Friday, July 05, 2019

Summer Days at Home

The first week of summer vacation is almost over. It's been lovely, beginning with dinner with friends one evening, a quiet Canada Day celebration with family, and days alone at home. So lovely. I like to stay busy, but this week I've deliberately slowed down. I needed this.

I've weeded and clipped back the garden, cut many bouquets of flowers for the house, and had tea with a friend on the porch.

Our temperatures are cooler than normal and the skies are mostly overcast. I wish it were warmer, but since it isn't, I cuddle up with a blanket to sit outside. The cooler weather is also beneficial for the hydrangeas. They are sensational this year.

I'm picking raspberries and blueberries every few days, both to freeze and to eat now. I've been sewing, but have nothing finished to show at the moment. 

We're planning a trip to Europe this summer and for the past couple of months I've been thinking about how much I would just love to stay at home. However, after this week of quiet and solitude, I'm getting excited about traveling. Most of my sewing is targeted towards the trip - it's hot in Europe and linen will be my best friend. 

Little Iris is almost a month old already. I wish she lived on this side of the water, but we'll see her (and she's bringing her parents) in a couple of weeks. Such a sweet, sweet bundle. 

It's time to fold a bit of laundry, put clean sheets on the bed, and think about dinner. I'm so enjoying the lovely slow rhythm to these beginning summer days. 

How about you? How's summer in your corner?

Linking with Friday Bliss, hosted by Riitta of Floral Passions.  


  1. As I read along I was thinking how different summer is here than there. Can't even imagine needing a blanket outside anytime soon :). Your flowers are lovely and the berries sound delightful. Scrolling to the end I believe that sweet little Iris has stolen the shoe. My goodness she is just precious and that hair is amazing for one so young.

    1. Her hair really is something. And the ends are tipped with gold. Her cousin had the same hair when newborn - we think it comes from my husband's side of the family.

  2. No not the shoe... "show". Yikes, I better stop hitting the publish button so quickly.

  3. Hot and muggy...wonder how long it’ll take for your cooler weather to arrive. Little Iris is so darling. A trip to Europe sounds exciting! Glad that you’ve had this quiet week to yourself. Everyone needs some quiet space.

  4. Beautiful Hydrangeas. I love to watch babies sleeping blissfully. Little Iris is cute!

  5. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Dear Lorrie,
    your hydrangeas are so wonderful. I love the color and the details of blossoms!
    I wish you a nice weekend,
    greetings moni

  6. Little Iris is so adorable ❤︎ No wonder you long for her. The weather in Finland is cool and rainy, too. But I prefer this to a heat wave. Your tea table looks charming and the hydrangeas are fabulous. Wishing a slow & relaxing weekend.

  7. Hello Lorrie. I'm pleased to know that you're enjoying the holiday period and beginning to relax after term time's busy teaching schedule. It's good to be able to enjoy pottering at home after a time on the water (which also looked idyllic). Those hydrangeas are a beautiful colour, the poppies are unusual and you have a lovely porch where you can look at the beauty of the garden or take tea with a friend. You must be looking forward to seeing little Iris and her family.

  8. Like you the cooler weather means blankets and at times the heating is on. Glad you are enjoying the break fro school and are taking time to rest and restore your body. Your trip sounds wonderful. Little Iris is a delight.

  9. Love your poppies and sweet Iris is adorable. The weather here is lovely at the moment, luckily it has not been roasting like much of Europe, but you are right to enjoy and make the most of whatever weather comes your way for we have no choice.

  10. ...beautiful colors and sweet little Iris melted my heart.

  11. This is a beautiful post - I've just thoroughly enjoyed reading backwards! Just saw the pictures of your luscious looking pickled onions and radishes. You can still get rubber jar rings. I first looked at Amazon, then remembered the Lehman's catalog that seems less expensive for the old-time style:
    God bless your precious new granddaughter! She's precious!

  12. Iris is very sweet,so precious, and that month went by quickly.

  13. What pretty poppies, I love the frills. Mine used to seed themselves all over.
    It is so nice to be able to wander into the garden and cut a few flowers, so many choices now that Summer is here.

  14. I really love this post. Hydrangeas, and tea! I don't recognize the pink frilly ones. Similar cool weather here in Seattle WA in the US. Adorable baby, too!

  15. What a beautiful post, Lorrie. While the photos of your plants, etc., are beautiful, that sweet baby pic takes the prize for me. How adorable. Bet you can't wait to see/hold her. xo Diana

  16. Oh Iris. So lovely.
    I have a new survey up if you are interested!

  17. Now that’s my kind of summer entertainment. The joy of nature and its bounty, peaceful days and pleasant nights and happy thoughts about happy times ahead. What could be better.

  18. I wished that I can send some of our heat your way!

    Your flowers are gorgeous and I'm swooning over your pretty tea time setting on the porch.

    I have no travel plans this summer so I look forward to living vicariously through your Eurotrip!

  19. I understand the joy of that sweet bundle. She's so cute with her dark hair. Glad you could have a quiet week and get re-excited about your trip to Europe.

  20. I wish I was having tea and conversation on your porch as well, what a lovely tea tray and the garden is looking beautiful. Little Iris is a darling, I hope you all have a wonderful summer.

  21. Such a gorgeous photo of Iris. The hydrangeas too look beautiful especially your vase full. We’ll be out in the garden today, having returned from our travels. It’s like a jungle out there !Have a good week. B x

  22. Awwww Lorrie, your flower photos are so vivid, and I wish I was sharing that teatime with you! Baby Iris is adorable, and I know you’ll enjoy her visit with her parents! How wonderful to plan your soon to be vacation.

  23. Its hard to believe your summer vacation from school has barely started and we're seeing the back to school stuff and people are starting their fall calendars of activities. Slow down please!
    Hope you enjoy your trip--But I understand the temptation to want to hang out at home.

  24. Do you know the name of that lovely, frilly poppy? I would love some for my garden.


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