Thursday, January 03, 2019

These Quiet Days

January 3. A new year. It began quietly for us, with a cheese fondue, a movie, and bed before midnight, although the fireworks awakened us then. I've not done much thinking about intentions or goals for 2019, but then I rarely do. Do you? My take on resolutions is that if something needs to be done, I'm not going to wait until a new year dawns. 

The house is quiet; the only sound is the rain dripping on the skylight. A fire glows and spreads its welcome warmth. Outside is dark and wet. I sit in a pool of light in the living room, toasting my feet and sipping tea.

In between the many periods of rain, chickadees, house finches (shown), spotted towhees, dark-eyed juncos, and sparrows visit the bird feeder. How they squabble among themselves. Very entertaining.  

Two small girls and my eldest daughter came by yesterday. We set up the craft table and let the little girls at it. They crafted all manner of interesting things. I had thought to inspire them to make little alligators and they were quite excited it about it, but while waiting for the green paint to dry, they became involved in creating more free form items, so we left them to it, not wanting to nip their enthusiasm in the bud. In the end I finished up the alligators and they took them home. 

Alligator inspirations. 

I've had a couple of quilt tops stitched for some time, but have procrastinated on the quilting part. I don't enjoy that. Recently, my sister and niece purchased a long arm quilting machine, so I gave them two tops to quilt. Yesterday and today I cut and sewed the binding onto the tops and am now enjoying hand sewing the binding to the back side. It's very cozy having a quilt over the knees in this weather. 

I finished my first book of 2019. It did not disappoint. Inspector Gamache and the town of Three Pines are as irresistible as ever.

Penny references Rupert Brooke's poem "The Great Lover" in the novel, in which the poet makes a list of the things he's loved in his life. 

These I have loved:
         White plates and cups, clean-gleaming,
Ringed with blue lines; and feathery, faery dust;
Wet roofs, beneath the lamp light; the strong crust 
Of friendly bread; and many-tasting food;
Rainbows; and the blue bitter smoke of wood;....

Penny's character, Gamache makes a list of his own beloved things that help to ease his mind in difficult situations. I've been thinking of the things that I love. In a way, acknowledging them is a form of gratitude, and I find that being thankful also eases my mind. 

In spite of the rain outside, I have a few errands to run, so I'd better bundle up and get out there. 


  1. When I'm handquilting I so enjoy the feel of the quilt over my knees too! I look forward to seeing your finished projects.

  2. I love the alligators! They're adorable.

  3. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Your New Year sounds lovely, Lorrie! Those little alligators are so sweet! Thank you for the book recommendation!

  4. What fun alligators - and little girls with imaginations. We've been having fierce winds over on this side - a long with the rain - and major power outages before christmas - we spent four days in a B&B since our house is all electric - but power was restored two days before christmas and we managed to get all our celebrating in on time, though we had to rush to get some of it done - it was a grand holiday.

  5. As for New Years Resolutions, I've never been much for that sort of thing, as I too like to get on a project when it presents itself and not wait for a new year. I do make a small-ish list of some of the things I hope to accomplish/finish this year, though it doesn't rule me, I do what I can and enjoy the finishes when they come. Happy New Year my dear.

  6. A very calming post. I have another Louise Penny to enjoy soon. Love her use of poetry.
    I envy you your grandchildren visits. They must give you so much happiness. Enjoy your quiet midwinter days. B x

  7. Not a resolution person at all. Each day is a new day and a new beginning. I do like a new year though. I have found gratitude and praise as a door to God's presence. I hope your 2019 is abundantly blessed!!

  8. Cute alligators! I admire your gift for crafting and seeing! My sister-in-laws were talking recently about how to put the wool into a quilt - and it intrigued me how one used a napkin to show how the wool would be rolled out on the reverse side of the quilt... then turned over in a rolling fashion. Some of them remember how our grandmas used to do it. I have never attempted anything to do with sewing past my grade 8 experience. Except for simple mending projects.
    Wishing you a happy Nee Year! I like your motto of doing what needs doing any time of year.

    1. Sorry for the typos! I'm in the sun on my iPhone.

  9. You sound happy and content. The things I have loved would be: my home in all seasons, looking out on the snow on the nearby mountains, hot coffee, antique furniture with stories to tell. Have a lovely New Year! Kit

  10. Dear Lorrie,
    "Not wanting to nip their enthusiasm" is such a lovely phrase. Great alligators, no doubt what they're supposed to be.

  11. Cute gators. We have had so much rain here. The deer and birds are beginning to look bewildered. It's been nice to cozy up inside when I don't need to go out. So school starts soon for you--hope the transition is gentle!

  12. I've only read one Louise Penny book but really enjoyed it. Must read more. Those long-arm quilting things are huge. I saw one once and couldn't believe how big they are. Nice that you have a chance to have your quilt finished on one. Happy New Year Lorrie! xo

  13. The green alligators look so cute <3 A few years ago I was keen on quilting but have changed my enthusiasm to books. No good weather here either, though a bit sunshine too. I wish the rainy weather there changes soon. My husband is keen on watching ice-hockey from Vancouver, and is happy how the Finns have succeeded. Because of the time difference his timetable is totally upside down - being awake during the night and sleeping on daytime :)

  14. These things that I love from the book, the words create such a lovely word picture. I love, love that you grand daughters enjoy crafting and creating. What fun you had.

  15. Crafting is so much fun, something our grand-daughters love to do.
    I do like your alligators.

    Happy Weekend Wishes

    All the best Jan

  16. How beautiful to create poetry that lists those things we love. May the new year’s reading list continue to bring fulfillment and pleasure. Happy new year!

  17. Hi Lorie, I absolutely love this line in your post, pretending to the things that you love: "I've been thinking of the things that I love. In a way, acknowledging them is a form of gratitude, and I find that being thankful also eases my mind". I agree, it's like counting our blessings and we have so very many to count and be grateful for.
    I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to your lovely blog this morning. You are among my blessing . . .your words have touched my heart.
    Connie :)

  18. I am so looking forward to continue my enjoyment of the Inspector Gamache story. That little craft area is a great idea for your grands. Love the alligators!

  19. Guess what! I got the new L. Penny book from the library today and I'm going to start it tonight! I can't wait! I'll try not to read it so fast! lol I just knew you would want to know! Hugs!

  20. Your little girls I'm sure had a wonderful time crafting away. It's such fun to see their creativity. How wonderful to get your quilts done on the long arm. Sometimes hand sewing is so relaxing and having the quilt on your lap, would be cozy.


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