Sunday, July 02, 2017

From Here and There

On our way home from Alberta this past week, we stopped for a picnic lunch at Hemlock Grove in Canada's Glacier National Park. The boardwalk is a short loop through the forest, over a stream, and a good place to stretch one's legs after hours in the car. 

A marmot showed up for the picnic, but he didn't want to eat anything we had (we didn't offer). He posed prettily for his photo, standing up straight and tall.

We traveled through several mountain ranges, although it's difficult to tell where one ends and another begins. It's wave after wave of beautiful peaks, fast-running streams and green coniferous forests.

Victoria to Red Deer is 1200 kilometres, and we make very few stops. These photos were all taken from the car. 

I'm always in awe of the early explorers and engineers who envisioned railways and roads through these mountains. What a daunting task.

I've been spending hours in the garden since our return. Thinning, pruning, weeding, deadheading. It's satisfying work. Raspberries are in season and we're enjoying them each day, as well as freezing some for the winter. 

Linking with Mosaic Monday, hosted by Maggie of Normandy Life.  


  1. What a stunningly beautiful area you live in.

  2. We don't have marmots here, but you have reminded me that we did see some on top of the mountains in Switzerland many years ago. Our sons were very young then and I remember how much they enjoyed seeing them peering at us and the way that they whistled to one another.

  3. Such stunning scenery to drive through, your photographs remind me vividly of our RV trip from Calgary to Portland what a vacation that was.
    Happy Mosaic Monday, sending belated Happy Birthday Canada wishes from la belle France!

  4. Glorious, gorgeous beauty, I just love both side of the Glacier National Park, I really want to visit it all again, You have sparked my yearnings~

  5. Beautiful place, very scenic.

  6. Stunning mountains - I bet you enjoyed your long drive!

  7. Those chairs were just waiting for you for your picnic--how nice! And such beauty surrounds you. Working in the garden must be good for the soul--kind of like kneading dough!

  8. A marmot? Now I'll have to google them as I'm not familiar with those little critters. Good grief, you live in, and near, beautiful scenery! I guess it was very cool in the mountains? Sounds wonderful right about now.

    We have lots of wild blackberries in the hedge row right now but no delicious raspberries.

    I hope you're having a wonderful weekend and catching up on gardening tasks,

  9. Gorgeous images. The marmot is a critter I don't get to see. Raspberries -- lucky you! Happy Monday!

  10. While your trip may have been long, in some ways it would be hard to have to bring that breathtaking scenery to an end. How absolutely lovely. The marmot had me reminiscing about our trip to BC a few years ago. The one and only time I have encountered them.
    I must admit to having to restrain myself from reaching through the screen to pluck that luscious raspberry :).

  11. As always, your pictures are works of art, from the small raspberry to the majestic mountain views!

  12. I hope you managed to find some peace in the garden, the raspberry looks delicious. I must admit that is one of the things (going to pick berries) that I miss. Such a beautiful mountain range, a such great achievements of people building railroads and amenities.

  13. Looks a lovely and pleasant place.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  14. I could reach out and pop it right into my mouth...I should go berrypicking as I'm in the mood; however, I have a lot of yard work, too! Splendid scenery!

  15. Always love those mountain views! Enjoy your time in the garden.

  16. I love your mountain pictures. I've been reading quite a bit lately about explorers and mountain men of the West in the 19th century and I am also astounded at their vision - and their determination and perseverance!

  17. What amazing scenery on the drive! You got GREAT photos from the car! And I love that little Marmot! What a cute critter. And I agree...I wonder sometimes how anybody explored Florida. Through the swamps and the heat! With all kind of critters and BUGS! I'm not that tough! Great photos my friend. Hugs!

  18. Lorrie, such spectacular scenery. . . . . . . bringing back so many memories of our trips in that beautiful area over the past years.
    hope to return some day!
    Mary x

  19. Lorrie - delighted to see the pictures from your road trip. In August, we will be taking a family trip through Golden, Banff, Lake Louise and Jasper, so your pictures gave me an exciting preview of what is in store!

  20. Fantastic shots! When I try to take pictures in the car, my photos always end up blurry!

  21. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Lorrie, your raspberries are such a gorgeous color! And that little marmot just wanted his picture taken. Too cute!

  22. yummy raspberries, beautiful scenery ...those mountains are wonderful...I can't get enough of them now that we'vet left the flatlands. I don't Think about how I miss them while we're in Florida , but as soon as we see them again on our return trip I'm happy!

  23. Oh, forgot to add that our Colorado daughter in law was born in Red Deer Alberta. Her family moved to Oregon when she was in high school ... I think that she missed the sunshine and that is why they are happier in Colorado!

  24. Oh, what gorgeous mountains and forests, and possibly the prettiest and most delicious photo of a raspberry I've ever seen!

  25. Stunning scenery, Lorrie of your road trip to Alberta! I've often thought the exact same thing regarding the building of roads and railways through challenging, mountainous terrain, both here on the island and in Canada. It's utterly amazing, isn't it?

    Back in your own garden, your skilled green thumb has produced some luscious, red berries. I bet you'll be featuring them in some fabulous, fruity fare, this summer!


  26. Such amazing scenery. Glad you are enjoying your garden.

  27. Wow! So beautiful! What wonderful photos you took, I especially love the raspberry!

  28. Beautiful shots you've shared with us of the hikes and mountains. I wish I had the energy right now, but I'm pretty shot with working at the barn. I thoroughly enjoy it, it but it is a workout each visit. There is so much beauty in our country and Canada and Mexico!

  29. What beautiful sights from the car. The country is just amazing. And then that raspberry is so tempting and lushest!

  30. Simply amazing photos. The raspberries are ripe over here too - and isn't this weather just glorious?

  31. Stunning views, Lorrie. I like your marmot, I've not met one before.

  32. Goodness!! You live in a such a beautiful place! (travel through maybe for these mountains)


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