Saturday, November 23, 2019

Slow Weekend

Outside my window the birds are mad for the suet and seed that was recently replenished. A small Chestnut-backed Chickadee peers around the corner of the feeder to keep watch over the much larger bird on the other side. 

In turn, the woodpecker peeks shyly at me, not wanting to reveal too much of himself. 

The red accents on the House Finch caught my eye and I snapped a quick photo. Only when looking at it later on the computer did I realize that two other birds, perhaps female House Finches, are in the photo as well. 

A Northern Flicker perches on the highest, wavering branch of the cedar hedge. Skies are grey today with rain in the forecast, and possible freezing rain. I'd much rather have snow. 

It's not nearly 5 pm yet, but the lights are all on. I just finished watching another episode of The Crown, Season Three. Have you been watching? I find this season much more introspective and thus, assumes motivations and thoughts of the Royal Family. However, I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I rarely watch television during the day, so I'm feeling very indulgent on this quiet and dark afternoon. 

We've been away quite a lot recently and it's so nice to be at home. I went to a craft fair this morning, did several loads of laundry, made granola, and the house is filled now with the scent of simmering turkey stock. I read on Jean's blog, Delightful Repast, about making the gravy for turkey dinner ahead of time. I'm planning to cook a turkey for Christmas (we celebrated Thanksgiving in October), and it will be such a time-saver to have the gravy made ahead. I find it always a last minute thing to do, when the kitchen is full of people and activity. It's certainly smelling good just now.

Christmas preparations are beginning slowly here - I have a few gifts purchased and a few others in the works. There are lingering roses in the garden, and bright berries. Leaves are mostly fallen although the tree across the street from us has plenty of gold left on it. One late creamy rose blends well with other garden finds to make Autumn in a Teacup. 

My goal for the next week is to do at least one little thing each day to prepare for Christmas. No decorating quite yet, but there is stitching and baking and writing to do. 

For all my American readers - I wish you the joy of family and friends as you celebrate Thanksgiving Day. 


  1. Lovely pictures. Love that Autumn in a Teacup.

  2. The bird feeder photos are adorable.Good capture

  3. I too love the teacup posy. It gets dark here soon after 4.30 now and some days we need lights on long before that.

  4. Beautiful leaves on the water, maybe maple? Isnt it wonderful that such a tiny area can bring such pleasure. A lovely photo Lorrie.
    We have no lingering roses now, sadly, but I look forward to the time when they flower again. Now I take joy from my pots of pretty Cyclamen.

  5. What a great idea to make your gravy ahead of time. Lovely view of all your different birds. Very different to our garden. Mainly sparrows and gold finches, the odd robin and blackbird. Just started the Crown too. It’s family viewing on a Friday, everybody enjoys it. B x

  6. Always beautiful pictures...the bird captured so well with two bonuses that surprise you, This happens often to Lavender Dreamer.

    My tree is sitting here and I hope to begin the fluffing and tweaking that is so important before beginning with lights and moving on the exciting things.

    I have been gathering this morning...both groceries and gifts. This season is a process...trying to pace myself.

  7. We've had finches at the feeders lately as well -- wonderful flashes of surprising colour. . . And yes, we've been watching The Crown again as well and enjoying it very much -- (watching the Queen's wardrobe change through the 60s! -- some of the gorgeous prints!)

  8. I'm hoping that our balcony will be finished and we can have a bird feeder. Your photos are beautiful. I've been baking for our book club Christmas social. I found a recipe for a savoury cheese cake in the Autumn Victoria magazine. Have you read Precious Cargo? It's the story of driving the school bus for special needs students.

  9. Enjoyed your post very much. Meandering and gentle with all manner of lovely things to read about and see. Loved your birdie pics. And I've taken note of that make ahead gravy recipe from the Delightful Repast blog. That will be perfect!!

    Wishing you a beautiful week ahead. It sounds delightful.
    Brenda xox

    PS. Haven't watched the Crown yet, any of it, but it's on my list of things to watch on Netflix. Enjoy!

  10. It's good to have a quiet weekend. Thanks for that reminder of making gravy ahead of time. I'll click over and go over the recipe again. We have started watching The Crown. Interesting events I was not aware of before. Hope you have a great week.

  11. I love your Autumn in a teacup. Pretty. We woke to a little snow this morn. Looking forward to this holiday week. Have a great week! Kit

  12. I made Jamie Olivers turkey gravy ahead of the family dinner one was delicious!
    We have local hummingbirds coming to the feeder and lots of little bushtits foraging in the garden.
    I am off to the garden centre today for some greenery and red berries to dress up some pots and planters on our front porch and stairs...the teacup is sweet!

  13. What a perfect quiet weekend! All the joys of home....

  14. We have black capped chickadee here. In Wisconsin. But yours are so beautiful!!!!!Our cardinals, juncos, bluejays are all ravenous. Im feeling pretty relaxed about Christmas . Hope that lasts!

  15. Your autumn in a teacup is very pretty. I have much of my Christmas shopping done, as I like to play in December with decorating and baking and seeing friends. Yes, I am in the middle of watching the currant Crown episodes. Love, love seeing your birds, many are the same as what visits our yard.

  16. I always enjoy seeing the backyard birds in different places. I recognized all of your birds, which we have here too, except for the northern flicker. Here it is the week of preparing good food and eating too much of it. These days I prepare little and try to eat less. And I seem to be on the same Christmas preparation page as you. Easing into the spirit of the holiday.

  17. Your bird photos are amazing, Lorrie! Such a photographer you are!

    A slow weekend is the best kind, in my opinion. I like your idea of doing one thing for Christmas every day. Slow and steady wins the race, as they say.

  18. Lorrie - I far prefer snow over freezing rain. We are in Ohio for Thanksgiving, and a night of freezing rain on Saturday left the bridges absolutely treacherous as we drove across the state for a football game and to re-connect with friends. We saw many accidents and I am so grateful we made it safely. We have been watching the Crown, and I think the characters are coming across/have been written a little more human - so I find it more appealing (and I certainly liked the previous seasons A LOT). As always, your pictures are lovely. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  19. Beautiful photos, Lorrie. I do miss seeing birds at our feeder and being able to photograph them. As soon as we get our RV moved down to the building site, I will make sure we get them back up! And I love slow weekends too. ;)

  20. Your autumn in a teacup is a delight!

    You manage to get really good shots of birds, they're all sweet. That woodpecker doesn't look like any that we have here in TN and we don't have your beautiful Northern Flicker either. He is gorgeous!

    I've watched all of season 3 and will watch it again in January after Christmas movies. I loved it and the acting and plots were excellent. I have to admit though that I can't help thinking that the Queen is much prettier than Olivia portrays her, and she's always had a lovely natural smile. I've never thought of her as being as dour as shown either. I do think that the new Philip is terrific!

  21. My dad received a Netflix gift card for his birthday this month. So when we activate our Netflix subscription (we share) in Dec, I'll watch the third season of The Crown.

  22. Thanks for that link about the gravy! I'm not doing a turkey dinner this year, but next time I will be ready. A chef who was dating my sil showed me how to do this; I think we did it early on the same day. I needed the refresher.

  23. You take the best pictures, Lorrie. I am slow to "Christmas it" this year. We have two Thanksgiving birthdays (week of)so I always like to wait until after that. Have a wonderful weekend! xo Diana

  24. Hi Lorrie, your comments link opened for me here … but not on your newest post … which I did enjoy reading and seeing all of your photographs.

    Wishing you a Happy December.

    All the best Jan


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