Friday, August 14, 2020

A Quick Friday Five


Summer is flying by and we're making the most of it. In the past 10 days we've taken the boat out to Portland Island, just an hour away. The first time we took family, the second time our tenants who came from a country in the Middle East where things look very different. 

A group of fat seals eyed us very closely and slid into the water just after I took this photo. 

Queen Anne's Lace is blooming everywhere - along roadsides and trails, and in the midst of clearings. It's such a pretty weed.

Our first outing was with Miss Iris and her parents. Here she is trying on Nana's hat. She soon took it off and handed it back to me. 

Dahlias are blooming in my garden, and tall stalks of white phlox. A parsley plant gone to seed provided some green in a bouquet. 

This Secret Rose slumbered for a few weeks, but is now covered with large, beautifully scented blooms. 

And one extra photo - of a quick bouquet in pink and white clipped this morning - phlox, rose, cosmo, zinnia, snapdragon. 

Have a most wonderful Friday and a good weekend ahead. It's supposed to get hot here, for two days. We could do with some heat. I have not yet had one ripe tomato and I'm beginning to wonder if I will get any at all this summer. It's rather discouraging, but I'm trying to focus on the good in the garden - wonderful zucchini, beets, carrots, blueberries. 


  1. Nana's hat looks delightful on Miss Iris.
    I am feeling the same about our tomatoes too - we have lots but they are all green with just a slight of hint of yellowy orange slowly beginning to appear.

  2. Beautiful flowers with Miss Iris being the prettiest of all!
    I am not looking forward to the temperatures predicted for the weekend. 36 for Sunday!!

  3. What a lovely little person in a hat!
    My tomatoes are at least 2 weeks later than last years, but thy are slowly ripening now.

  4. Your little Iris is a charmer. I've got tomatoes now on the balcony. A few ripen each day. My peppers are ripening too. I started small so I don't have too many vegetables. It's lots of fun!

  5. Little Miss Iris is just the cutest. Sounds like you are making great use of your summer and your boat! We are heating up over here come Sunday into the 100's. Yikes! Have a good weekend.

  6. Iris is just the sweetest! I enjoy your pictures of our Beautiful coastal islands and area's.
    With the predicted heat, your roses will be beautiful, a gift for the end of summer.

  7. Little Iris has my heart! Love that you do so many wonderful outdoor adventures!


  8. I love your dahlias - mine don't compare, first year I tried growing them here and I think it's too hot/humid!
    That last bouquet is SO pretty Lorrie - what joy we find in flowers!
    Glad the weather is good for your boating trips - I'm envious.

    Adorable Iris - and I have the same hat she can wear in my garden, if you want to send her to me!!! I miss having little girls around - all are grown up now.

    Enjoy the weekend in your beautiful place.
    Mary x

  9. Lovely photos and I love the colors of your Header.... Pinks and purples!!!

    🌻 🌻 🌻

  10. This post is full of summery sunshine. Your flowers are almost as beautiful as your granddaughter. x

  11. Beautiful images. I love those delicate colors in the bouquets.Of course Little Iris is a beauty as well.

  12. Good morning, Lorrie. I do love your photo of the fat seals. They look as though they might not welcome strangers.
    Your dahlias are lovely and are a favorite of mine.
    Your standout photo was of Miss Iris. She is precious and I love her name. Have a lovely day and week ahead.

  13. Miss Iris always steals the show.

  14. How special to be able to share time with family and friends on your boat. Love seeing the seals and your sweet Miss Iris.
    Your flowers are just gorgeous! Love seeing Queen Anne's Lace growing by the roads here too. I always want to pick them and bring them home, but remind myself that they are better left where they are.

  15. I’ve picked the first homegrown tomatoes - grown by my fair hands. Beloved was responsible for veggies but now that I’ve tried, I will do so again. They do taste special, don’t they.
    Happy days’ outings, Miss Iris is a lucky little girl indeed.
    Happy gardening.

