Sunday, October 27, 2019

October Thoughts

Wild cyclamen blooming in the woods where I walk

Like Anne of Green Gables "I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." It's my favourite month of the year, full of Nature's richness, Canadian Thanksgiving, and my birthday. 

I confess, though, that until recently I've felt small joy in this month. It's been busy, busy, busy. The trip to Spain with students was a wonderful experience, but between the preparation and then the jet lag and getting back into school routines, I felt quite overwhelmed. Until this past Friday. 

Friday was a Professional Development Day. I attended a Modern Language Teachers conference at a local school. More frequently, the conference is held on the mainland, meaning an overnight trip. Without travel it was much more relaxing. After the conference I went down to Island View Beach for a walk in the sunshine. Glorious! We've had lots of rainy, grey days and the brilliant light cheered me up immensely. 

Just look at that blue sky! There was a bit of wind, but nothing of any concern. However, just a few miles away ferries were cancelled because of high winds on the mainland. 

The walk along the water, where gulls wheeled and dove, Bufflehead Ducks swam, and the waves rolled gently on the sand filled me with such a sense of well-being. "I'm back," I thought to myself, "I feel like myself again." It's a wonderful feeling and I thank God for the gift of nature and its solace.

A tangle of bull kelp roots, red and green seaweed, and round pebbles on the sand delight me. The low light of late afternoon casts long shadows on the sand.

Today, Sunday, was another opportunity for a beach visit - this time to Mount Douglas Park. Cold crisp air, sailboats heeled over in the breeze, snow-capped mountains in the distance, and a broad beach filled me with more joy.

Leaves by the dozens tumble to the ground in the slightest breeze, leaving great piles of them to scuff through as I walk. Soon the branches will be bare, but for now, the forest glows with colour and light. I want to soak in every minute that I can.

"Listen, the wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves; we have had our summer evenings, now for October eves." 
                                                                                             (Humbert Wolfe)


  1. Isn’t the light wonderful this time of year? Glorious photos of a beautiful landscape. Glad you are feeling more grounded. Have a good week. B x

  2. Oh I am glad “you’re back!” There is nothing much more unsettling than to be off one’s pins. October looks glorious there and I appreciated your photography, as always, with the unique views and perspectives.

  3. So lovely to soak up those beautiful October days . . . and so good to feel "back"!

  4. What a great peaceful day with wonderful shots to share. So glad you are settling in and back to your routine. I too am a Anne of Green Gables fan. Happy birthday! Enjoy your day!

  5. Walking by the water always brings me a since of peace and calm.

  6. We were married in October 25 years ago and both our boys were born in October. :) Walking always makes me feel better (after I get over the disgust of seeing garbage everywhere). :/ But, seriously, I do feel more creative and energetic afterwards. You had some gorgeous views on your outing. Have a good week.

  7. There is nothing like a walk along a beach, listening to the waves to put you in a relaxed mood.

  8. Wonderful photos, it's good to have a sunny day to make up for all the grey ones:)

  9. I feel a sense of relaxation just reading your words and looking at the pictures. Thank-you.

  10. Water is, oh, so soothing, especially on a clear day.

  11. Travel is wonderful, but it can be very tiring when one travels through time zones. I'm glad you are feeling back to normal and enjoying the pretty autumn weather and scenery there. The yellow aspens are so pretty and the water so bright blue.
    Our autumn left us too fast this year! We already had our second frost and snowfall!

  12. Your post made me think of the Blue Rodeo Song, "Til I Am Myself Again."

    Glad you're feeling normal again--just in time to celebrate your birthday. Advance happy birthday!

  13. So nice that things are getting back to normal for you. Beautiful scenery on your walks. I had no idea there was such a thing as a wild cyclamen. That would be lovely to stumble upon. Enjoy these waning days of October.

  14. Being responsible for students in Spain must have been hard work, but fun too. I always worried about losing a kid just taking my class to the zoo (first graders), but the only one I lost was a mother that we had to wait for. That sure didn't make the bus driver happy since she had to get back to school for the afternoon transportation runs. - Margy

  15. So glad the beach could refresh you! I hope you have a great week. 😊 Kit

  16. Sometimes we forget how nice it is to live on the coast.You've had some great travel adventures but they can take a lot our of you. It's good to appreciate the comforts of home again.

