Friday, June 30, 2017

Floral Bliss

I spent the morning in the garden, pruning, deadheading, weeding. How satisfying it is. I had my camera with me and snapped photos as I moved around. The job is not yet finished, but good progress has been made. 

Lavender is at its best just now. I hate cutting it, but want some to dry. I have a few plants in out-of-the-way places that I'll clip and let the others have their day(s) to shine.

This no-name rose blooms prolifically in the front garden.

I enjoyed my morning tea outdoors, accompanied by the first bouquet of sweet peas.

The Bolero Rose smells wonderful and its intricate whorls of petals are fascinating.

Feverfew grows everywhere. If it sprouts up where I don't want it, it's easy enough to pull out. And it fills blank spaces beautifully.

The jasmine is a frothy mass of scented blooms just now. That's a mirror to the lower left.

Cheerful Gerbera daisy.

A pot of lobelia and asters. With a healthy weed not seen until the photo was taken. 

Happy Weekend!
Linking with Floral Bliss, hosted by Riitta of Floral Passions. 


  1. Hello Lorrie, you've some gorgeous blooms there. I do love the sweet pea especially. Your photos are so lovely. What a beautiful garden you grow :D)

  2. I particularly love that first lavender photo. Beautiful. Your garden is definitely catching up with ours despite your poor weather. Have a lovely restful weekend. B x

  3. I'm envious of your sunshine Lorrie, our flowers are small or not blooming from too much rain and not enough sun. What a difference from last summer.
    Happy Canada Day, thanks for sharing your beautiful blooms.

  4. Your time in the garden sounds marvelous. I think I must have some Feverfew. It sounds like a bright touch and easy to manage. Still have a hole in the garden!

  5. Your garden giveth in abundance!! So much bounty... everything down here at this point is mostly green now, with the exception of the occasional rose. Thanks so much for your prayers... today is a better day. :) Happy Canada Day!

  6. Your jasmine is so lovely Lorrie, what a swathe of frothiness! I too have been drying Lavender as it gradually comes into bloom. And my first Sweet peas are in a little vase on the kitchen table. It's surprising that two or three stems give off such a glorious scent.

  7. Beautiful. I love lavender and like to cut some for drying too. I am so looking forward to getting to the stage of planning my new garden.

  8. So many heavenly flowers in your gorgeous garden Lorrie! Your photos of them are beautiful too. I am just catching up with your lovely blog now and enjoying it so much.
    Have a very happy weekend.
    Helen xox

  9. How beautiful, Lorrie. I really should get some feverfew as I'm trying to "fill in" parking lot gardens. I'm looking for plants that I can "share" all over 8 acres. Happy Canada Day!

  10. Love, Love, LOVE the lavender!! I've never tried to grow it but I think I will try next year, as it is beautiful...same as your photos, Lorrie.

  11. Such gorgeous summer aspects and blossoms from your garden; lovely all of them!
    A happy Canada Day!
    And a nice weekend, too!

  12. Beautiful blooms. Enjoy the lovely weather you are getting this weekend.

  13. You have a beautiful garden.
    The Bolero rose is gorgeous.

  14. Garden looking amazing Lorrie - Canada Day for you is obviously filled with color and fragrance - enjoy each moment.
    Happy Birthday Canada - one of my favorite places in the world!
    Mary -

  15. Just so beautiful! I am in awe of such beautiful garden flowers. I had a wonderful thing going and then made a huge mishap. I was using my weed kill on a non-windy, dry day and though I tried very hard to use only on weeds, I killed off a great deal of years old plantings as well as some new ones. Every day I would go out and weep. I have saved all that could be saved now, spent too much on more plantings. You have done a great job with these. I LOVE Lavender~

  16. Your garden is stunning my friend. Enjoy!

  17. Ahh lavender. Mine is full and lovely right now, too. If I was having out of town company without little ones I'd drag them to the lavender festival in Sequim just across the strait from you. But it's just not something that a 3 and 5 year old would appreciate. Happy Canada day to you and yours!

  18. So beautiful! So very hot here. I miss being outdoors.

  19. Liebe Lorrie,
    herzlichen Dank für Deinen Besuch auf meinem Blog!
    Ich habe mir gerade Deine herrlichen Bilder angeschaut!
    Allerdings bin ich des Englischen leider nicht so weit
    mächtig, dass ich Deine Texte komplett lesen kann...
    Das ist so schade. Wäre es vermessen, wenn ich Dich frage
    ob Du nicht ein Übersetzungsprogramm auf Deinem Blog
    installieren könntest?!?? Das wäre ganz wunderbar und
    es ist bei Google auch ganz einfach und zudem kostenfrei...
    Lass wieder von Dir hören!
    Alles Liebe

  20. Wonderful photos Lorrie! That Bolero Rose is something else 💕

  21. Beautiful flowers! I was also admiring your pretty blue teapot.

  22. Your garden is filled with some gorgeous blooms!!
    Thank you for your visit and have a wonderful week :)

  23. Oh, your flowers are just beautiful! From the little daisies that you call feverfew to your gorgeous roses! From simple beauty to intricate beauty! I realized I have not visited you for a while and I feel I finally have an unplanned day today. Doesn't happen too often these days.
    Nice to see you are enjoying your summer off.

  24. Beautiful garden sightings. How I love this time of year.

  25. Just today, I was thinking I need to google how to grow lobelia because mine never thrives. It puts out some blooms but never is beautiful and full like this.


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