Saturday, July 25, 2020

On a Still Summer Afternoon

"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time."
John Lubbock

The quiet stillness of a warm summer afternoon settles around me as I sit on the patio. I see a white butterfly in the flowers across the garden, and bees are busy in the roses and oregano that has come into flower. I wandered around the garden with my camera this afternoon at 4:30, a time not recommended for photography because of the harsh light at this time of year. Come along with me anyway. 

The first dahlia is opening - a Sweet Violet. I lost most of my dahlias last winter and when I went to purchase new ones there was little available. 

I am always surprised at the pure whiteness of the phlox that springs up each summer, and I would love to see an all-white garden one day. Purple coneflowers are a relatively new addition to my garden and I'm pleased with their performance. I'm looking forward to dividing them in a season or two and multiplying their effect. 

Tim built a climbing trellis for the squash plants this year. I'm not convinced of its success yet - time will tell. 

Here is one of the Hubbard squashes hanging from the trellis. I'm concerned about the weight and wonder if I should create a bit of support for it - a mesh bag or something. Have any of you grown squash this way? 

I do like the way the trellis provides a bit of shade for the cucumbers and zucchini underneath. 

Oregano is in flower now and the bees are loving it. I counted three types of bees just this afternoon, all so very busy flitting from blossom to blossom. What amazing creatures they are, and so important to our food supply. 

The first sunflower. I wondered if any sunflowers would survive the onslaught of the bunnies earlier in the spring. I replanted several times and netted the tiny plants to foil those pesky critters. Four of the sunflower plants survived and are doing well. 

We are shrinking our bubble again. After being Covid-19 free for a couple of months, cases are now popping up on our Island, likely due to increased travel as people get out to enjoy the summer weather. It's disheartening to read of some people who put their individual desires above the safety of others. We are in this together and it's by acting together and thinking of others that we can get through this. 

I find great solace in my garden. The natural world of God's creation offers space away from the problems of the world, and plenty of work to keep me occupied. Where do you find respite from the hurly-burly of the world these days?


  1. I'm glad you have the kind of summery days that you can Soak Up! I find that bees love my oregano, too. I always hate to trim it back...

  2. Your garden is a peaceful place! I can see myself enjoying the garden more and more.

  3. Like you I like being in my garden but sitting on the porch looking out at it is even better. I'm getting lazy in my old age. *grin*

  4. A little bench in the garden is my reflective place, from where I can gaze and plan. How pretty your Dahlia is, yet another possible QM hat?

  5. I agree, the garden is the place to be. It is a peaceful place with something new to look forward to daily. I enjoyed this walk around yours this morning.

  6. I enjoyed my walk through your beautiful garden. Each flower displays its own beauty. In Manitoba we are seeing some more cases as well, so it means being a little more careful.

  7. Good morning, Lorrie. This is a lovely post. My mom was quite a gardener and she had an all white section of her garden. It held as a back drop, white rhododendron and bridal wreath spirea and then many other white beauties from daffodils to roses. It truly was beautiful and so very peaceful.

    I love your trellis for the squash. To me, the way it is designed it should handle weight. Your squash look very happy.

    Lorrie, I have to dig my dahlias in the fall. I place their tubers in brown bags and store them in the basement. Then I start them in shallow pots in the early spring. Now and again, if I get lazy and fail to dig them, I may have one or two come back but not often. Yours is a beauty.

    My garden is a gift to me during these difficult days. I am ever so grateful for it. I also love to cook and read, so I am not overwhelmed by staying home. I am amazed at how many people are not wearing masks even though our Governor has mandated that we do so. I know we will get through these times, but I do believe it is going to be a while.

    Wishing you a lovely day and week ahead.

  8. The harsh light of summer afternoons, is still lovely, for photo taking. Your beautiful photos prove that.

    What a wonderful camera you have.

    So sorry the thoughtless vacationers are spoiling your island Wuhan Virus progress.


  9. Your garden is looking wonderful, such a peaceful place to sit and meditate. I too am taking solace in this new to us garden space, we've not made many changes this season as I want to wait and see just what comes up before deciding what the cut back, replant or discard. The SP gifted me a beautiful David Austin rose, Vanessa Bell, for my birthday and also a large pot for her to grow big and strong in. She may well go into a flower bed next year, we shall see.

  10. Lovely to see everything blooming well. The dahlia is a beautiful colour and I hope your cone flowers do well. I’ve never tried growing squash but I’m getting some huge zucchini. I’m having a battle with my tortoise as he keeps getting into the veggie patch and eating the seedlings. Have a good week. B x

  11. You are blessed with a beautiful garden, a reward for all the hard work. Sorry to read about the rise in Covid numbers again, such a shame. Take care.

  12. That Dahlia is a beauty! It's nice to be able to enjoy your garden and find some solace there. God's Word affords me peace I need in the midst of all that is going on in the USA. Hope you have a nice week...the last of July!

  13. Your garden is beautiful!

    Sorry to hear that the COVID cases are increasing in BC which has done a phenomenal job of containing the spread. I think that sometimes people become complacent when the rates are low because they think the "pandemic is over". Our area just moved into Phase 3 last Friday, but I'm still living like we're in Phase 1/2!

  14. What a lovely garden. I have often thought about doing an all white garden, but my "live-in gardener" doesn't like that idea. Since he does 99% of the work I guess there will be no all white garden. I did do a couple pots of white and enjoying that.

  15. Love your garden! Those Phlox are so brilliantly white! I may need to add some to my garden.

  16. It is easy to see how your beautiful, well-tended garden offers respite! We are still staying in a lot, but we are enjoying time with our children/grandchildren. Bekah and I take frequent drives (usually with some iced coffee) for some quiet while Ron is still working from home.

  17. Hi Lorrie,

    I love your pictures, as always. That trellis looks very nice and professional; I think Tim did a good job! :) I love summer squash, so I hope the trellis is successful for you. Your sunflower is beautiful and so are the coneflowers and white phlox!

    I'm sorry to read of your increased Covid-19 cases. I have to say that we just got home from a short trip to the ocean, where we stayed at my in-laws' beach house (same as every year). We were very careful, though, and everyone seemed to be following the mask mandate, so that was good.

    Thank you for sharing your garden with us, Lorrie, and I hope you have a lovely week!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  18. Lorrie - did you change your header? If so, well done. Simple, elegant, intentioned - just like you! If not, ignore the ramblings of my sun-addled brain! My garden/outdoors in general is THE place that I go for peace. I have had no reason to go anywhere for a week, and it has been wonderful. I feel so relaxed ... Montana has seen an increase in cases, but it is not to the point that we need to clamp down again. But I fear that may happen as fall arrives. Time will tell!

  19. Dear Lorrie,
    It will be interesting to see how your new and beautiful trellis will hold up to the considerable weight of so many squash. Would love to see how it works out as the season progresses. I think that your husband did a great job designing it and putting it together.
    Yes, having a garden to escape to is very comforting.

  20. Your trellis looks good, and that sunflower is such an amazing colour.

    All the best Jan


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