. Those were big halibuts! Nice catch!

    Yes, we had snow this weekend and sleet and freezing rain. Today everything melted and the grass greened up again. I'm hoping all this moisture will bring wonderful wildflowers.

    I remember making "salads" as a little girl --sweet memories!

  16. It sounds like fun all around! Successful fishing is exciting, but so is sleeping in a bit and a breakfast of leaf and blossom "stew." :)

    Happy May to you! It's off to a good start!

  17. What a lovely way to usher in May!

  18. Oh my stars and garters Lorrie those fish are incredible! I adore seeing the faces of your dear grands. Have a wonderful day my friend!

  19. Anonymous11:50 AM

    What a catch. :-) Your girls look not only beautiful but like they were really enjoying themselves. It is gray, gloomy, damp, and in the 40's here. It sure doesn't feel like May but I guess we have a lot to look forward to. :-)

  20. I just called Brett over to check out the catch. No wonder your guys are smiling. I had no idea halibut were that big! How wonderful to have your freezers stocked now.
    I think your girl time sounds like a very nice way to usher in the month of May.

  21. Wow! The halibut is almost as big as me!

  22. Those fish are huge!! That would be fun to watch them being pulled in, better yet to pull one in!


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