Monday, August 14, 2017

A Weekend on Wallace Island

Our little hippie boat takes us to some wonderful places. Wallace Island, not too far away, is one. This was another of someone's dreams - the Conovers wanted to establish a resort on the island. They did, but events conspired to make it a short-lived dream, and the island is now a park. 

Our youngest and her husband came along. They pitched a tent on shore and came aboard for meals. We walked the length of the island, chatting all the while. A good way to spend time together. 

The rusted pick up truck makes a picturesque, if uncomfortable (no seats, just springs) photo booth. 

A heron in Princess Cove had good luck fishing while we watched. 

The contrast between the reddish thin skin of a peeling arbutus tree and the smooth, pale green trunk underneath fascinates me.

Starfish disappeared from our coasts several years ago. They are making a slow, but steady comeback. We look for them along the tide lines, curled together just under water or sprawled on barnacled rocks. This particular variety comes in both orange and purple; we see more of the purple ones.

Our three kids and their families have a bit of a running joke about "making it on to the blog." The adults think they've been completely upstaged by the children, and perhaps they have. I find it quite funny.

So thanks for coming out with us, Ashley and Owen, and here you are - on the blog!

Photos have been difficult with the smoke blanketing the skies these past few weeks. On Saturday the winds shifted and the skies began to clear. 

After the short trip pictured in this post, Tim and I spent one night at home, restocked the boat and set off for a week of adventuring. It was a lovely getaway time, and I'll write more later. 

Today was spent doing laundry, picking green beans, zucchini, and the first tomatoes. I deadheaded the rose bushes and pulled a few weeds. Tomorrow will be a little more of the same. I hope to get caught up with reading about my blogging friends' activities, too. It's been awhile. 


  1. Love the truck photos! So cute!

  2. It sounds a lovely place to visit. My daughter is spending few days away on Bowen Island. It's good that the smoke is receding a bit.

  3. The rusted truck photos are greeting card lovely. The island looks wonderful.

  4. The rusty truck reminded me of 'Mater' in the Pixar, Disney movie, 'Cars'. Cool pictures. Looks like fun on that Island.

  5. The truck provided some great photos! It's a great color it all its rusty glory. It sounds like your little boat is providing some wonderful get aways for you. School starts up here soon but I guess you have some time yet. I've never seen such a tree, but it reminds me of our crepe myrtles that peel in a similar fashion.

  6. The weekend boat trip sounds wonderful and I am excited to read about your full week out! The truck photo made me laugh!

  7. That looks like a delightful weekend. Some might have passed that truck up altogether, but I like how you saw it's potential for a charming photo booth.
    I'm smiling at the kids making it onto the blog. Hi Ashley and Owen :).

  8. I never knew that there were purple starfish. Cool!

    I cracked up at your kids' running joke. It's tough to compete with your grandkids' super cuteness.

  9. Looks like a fun trip and I am looking forward to hearing about the next adventure too! So funny to hear of your family joke about "making it on the blog." :)

    Enjoy these waning days of summer! (I feel sure that you are!)

  10. Oh how nice that you are off for a week of adventure. Or maybe you are back already. That's too cute about your kids getting usurped by your grands and mentioning it. A couple sweet photos of them. It's been years since I've seen a starfish along a shore. Looking forward to seeing more of your boating adventures.

  11. Honestly, you have the most wonderful adventures. A "hippy boat" and exploring intriguing places!

  12. What a fun and fabulous post. I laughed at the thought of trying to perch on the springs of that old truck! Your dahlia luck of the draws are gorgeous... lucky you! And that starfish... kind of creepy but in a fascinating sort of way. I must say your photos never cease to delight! Happy adventuring... here's hoping you take lots of photos to share. ☺ ⛵ 📸

  13. What a fun and fabulous post. I laughed at the thought of trying to perch on the springs of that old truck! Your dahlia luck of the draws are gorgeous... lucky you! And that starfish... kind of creepy but in a fascinating sort of way. I must say your photos never cease to delight! Happy adventuring... here's hoping you take lots of photos to share. ☺ ⛵ 📸


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