Thursday, January 14, 2021

Suspended in mid-January


We're halfway through January. How has it been for you? I feel like I'm in a waiting room, but I don't know exactly what I'm waiting for. Or perhaps I'm waiting for a number of things - the end of the pandemic, retirement (2.5 weeks away), sunshine - things that I can do nothing to hurry along. At the same time, I'm content and go through my days with a smile on my face. I'm just drifting along, suspended on the current of time.

We've been walking most nights. We eat dinner, clean up, and Tim does email for an hour or two, then he gets up, opens the front door to check the weather, and suggests a walk. We've walked in some steady rain this week, squelching on muddy trails that are hard to see in the dark. A few times we've seen glittering stars shining through the trees. I sometimes dislike the idea of putting on raincoat, boots, and hat, but once I'm outside, it feels good to move and I return home feeling quite virtuous! 

Soft fairy lights still glow in the evenings here, creating comfort and coziness. I've finished three books this year so far, and began the fourth last night. The book most recently finished is "A Fifty-Year Silence" by Miranda Richmond Mouillot - "Love, war and a ruined house in France," in which she tells the true story of her grandparents, Jewish refugees from France. The story is like a puzzle that Miranda puts together, trying various pieces to see if they fit, without having a picture to go by. Fascinating.

Storm after storm has blown in across the Pacific bringing lots and lots of rain. On Tuesday night wind arrived, too, battering the house with loud gusts that woke us from a sound sleep. We did not lose power as our lines are underground, but others did. Because the ground is so saturated just now, many trees fell and damaged cars and houses. Today, all is calm and there are a few patches of blue sky that we must enjoy before the next storm arrives.

Tea-drinking, reading, stitching, and walking are about the extent of my activities beyond the daily routines of teaching and home-keeping. I'm thankful for technology so I can stay in contact with family. Tell me, how are you putting in these mid-January days? 


  1. That is a great description - 'feeling like you are in a waiting room', which sums up exactly how I feel too. Life is much more monotonous, getting up, some cleaning, cooking, eating, a walk, and lately I never know exactly what day it is. Once the Spring arrives, the days lengthen and become warmer, then hopefully things will very gradually improve for us all.

  2. Beautiful photographs. The mosses on tree, the colors are peaceful.

    In your first paragraph, I remember you don't live in America. The glimpse outside of the turmoil here is a pleasure.
    Here, I am battening down the hatches, as the say goes, by aroma therapy, exercise, reading, and a light therapy lamp against the winter blues. I found the neck warmer I began crocheting over the holidays. I laugh when I think I'll see it for the first time with the new reading lamp.

    Stay well & Safe

  3. Coffee or tea...daily walks...reading, cooking, cleaning, jigsawing...those are the things happening in my waiting room these days and not much else. Looking forward to sunshine too! Your blog posts are always a bright spot to visit!

  4. Being in a waiting room. That about explains the current feeling. i am keeping busy working on the Diamond painting I received for Christmas. I do enjoy this, but oh how I miss getting together with friends.

  5. That is a good way to describe this season... the waiting room. We too enjoy our walks and our coffee with a treat. As a homemaker I find I can still do many of the same normal things, for which I'm thankful, but I am waiting for the time when we can freely invite whom we want and go where we want. Happy retirment coming up! I was surprised to read that.

  6. I m so excited for you retirement!!! WOW

  7. Two and half weeks until retirement?? Yay for you!! I'm still thinking I have a second career in me after being home with the kids. I hope your husband is right behind you, so the two of you can adventure together. Well...I guess the adventures will have to wait won't they? :( I get excited for orthodontist appt and grocery store trips which we did this afternoon. I'm not even kidding.

  8. We're walking almost daily now also - we go around 3 pm and walk for an hour at a mostly steady slow pace, no jogging or race walking at this point in time!

    So excited for your retirement, you certainly have earned it dear. Your students will miss you though, I honestly can't imagine a sweeter lady to be a teacher than you. Like most of us who have retired you will question how you ever had time to go to work - retirement keeps one busier than ever!!!
    I'm with all of you who are experiencing the 'waiting room' feeling. Days of the same old same old!!!! God willing we will get our vaccines soon and can start planning to do more normal things.

    Take care - sending hugs.