  16. I'd say we'd take some of your cool weather, but today it's actually kind of cool here too, probably from all the rain. Your little boat trips sound so fun! And how nice to take others along. Even sans tomatoes, your garden sounds quite productive!

  17. A girl in a hat....a toddler babe in a hat... What's cuter? I love the summer and the heat so very much. We have had a string of gorgeous days in the 80s with an afternoon quick shower . Nothing measurable very much this summer. But I love this hour at dusk, sitting on my porch. With my cat Miss Pie and a candle lit. Ready to knit. Ready to listen for the owls

  18. Lots to love in this post. Certainly Iris in your lovely hat. And those dahlias! Have a good week. B x

  19. Your garden flowers are beautiful but Iris is the best!
    Thanks for reminding me about my pinterest Zucchini page, I haven't looked at it at all this year since I am only growing herbs nowadays and no longer have a potager.
    BTW a couple of weeks ago you asked me about a plant in one of my mosaics, I have identified it as an anemone and our friend Mary also mentioned to me that her Mother used to grow them. She called them Japanese anemones and apparently they spread like crazy!
    Have a great week, hope the suns shines for you.

  20. We had a lot of heat in July, but things are more moderate right now! No ripe tomatoes yet. Wow. I hope you get some, there is nothing like homegrown! How nice that you have been using your boat for hospitality! You've made your tenants feel special and welcome, I'm sure.

  21. You always grow the most beautiful flowers, Lorrie, but the prettiest flower of all is Iris! She is a doll. You are fortunate to have a boat and enjoy all this wonderful scenery with family and friends. WE are desperate for rain here -- there are many wildfires in our state right now

  22. Such lovely photos. Love that one of little Iris in Nana's hat. She is just so sweet! Such adorable cheeks for kissing. And the seals, I liked seeing them. How interesting to have tenants from the Middle East. I'm reading that book I think it was you who recommended, The Beekeeper of Aleppo. It must make that story so much more alive -- and the people more precious.

    Thanks for sharing your holiday pics with us -- we get to see a glimpse of another spot in our beautiful world through your eyes.

    Wishing you a pleasant day, Lorrie.
    Brenda xo

  23. She sure looks cute in that hat! Love seeing those fat odd they are! Enjoy your week....wish I could send you some of this Southern HEAT!!! Hugs!

  24. I love your dahlias! And that little miss is just so cute!!

  25. I feel like those dahlias should be edible, they are so delicious.

    And Miss Ivy is awfully cute, too, the sort of girl to whom one says, "I could eat you up!"

  26. Beautiful selection of photographs, my favourite is Miss Iris in your hat - so cute :)

    All the best Jan

  27. Hi Lorrie,

    Those fat seals look so funny! :D They're awfully cute. Your dahlias are just exquisite, my friend. I didn't like dahlias when I was younger, but now I see such beauties out there, I LOVE them. Perhaps one day I'll try to grow them.

    Your little Iris is too cute for words. Another blogger I read has a niece named Iris; it really is such a pretty name (and one of my favorite flowers, too). I've noticed the blue-eyed gene seems to run strong in your family. She really is a doll, Lorrie!

    Thanks for your visit and for giving me your opinion of the "Miss Potter" movie. When the weather gets cooler and the days get shorter, I'm planning to watch it. Have a lovely weekend.



  28. Hi Lorrie,

    Well, I just left a long comment, and it just disappeared when I hit Publish. Sigh. Basically, I was bragging on your gorgeous dahlias and reflecting that I like those flowers a lot more than I used to. :) Those fat seals are ever so cute!

    Iris is just precious, Lorrie -- a little doll with Grandma's hat on. I've noticed the blue-eyed gene seems to run strong in your family. Another blogger I read has a niece named Iris, and I really like the name. It has an old-fashioned ring to it.

    Thank you for your feedback on the "Miss Potter" movie. When the weather turns cooler and the days get shorter, I'm going to watch it for sure. I hope you have a lovely weekend!




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