Saturday, October 07, 2017

Just Before Thanksgiving

Sometimes, weeks don't turn out as planned. Each year, on the two school days before Canadian Thanksgiving, our school gives the students time off while the teachers go to a conference. It's a great time of learning (for the teachers) and having fun together. 

On Monday night, I came down with a sore throat that turned into a cold. So, no conference for me. I stayed home. By Friday I was feeling much better and rather wished I had gone. My colleagues were happy for me to NOT share my germs, however. 

I rescued some flowers from the garden from an impending rain and windstorm. Those white roses, Winchester Cathedral, have wicked thorns and I plunked them down onto the table without much fuss. 

I gingerly separated this one bloom from the bunch and posed it for its portrait. Such a pretty, fragrant flower. 

This basket of tomatoes and squash were also rescued. We've been eating the little Millionaire tomatoes like candy, for they are so sweet. The bigger tomatoes were cut in half, sprinkled with chopped onion, fresh thyme and oregano, drizzled with olive oil, and roasted until the house smelled like an Italian restaurant, redolent with flavour. 

Our Vancouver kids arrived last night for the holiday weekend, and I made the effort to prepare a special breakfast. A fresh corn tortilla, lightly crisped, topped with sauteed onions and sweet peppers, topped with guacamole, one of those luscious roasted tomatoes, and a fried egg. A few sprinkles of Cheddar cheese finished it all off. Very filling and very delicious (patting myself on the back just a little).  

On the mantel a cheery vase of hydrangeas and sunflowers seem apropos to the season. 

Dinner preparations are what's happening around here today - turkey, savoury stuffing, crumb-topped sweet potatoes, and more. We'll gather tomorrow with our children and grandchildren. Truly, we have much to be thankful for. 


  1. Have a wonderful holiday with your family. So glad you are feeling better.

  2. Glad you're feeling better in time to enjoy the busy weekend with family. You are such an artist of the table, really, with food and floral arrangements -- just take care not to work yourself to a relapse of what ailed you -- that wouldn't be something to be thankful for! ;-)

  3. You've given me a new idea for breakfast, and it looks pretty too. I hope you are fully well now and that you have a good celebration of thanks together.

  4. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving. That looks like a great breakfast. Those roses sound like my New Dawn...gorgeous but so thorny you can hardly cut them. Hope you feel great for your holiday- Cold Be Gone! xo Diana

  5. A very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. That breakfast is right up my alley! Looks delicious. That rose is a beauty.

  6. Lovely photos! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  7. I'm hungry now!

    Happy Thanksgiving, Lorrie!

  8. Have a wonderful holiday with your family and create some treasured memories. Your photos are always a delight, such a beautiful abundance of goodies harvested from your garden.

  9. Glad you are feeling better for the Thanksgiving celebrations.

  10. Glad you are feeling better and ready to celebrate Thanksgiving . Have a wonderful time with the family. B x

  11. quel beau bouquet , il faut profiter des derniers instant pour nos fleurs
    du jardin , temps que le mauvais temps n'est pas arrivé , les roses sont encore là , plus fragiles mais aussi belles
    jolie production du potager
    Heureux Thanksgiving

  12. Happy Thanksgiving Lorrie. Happy to hear you are feeling better. I love for photography, it is always so beautiful!
    Karen B.

  13. The white rose is gorgeous! I think it would be well worth visiting your home if you prepare such amazing breakfasts!! My mouth is watering. Looks like you've got Thanksgiving dinner well in hand. We're having ours tomorrow, but I usually do everything on the same day because I'm a sucker for punishment. Enjoy the family gathering!
    Wendy xox

  14. Wishing you a beautiful Thanksgiving with your family Lorrie! X Chy

  15. Wishing you & your family a very Blessed Thanksgiving, Lorrie! Lovely photos of some really pretty flowers & a wonderfully delicious sounding breakfast!! I never would have thought to make something like that, but I look forward to trying it soon. {{{HUGS}}} to your whole gang!

  16. Happy Thanksgiving my dear. What a great display of beautiful flowers - and those tomatoes - wow! As always - each year I ponder the nonsense of the US Thanksgiving so close to Christmas and wish it was nearer the Canadian one. But nonetheless we are thankful for so much this year. Our family has been thinking of celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving, as we are only 20 miles south of the border. But then I'm sure we'd fall into our old habit and want the US one also. LOL

    Glad you are feeling better and getting to enjoy the holiday with your wonderful family. Your menu sounds delicious - and the breakfast looks splendid. We are going to go out and find some enjoyment in this sunshine before the rains come back.

    Our neighbors have a cherry tomato plant on their deck and they are not picking the tomatoes - but they don't want anyone else to have them either - which is too bad - as I have to see them whenever I'm at the kitchen window. Guess I'll find some good ones at the farmer's market to enjoy.

  17. We had our Thanksgiving dinner, last night with 18 family members. My Son-in-law has taken over brining,cooking of the turkey.and everyone contributes delicious side dishes or desserts. It makes it very easy for the hosts. Looking forward to delicious leftover tonight.
    May hearts throughout Canada be truly grateful and thankful.
    Hapoy Thanksgiving Laurie.

  18. So sorry you had a bad cold. I am recovering today from one. No fun at all. I hope you were able to thoroughly enjoy your Thanksgiving. Your garden produce looks wonderful. What a beautiful white rose. And the breakfast looks soooooo good.

  19. Oh Lorrie, I'm so sorry you had such a terrible cold and missed out on a fun experience. Maybe the beautiful harvest from your garden made up for it a little. Your breakfast taco looks amazing! What a blessed time to have your family there with you and to celebrate Thanksgiving ... your pictures as always are simply astounding. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  20. Glad that that you recovered quickly from your cold. My pesky cough just keeps. Hanging. On. Once again, I'm salivating over your delicious food images. Happy Thanksgiving, Lorrie!


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