Monday, July 08, 2019

Boats and Beaches

Just a few years ago our children laughed gently at us for wanting to make plans more than a few hours in advance. "Be spontaneous," they said. So we tried. 

Fast forward a few years. Spontaneity is out the window, as once the grandchildren appeared, schedules ruled and calendars must be coordinated far in advance. 

So when the wind blew on a cloudy Sunday morning, Tim and I looked at each other and wondered if the planned-in-advance boating outing should go ahead. We decided to give it a try -we could always turn back and do something else, if needed. We're so flexible that way, now, you know. 

The wind lessened considerably before we left, but the clouds intensified. "Splat, splat" against the windshield went the rain. It looked like the sandpails and shovels were not going to be needed, after all. We ate lunch on the boat, then set out for a walk, first in the woods, then along the beach. 

We saw a number of Great Blue Herons, a Bald Eagle, a pair of River Otters, numerous Gulls, and a Killdeer faking a broken wing to lure a dog away from its nest. Very few people.

It was a monotone day, grey lightened by splotches of pale sand and yellow-green grasses. We got wet; my hair frizzled, my feet were cold. But boy, did we have fun!

These two cousins ran back and forth amongst the lions (aka adults), hid in the forest, explored the beaches, dammed up a small tricklet of water, giggled and chatted. Riding on an uncle and grandpa's shoulders gave them a wee break from running back and forth. I'm certain they put in quadruple the steps we adults took. 

A brick factory once operated on Sidney Island and evidence is left in the spread of broken bricks on the beach. Someone began piling up a few of them, and our two young adventurers contributed.

Although I'm longing for some warmth and sunshine, I'm learning to find the loveliness present in almost every moment. The layers of sky, sand, and sea on Sidney Spit undulate across the horizon in an ever-changing, ever-fascinating roll-out of subtle colour and dramatic texture.

Linking with Mosaic Monday, hosted by Angie of Letting Go of the Bay Leaf. 


  1. I've been happy to see a bit of moisture but I'm glad that we've got a brighter day today. There is so much wildlife on the coast for the little ones to see. I used to love the otters at Stanley Park when I was a child. Even on a grey day, it's fun for children.

  2. Beautiful excursion. The first photo gives me a scent of salty ocean air.

  3. I loved reading that you have learned to cherish each day as it comes. Seeing the kids on the shoulders brought a smile to my face.

  4. Glad you had a nice time, thanks for the lovely pics. Happy you dropped by my blog today

    much love...

  5. We have the warmth and sunshine and now we are longing for some cooler days! But at least we are getting a few rain showers. LOVE your photos. I always see the ones that look like a your first two! Beautiful!!!

  6. The pictures in this post are lovely and makes me want to paint them!

  7. A wonderful post. Funny how the “spontaneous” crowd learned the realities and needfulness of careful planning. ☺️

  8. Lorrie - so pleased to have your stunning photography and seamless storytelling back at Mosaic Monday. You are the one that can take a gray day and make it seem sunny. So jealous that you have seen otters, but now I have too, through you.

    I giggled about spontaneity/planning - the more things change, the more they stay the same, as we go through cycles of life!

  9. "We're so flexible that way, now, you know." I loved this sarcastic saying of yours :) It is so important to have fun with your husband and laugh together in every day life. Your photos find beauty in a dull rain!
    It seems that Finland and Canada are in the same weather mode... Me and my husband have done garden jobs between rain showers that were postponed last summer and then watched Wimbledon...Rainy days are good for visiting museums too. We took our 11 years old grandson to a car museum and tomorrow we go to The Museum of Natural History...

  10. Dear Lorrie - I really like these photos of yours taken under the overcast skies. The soft, tender touch evokes some emotion. I don’t want to get wet during my walk or boating, but such experience becomes more memorable later. In my corner of the world, I'm also enjoying” the lovely slow rhythm” of life during the rainy season before summer comes with its full force. In your previous post, my heart stopped to see one-month Iris, so adorable. Have a nice trip to Europe.


  11. The photos were a delight and the beautiful descriptions a joy. It has taken us awhile to appreciate the ever changing landscape in all its guises. But whatever the weather we are surrounded by beauty, so glad that you enjoy it too. Lovely post.

  12. I have to admit that I'd likely have rescheduled the trip. I should learn from you, because it looks like a wonderful day with sweet memories made!

  13. This post fills my heart. I was prepared to enjoy photos of beaches, which are often lovely, but the very personal account of your day, with all its treasures of shared joys and family relationships, put me over the top!

  14. I've always wanted to be more spontaneous - people like that seem to have more fun and don't worry about the minutiae of life, just roll with the punches I guess. Bob has always been such a list maker/planner - now I'm thinking it rubbed off on me because I'm almost as bad.

    Tell me you didn't make that gorgeous jacket on your granddaughter!!!!!! Love it.
    Lucky girl - tell her to always keep it if Grandmother did make it!

    Lovely atmospheric photos Lorrie

  15. Lovely photos, and obviously you all had fun together despite weather!

  16. I'm an advanced planner too!

    Although, my pop-up teas are spontaneous. Sometimes I decide to throw them just 30 minutes before brewing the tea.

  17. Even without the sun, the water is a wonderful place. So lovely that you get to enjoy it when you want. Great photos! Love the otters. :) Kit

  18. Always love to see “Layered” views... when we get home from the flatlands every year I remember how I’ve missed that! I bet your grands did walk many more steps than the ‘lions!’ Bill had a great-grandmother who as a child was with one of the last groups to travel the Oregon Trail ... she said she’d walked it twice (because of running ahead and back and forth). When we took (much shorter)) hikes with our kids (and later grands) I could well believe that story.

  19. The children holding hands is darling . MY mom would want that as a painting. She delighted in children her whole life

  20. Looks like a great decision to go ahead with your plans despite the weather. Beautiful captures with your camera.

  21. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Oh my gosh such breath taking shots , beautiful!

  22. Looks like a good time! Yes our kids are spontaneous aren't they--not much long range planning, so try to keep a flexible attitude and are ready for anything,

  23. Lorrie, I always say I love being spontaneous as long as I've planned for it! Sounds like a perfect day to me!

  24. I love the pictures.

  25. Dear Lorrie,
    thank you so much for sharing. Loved every single picture.
    Karen B.

  26. Your last picture? That should be an oil painting, but then so much of your gorgeous scenery should be. I love both spontaneity and well planned out activities. Oh for the energy and imagination of your grandchildren--and mine!


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