Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Home Thoughts

Outside my window a fine drizzle is dulling the view and making me very sleepy. After more than 24 hours in transit, I arrived home last night, not too late. I spent 8 days traveling with a group of my students - in Spain. It was a wonderful trip and I will likely tell you more about it once I regain some energy.

I am thinking about how, regardless of the length of a trip, on the last day in a different place, one's thoughts turn towards home. While wandering on my own in Madrid for a few hours on Sunday, I yearned to see my husband, thought about my garden, started planning projects, and wondered how my other students were doing with their Teacher on Call. 

I am doing very little today. All those grand plans I thought about seem less important today. I'll get to them later. Although school is in session, I've booked off an extra two days for trip recuperation. There's been some laundry shifted from washer to dryer and folded, a chat via Skype with my daughter and young Iris, and very little else accomplished. 

In my kitchen the carcass of a roasted chicken that I froze before leaving is in the slow cooker, flavouring stock that will become soup. For dinner tonight I pulled a container of White Chicken Chili from the freezer. 

I am trying to not nap today. The best way to recover from jet lag is to try to keep to the schedule of where one is at. Last night I made it to 9 pm; we'll see how tonight goes. 

I am reading nothing right now. I read the above book on the plane coming home - a great story about WWII and the unsung women who willingly risked their lives to help out. I'd recommend it. I also read, via our digital library, "The Girl You Left Behind," by Jojo Moyes, also very entertaining. I read Kate Atkinson's "Case Histories" and have decided that I am not a fan of KA. Her characters seem mired in unhappiness. 

I am going to an appointment later this afternoon, and will pick up a few groceries on the way home. 


  1. Welcome home, Lorrie. I'm so glad you had such a good trip. You shared some awesome photos on Facebook, and we are looking forward to any more you care to share down the road. I've got other book titles to add to the list of things I'd like to read. Thank you for sharing.

    Wishing you a pleasant return to home life and hope you're back into the swing of Victoria time right quick. :)

  2. Lorrie - having just arrived in the UK yesterday, I can relate to the jet lag. I always find it easier going east to west, but I am feeling pretty good today. Love the second picture. I hope you have an easy transition back to work, and I look forward to future posts about your trip.

  3. Welcome home! It's great to be reading blogs again as I'm trying to get back to the blogging world I so enjoy. It's always funny how we can't wait to get away from home but always can't wait to get back again. Hope you recover from any jetleg and get back into your homey routine. I'm off to check out your pictures from the trip.

  4. Jetlag is not nice, but it is sensible to try to get back into the time rhythm of your own country.....when all you really want to do is to sleep.
    Nice to see you back.

  5. You have grit if you can continue to hold out on that nap. I am sure that you are happy to be home and I am sure that your husband and family are happy as well. How wonderful to have good things in the freezer for meals without too much thought. Have a good night’s rest and may jetlag soon be a thing of the past. Are you returning to school on Friday? Might as well take Friday, too. 😉

  6. Glad you made it home safely - will look forward to hearlng about your trip Lorrie.
    I'm still 'at sea' and we reached the Cape Verde Islands today!

    Hugs - Mary

  7. I've enjoyed seeing your trip photos on FB and IG. The images reminded me of my trip to Spain back in 2011 (can't believe that it's been 8 years!).

    I've read some of Jojo Moyes' other books (Me Before You) so I'll have to check out "The Girl You Left Behind."

  8. Your day/s sound restful and restorative, even if a little bit sleepy. 😉 Applause for planning ahead with your extra days off and dinner in the freezer.

  9. I am always ready to come home. I get so homesick. Always have!!

  10. Your post sounds wonderful to be at home. I hope you get plenty of rest.

  11. Hope you bounce back quickly from jet lag!
    Your slow cooker chicken stock will be scenting your home with goodness...nothing like a rich broth to deliver soothing satisfying soup!

  12. Welcome home! I will love to hear about Madrid - oh, but I wish you could have more than two "extra" days to recover. Don't they say one day for each hour of time difference? May God give you strength!

  13. Flying to Europe twice in just a few weeks would take it out of anyone, but you also had the responsibility of your students too. A few more days and you should be feeling back to normal again.
    Madrid is a great destination, especially for art lovers, and I shall look forward to seeing some photos of your trip.

  14. Welcome home. I look forward to hearing more about your trip.

  15. Welcome home, Lorrie. Sounds like a good idea to take a few extra days to ease back into things and recover from jet lag. Your hydrangea is a thing of beauty. Look forward to hearing more about your trip.


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