  17. So thankful you could feel like yourself again! Being outdoors is so restorative! Especially being by the ocean. It never fails to remind me of God's power and majesty and the thought that He is holding all things together and ordering them.

    Are you familiar with the poem October’s Bright Blue Weather by Helen Hunt Jackson? I thought of it right away when you mentioned the blue sky in the third photo from the top. I tried putting a link to my post about it in my comment, but Blogger is not letting me do so. If you are interested, just go to my blog and type the name of the poem into the search box.

  18. I love your blue photos - the sky, the ocean and the beach <3 So beautiful and calming. We have got our first snow, maybe it won't last, I hope. The nature is a gift, it always relaxes the restless mind. All the best Lorrie <3

  19. Glad you've recovered and can rest in the beauty of October. Love that quote at the end. Beautiful photos filled with light.

  20. Hi, I saw your comment at Sandi's Rose Chintz Cottage. Seems like you and I have the same feeling about blogging now versus how blogging used to be. The blog community was SO MUCH friendlier a decade ago. I really miss that.

    October is my favorite month too, and that Anne of Green Gables quote is one I have framed and pull out every October 1st.

    Your photos are beautiful. I love the beach! I now live in a landlocked state, so I don't get there very often these days.

    Patti @ This Beautiful Life

  21. Lorrie - so glad you're "back". We all go through these periods. I also find that Nature helps to restore my equilibrium. Gorgeous photos, as always. My favorite is the kelp! Enjoy the few remaining days of October!

  22. What a delightful post. I felt like I was right there with you and I certainly understand that sense of being renewed. It feels so good to settle to what is level for your daily life.

    Those are really great photos---love the blue, blue skies. xo Diana

  23. I think I can relate to those feelings, especially since we have now been in TN for almost a month. Our October seems to have been a blur but like you, I want to be able grasp what's left of the fall before it all blows away like those leaves you described. And what gorgeous photos of your October...the quote from Anne of Green Gables is one of my favorite! Blessings!

  24. Ahh, you just needed some rest and catching up. I went through a similar lag in my usual welcoming of the next season, this year. Maybe it has something to do with time going faster every year, and my psyche is not keeping up!

    Sunshine definitely helps one cope with winter coming on...

  25. Like Anne of Green Gables and yourself, I am glad that there are Octobers, and I am also grateful for the fact that I live in a country that has proper seasons too.

  26. Im so glad you are enjoying getting back to your normal life. the pre vacation hype is fun, the vacation is fun and the coming home is a calm and lovely fun. Nice photos you shared with us

  27. Ah yes, the wonderful solace of nature! Thank you for sharing such lovely photos from your part of the world . . . God's creation is so beautiful everywhere, and He often speaks to us though it, or so I've always found.

  28. That is a good feeling, Lorrie! I'm glad you were able to find it again and surely some of it was sheer fatigue, even the fatigue was from all good things. I enjoyed your photos on FB of your trip so much and oddly enough, at the same time I was getting very similar pictures from a friend who was also in Madrid with students, my grandson's mother-in-law. Did you happen to meet students from Nashville there at the same time as you?

    That blue sky in your photos! A true October sky for sure and one that we just did not have much of this October for the first time I can remember. Those Bufflehead Ducks you showed, something so sweet about them when I see them in your photos here. And you've already had your Thanksgiving, celebrated it before you left on your trip, right? And our will be late this year, the very end of November. Which sounds like plenty of time for me to get ready for it but I have a feeling I'll be scratching my head the morning of and wondering where the time went.

  29. Hi Lorrie, it's so nice to be able to take some time this last day of October and catch up a bit. It's been a most difficult time for me and I still have more to go that I have not even mentioned in my two posts the past months.

    It looks like you must have gone through something recently as well. Your images taken of you walk along the shore are all so peaceful and beautiful. I love Bufflehead Ducks. They will once in a great while make an appearance all the way over here in Kentucky. The pebbles in the perfect lighting is really lovely. All of them are very special. I sometimes wished that we could live near water, and yet alas we don't.

    Take care of yourself~

  30. You've shared some wonderful photographs here, a joy to see.
    Thank you.

    All the best Jan


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