Thursday, April 26, 2018

Five Favourites: A Taste of Summer

It happens each year. Each green shoot poking upwards is oohed and aahed over. When the first flower appears, perhaps a yellow crocus, my heart sings. Little by little more flowers show up and each one is admired. 

Then the first warm days arrive and the blooms rush one upon the other so that it's impossible to keep track of them all. I liken it to when my children were very young and I knew each word they could say. Then, from one day to the next, they began speaking words I hadn't taught them and couldn't possibly count. 

This morning, while putting my bags in the car, this flower-laden rhododendron smacked me with its showy beauty. Last year, it bloomed not at all. This year, it's making up for it by being covered with perfect blooms.  

I took a few pictures with my phone this morning, and went out again this evening for more with my camera. Pink rhodos are first on this post of five favourites. 

Second is cauliflower rice. I'd read about it and thought that it couldn't be very good. When we were in the Cotswolds two summers ago (can it be that long?) I picked up a BBC Easy Cook magazine with a recipe for Cauliflower Pilaf. I tried it last week and was very pleasantly surprised. Have you ever tried cauliflower rice? 

Third are the bleeding hearts. I think they need to be moved elsewhere in the garden because they aren't flourishing. There are just a couple of stems with blooms, but they dangle like charms.

We've had a delightful taste of summer this week, with above average temperatures. I've enjoyed every minute of it. The apple trees obviously like it, too, with pale pink blossoms opening to the sun.  

The stars of the garden just now, for me, are the bluebells. I pick them by fistfuls and plunk them into short vases in the house. I love their faint sweet fragrance, and of course, their colour. So pretty. 

Our little bit of summer is set to disappear over the weekend. I know it will return and I've enjoyed this appetizer of the season to come. It wasn't difficult to find five favourites to share with you today. I hope spring has arrived in your corner (or fall if you're below the equator), bringing with it all the delights of the changing seasons. 


  1. Our wonderful weather is also set to disappear after the weekend, so I will be enjoying it as well. Wonderful photos in your post.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. This is definitely the time of year to get out there and take notice. Things are changing fast and in a beautiful way. You have captured this so well with your lovely photos. The rhododendron is spectacular.
    I have a bag of cauliflower rice in my freezer now. I used it once in place of rice with a stir fry. It seemed a bit crunchy. Perhaps next time I should cook it longer. Your pilaf looks interesting.

  3. Your flowers are so pretty! I love cauliflower, but have not tried it rice style.

  4. Oh, you have shown such lovelies on this Friday! Bleeding hearts are the sweetest thing. I am not much of a gardener, but I believe that I should plant one of these in my yard. I have not tried cauliflower rice, but I am game!

  5. Your garden looks happy! As to the cauliflower--yes I use it in several different ways. And we like "mashed cauliflower" too. The time I used it for a pizza crust (along with cheese and an egg to hold it together) may have been a little too much for me as I haven't repeated that one!

  6. I've not tried cauliflower rice, yet, though have seen it in so many cooking programmes.
    What a beautiful rhododendron. It's strange how they can be silent one year and very full of themselves another year!

  7. You seem to be a week behind us with the weather. We had a gorgeous week last week, now back to April weather. That rhododendron is stunning, strange how it didn’t flower last year. Our apple tree has little blossom this year compared to last. All very strange. Have a lovely weekend. B x

  8. Beautiful flowers, I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

    We love cauliflower rice in our house!

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.

    All the best Jan

  9. Cauliflower Pilaf, I have not tried it Lorrie but will try it soon. Yes, Spring is all about new life as the buds turn into leaves and flowers. I like your colorful pictures.We have just planted the pots on our deck, so much reason to step outside.
    Have a good weekend Lorrie.XO

  10. Lovely favorites for sure! Love Spring in the Pacific Northwest!

  11. Beautiful flowers! I use cauliflower rice and like it very much.

  12. April showers have been cooling things down in Normandy this week but trees are blossoming, although my rhododendron has yet to flower I have high hopes. Not tried cauliflower rice but will look for a recipe on P and give it a go soon. Bon weekend.

  13. A wonderful selection of favourites, the rhododendron was a real delight. I have never come across cauli/rice before I will look up a recipe and give it a try.

  14. Spring is starting to be a little more friendly toward us. It was warm yesterday and today looks even better, though it is early. A favorite restaurant served mashed cauliflower and it was so good. I attend Weight Watchers and the cauliflower substitution is quite popular. There is even a recipe for cauliflower pizza crust. Now, that's where I draw the line. Beautiful flowers, again. Your yard must be beautiful.

  15. Each one is so lovely. Wasn't that bit of warm weather wonderful? I got my planting done on the deck for this year, and now the rain has come back for the weekend - as usual. I want the sunshine back!!!

  16. Beautiful photos, Lorrie! I'm still waiting for my bleeding hearts to pop up...I had cauliflower rice salad once and quite enjoyed it!

  17. That bush is so lovely! We finally got some warm temps and now everything is green and fuzzy. Spring has arrived! We have some rain coming starting tomorrow. :) Kit

  18. It was a glorious week of sunshine! I also went and cut a few stems of what is blooming right now ... camelias, hellebore and different varieties of rhododendrons.
    The lily of the valley is coming up and taking over too much space, while the lilac tree is full of buds. Today everything is getting a good watering. Not that we were conerned. =)

  19. my favourite is the bleeding hearts!!! HOW CUTE. :D

  20. love seeing your blooms! I am in PA and last night and tonight we have 30 degree temps :) As to cauliflower I have some here to try with your rice ! :)

  21. Loved your five favorites today -- all brought back lovely memories of the Pacific Northwest spring.... I'm reveling in the pictures our daughter texts me of her flowers. Always mixed feelings this time of year -- miss seeing 'real' Spring, but love it here too ... and perhaps most importantly, the hay fever sufferer I live with can actually breath during the month of May -- which is a bit of a struggle for him in grass-seed friendly Eugene.


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