Sunday, December 30, 2018

Looking Back, Looking Ahead

On Instagram, I've seen #bestnine posts where posters feature a collection of their most popular posts for the year. Instead, I chose one photo from each month and made a #favouritetwelve of my own. It was hard to choose - do I feature travel locations, local events, garden, food, flowers, or what? I guess I'm a rather scattered blogger, with little theme here. In the end, I restricted myself to photos taken here at home or in our garden. 

Like most years, 2018 has had its ups and downs. Mostly ups, with lots of level plateaus. I'm thankful for God's faithfulness and presence in my life. I don't write much about my faith, but it is very precious to me. Believing is not always easy, as some might assume. I've learned to embrace uncertainty in this life, thinking deeply about what I know to be true, and about the many questions I have about life and God. I've learned that I don't need to know everything or to have all the answers, and my faith continues to grow and evolve. I choose faith over unbelief, and hope over despair. I believe in a God who loves me immensely, and who is wise and kind and just. He's also unfathomable. 

And so we come to the end of one year and the beginning of another. Who knows what 2019 will bring? We step through the doorway into days of possibility. 

Thank you for reading my words over the past year, and for your many encouraging comments. I treasure them all. (Other than the spam that sneaks through) 

I wish you a most Happy New Year, filled with friends and family to love and laugh with in the good times and to ache and cry with in the not-so-good times. I wish you bravery to dream and to make dreams come true. I wish you time to be creative, time to restore yourself, and time in nature. 

Happy 2019! 


  1. A wonderful post, Lorrie! The collage is very beautiful and interesting, and I wouldn't mind at all reading about your faith more often. :)
    Happy New Year to you and yours!

  2. Great thoughts! Best wishes for a fantastic 2019!

  3. I’ve loved your blog throughout 2018. Here’s wishing you a happy 2019. B x

  4. What lovely images of your year. Wishing you a peaceful, healthy and worry-free NewYear.

  5. It is always special to visit Fabric Paper Thread - see your lovely family, garden, learn your thoughts, and all about the travels you have made. I wonder what will be in store for us all when we pass through that 2019 doorway?

  6. Yes, we open the New Year’s door and don’t know in advance what comes... We can only try to do our best in bona fide - the rest is up to God or destiny... I wish your New Year’s door reveals pleasant and happy things Lorrie.

  7. Your 2018 collage is just beautiful and coherent. 🙂 (As one with a private Instagram account, I do not participate in the favorite posts things or most viewed, but I do find it interesting. I know the most popular was my four-month old little grand-nephew saying good morning all those months ago.) Thank you for sharing your faith. I always appreciate another’s thoughts on what The Lord is teaching or how He is sustaining.

    A very blessed New Year to you... Life will surely always does. And, through it all, we are held in a loving Father’s hands. Happy 2019!

  8. Your collage is beautiful, Lorrie. Each new year holds so many surprises. Faith is a tool that supports us in those ups and downs. Have a happy New Year.

  9. Your collage is beautiful, Lorrie, and would make a lovely calendar. I so enjoyed reading your thoughts on Faith. I've always felt that we don't know all the answers , but that is what our Faith in God is all about. Blessings to you in 2019, and thank you for sharing your life with us.

  10. Dear Lorrie,
    Have loved getting to know you a little. Your written words and beautiful photos have brightened my days. I look forward to each and everyone of your posts because I know that they will be special.
    Happy New Year to you and your family. May 2019 bring you all the best that life has to offer.

  11. What a lovely post to end another year of great blogging! Happy New Year, Lorrie!

  12. You are not nice!

    Right there in the center of your collage is a lemon meringue pie and now I'm craving pie. It was my mother's favorite pie and I loved making it for her.

    We have plans today and tomorrow so I'll have to make the pie on Wednesday and put off my "no sugar, no flour" regimen for a few days.

    Have a Happy New Year!

    and, you are very nice!!!

    1. Haha! Did you make your lemon meringue pie? I think the pie shown in the photo is a lemon sour cream pie, which is also delicious! Happy New Year!

  13. A lovely collage centered around your home. And that door! Amazing. It's a simple choice isn't it? Faith over unbelief and hope over despair. Good thoughts expressed so well. With all good wishes for moving on to 2019!

  14. Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog. I hope 2019 is a good year for you too

  15. Lorri,
    I continue to enjoy your blog and look forward to every post. It has been a blessed 2018.
    A happy 2019 to you and Tim.

  16. What you wrote is beautiful, Lorrie! Our faith is in the One who holds us no matter what! I appreciate how you wrote out your wishes and wish you the same.

  17. Beautiful collage and I love that door. A very Happy New Year to you and yours!

  18. I love the pictures you chose. May you have a wonderful 2019. Happy New Year! Kit

  19. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Such a beautiful post, Lorrie! Happy New Year to you and your sweet family!

  20. Beautiful 12 favorites. I love all the flowers you share. And yes, May you have a most delightful 2019. Happy New Year to you. Thank you for visiting my blog also.

  21. Your summary photos are great! Many blessings to your family in 2019. Every day is a new chance to bask in His loving presence.

  22. What a lovely post . . . here's to another fantastic year of blogging, sewing, gardening, baking, cooking and enjoying life.

  23. A wonderful post.
    I love the collage and I love the door - it fits so well - as we say goodbye to 2018 and hello to 2019.

    I wish you and yours a Happy and Healthy New Year.

    All the best Jan

  24. Lorrie, your post of the 30th, which I've read several times since then, really grabbed my heart. I choose to believe the same things. In fact, years ago when we studied the spiritual gifts in a class at church I took the test that was supposed to show what your spiritual gift was, and the gift of faith was mine. There have certainly been times in the difficult moments of life since then when my faith felt feeble. But never have I felt that his love for me wavered in the least. And so I go into each new year not knowing what it holds, and sometimes letting a little fear creep in, but always knowing that he will be there in it with me.

    May the things you wished for us in your last paragraph also be true for you in the coming year,

  25. Happy New Year!
    I look forward to your beautiful photos and inspiring words.

  26. Lorrie, it is always a joy to come here and read your thoughtful words accompanied by excellent photos. New year blessings to you and yours! His paths are always filled with blessing . . .


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