Thursday, February 28, 2019

Late Thursday at the end of February

We're two months into the year now. They fly by so quickly, yet a lot of living is packed into a month, even one with only 28 days. In March we can look forward to spring while holding back our enthusiasm for it can be a fickle month. 

I've read more in February than in most months. Eight novels, one cooking/memoire, and a dabble in the gardening book above, plus some dipping in and out of travel books. We're planning a trip later in the year and are beginning to decide just what we want to do and see. 

I've begun another quilt, this one in greys and yellows. I love the bee theme there and hope the recipient will love it as well. 

Tim and I took a walk along the water this week. The air is brisk in spite of the increasing sunshine that aided the glowing colours of the Midwinter Fire (Cornus Sanguinea) along the path. 

Two Anna's Hummingbirds sat very still as we walked by. These tiny creatures that must have a difficult time staying warm these days. 

While reading Nigel Slater's "Notes from the Larder" one evening, I had the urge to bake something. Lemon seemed like just the thing, so Lemon Squares it was. They came out of the oven just before bed, so we didn't even try them that night. I covered them with a tea towel and cut them in the morning. I had one with a cup of tea about an hour after breakfast. Very indulgent. 

This weekend will be a fairly quiet one of puttering around the house, a little sewing, some visiting, and gentle cooking. How about you? Any plans?

Linking to Friday Bliss, hosted by Riitta of Floral Passions.   


  1. I had the lovely red Cornus in France. It was always such a joy.
    I think our weekend will be a quiet one, recovery is continuing but slowly so we dont plan much. But if the sun shines there will be a time spent in the greenhouse and the garden!

  2. I spy a teacup of my favorite pattern. Is it American Beauty? I enjoy your gentle blog and your photography is the best.

  3. Your lemon treat looks wonderful. We have no plans this weekend as it will be raining most of the time.

  4. Eight novels? Wow! What fun to be planning for a vacation.

  5. Your lemon bars look lovely! Not much planned. I am almost done my "winter cleaning". And hopefully we'll get to watch A Star is Born, if it arrives in time. Have a nice weekend. Kit

  6. Your stack of quilting fabrics is bee-utiful, Lorrie! I'm sure the recipient will love it. The lemon squares look lovely and would be perfect with my cup of tea right now. I had a flock of Cedar Waxwings visit my trees this week, and they had a feeding frenzy before they took off for more migration, I assume. Happy weekend to you!

  7. I hope you're going to Budapest! And Prague ... I haven't been to the latter, but to Budapest several times and always wished I had my husband with me, it seemed so romantic. But I've heard Prague is even more so. You've done an amazing amount of reading with all else you've done this month as well as working ... I think you probably have good focus, (unlike me.) :-(

  8. With the February weather we've had it's not surprising that reading was at it's best. Those lemon bars look delicious. Hope your weekend is peaceful!

  9. The mid winter fire is stunning.

  10. The red Cornus is a fabulous sight in the winter. I gave you Sunshine Blogger Award - please look:

  11. I am the opposite February has been a terrible month for reading. Looking forward to hearing about your travel plans. The lemon bars look scrumptious.

  12. Hi Lorrie - Budapest is my favorite city in the world, and Prague is a close runner up! Bob's favorite is Istanbul which is fascinating, but a bit too busy and raw for me! Hope your travel planning goes well. We're heading home to England this Spring and now working on another trip to Ireland to see the bits we missed last time.

    Yes, Feb. flew by. I read several books, more than usual it seems, and this week after a quick shop at Aldi, I popped into the Salvation Army Thrift Shop next door and came out with four books for $2.00 - can't beat that. I now have plenty more reading hours ahead.

    Enjoying your lovely photos here - I think I'll make lemon bars this weekend - they look pretty with daffodills!!

  13. Oooh, love your tea time with lemon squares!

    I visited Prague back in 2008 and had a blast. The only disappointment was a tearoom visit...I should write about it one day. HA!

  14. A puttering weekend sounds so lovely. I think those are my favorite . . . but then, weekends with exciting events and people interaction are good too. I'm glad there is room for both!

    I am impressed with your number of books read! I have a stack that high, but they are waiting to be read. Fun to be planning an adventure! I'll look forward to hearing more. Your lemon bars look delicious. It's been a while since I have made lemon bars, but I think I'll make some this week for a party we're hosting next weekend.

  15. I have never seen anything like the glowing colours of the Midwinter Fire (Cornus Sanguinea). Have a great new week!

  16. The lemon cake looks wonderful, I can almost smell it from here. Looking forward to seeing the quilt with such pretty fabrics. Will check out your book titles. You often read books that I go on to enjoy. Hope you are having a relaxing weekend. B x

  17. Im half hUngarian. I have heard so many nice things about Budapest. I love lemon so the lemon cake really appeals to me

  18. I love lemon, and your treat looks wonderful. Have a beautiful week.

  19. The quilt fabrics sure look intriguing! And I know it's fun to plan for a big trip. I'd like to plan a short trip! It seems like a good time to get away. Love that sweet hummer and the bright color of that plant! Enjoy your week my friend!


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