  9. Hi Lorrie,

    I love, love these photos, especially the first one! The second photo looks like a very cozy room. :) Congratulations on your upcoming retirement, my friend!! That's terrific. We are getting to that age ourselves, too. I've probably been doing many of the same things that you have this year -- reading, watching a movie once a week, drinking coffee and hot tea, still munching on Christmas goodies, and still putting away Christmas decorations. My mom got her Covid-19 vaccine today, and she gets the second one in three(?) weeks.

    Take care, Lorrie, and I'm glad you and your family are staying well.

    Warm hugs,


  10. That was some storm we had. It seems like we're getting more rain than normal but January is always so wet. You must be looking forward to the relaxing days you'll enjoy after you retire. Hope the two-and-a-half weeks go by quickly.
    Stay well.

  11. Definitely feeling like much of life is on hold. Just doing what I can to get through the days but not every day feels like a good one in light of all the chaos and craziness. I try to walk twice a day but sometimes only get in my evening walk because I know the outside kitties around the neighborhood are waiting patiently for me. Seems WA State also received some pretty strong, damaging storms as I've seen several people post from there. Take care. Congrats on your upcoming retirement.

  12. Well done on the night time walks. January is always a bit of a limbo land, even more so this year. I’m finding it hard not to be able to plan for the year ahead at the moment. Fingers crossed things will ease as spring comes. You have so much to look forward to with retirement imminent, will your husband retire too? More rain and gales here too sadly. Have a lovely weekend. B x

  13. I am impressed by your evening walks, we usually hunker down in the evening by the stove. Exciting times retirement on the horizon. I am a dry weather walker I must admit so miss out on those squelchy mud moments. We have made a start on planning the veg plot and looking at the seed catalogues.

  14. Such a good description of how I feel too 'in a waiting room'. Days just drift by don't they? I've been so confused with what day it is all week, but we will get there. Like you I don't like the idea of getting all togged up to walk out but once I'm walking all is well:)

  15. Estou feliz pois diante de Jesus todos os dias posso refletir sobre a comunhão com Jesus Cristo redentor venha sobre todos o arrependimento de nossos pecados k são tantos misericórdia e piedade de todos nós senhor e pai de nosso senhor Jesus Cristo redentor venha sobre a cura dos corações 👏

  16. I remember those last weeks before retirement. So close but not quite yet...

    You are making the most of the down time anyway. These last few days will slip away. Enjoy them!

  17. Good morning, Lorrie. I admire you and Tim for your walks at night, without the rain I would enjoy that too.

    I enjoyed "The 50 Year Silence." It had a happy ending which I love.

    Congratulations on your retirement. Hopefully, COVID will leave soon and you will be able to truly enjoy yourself.

    Happy weekend to you, Lorrie.

  18. That is such a good description of the way life is right now. Waiting and more waiting. Retirement sounds like something exciting to be waiting for. Congratulations!
    Around here the waiting hours are spent reading, cooking, working from home, cleaning and organizing, too much binge watching on YouTube and Netflix and not enough walking. Your post has inspired me to do better with that one.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  19. How exciting to know that retirement is only a short time away. I have been house whispering to our new home still. Waiting, waiting an more waiting for things to be delivered, installed etc. Reading as well and taking walks on the beach and botanical garden.

  20. You must be excited over your retirement. More time to do what you really like. Mid January feels a waiting room here too. I wait for the vaccine to come & the freezing weather (-24 C ) to pass. Of course I am grateful for being well, yet this still life feels boring and limited. So great there are books!

  21. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Congratulations on your upcoming retirement! I retired two years ago and it took me most of the year to get into a new rhythm. Don't worry if you think you're not getting it right. After all, you've spent decades working. Just like losing weight, it takes time...Full disclosure: after 40 years of teaching elementary/middle school students, I still have to have a color-coded planner or I find at the end of the day I haven't accomplished much! I know you'll continue to enjoy those walks of yours and sitting at your little table enjoying the view. Carol in VT

  22. Lovely morning walks, that's how I cope!

  23. How lovely to be looking forward to retirement, Lorrie. I only hope the world will be a happier place for us all soon.

  24. How nice to have retirement near and hopefully this year we will get the virus under control with the vaccines. We are still staying close to home and not going to any stores. We pick up our groceries and that has been nice. And we hike on trails close to home. It does seem like we are on hold though and I'm happy I can stay in touch with my family with calls and texts. Enjoy your weekend!

  25. Dear Lorrie,
    Your photo of Lichen in a tree branch reminds me of our many trips to the Northwest. I always had to bring a little piece of Lichen home with me. It stays that beautiful green for many months.

  26. I just love that first pic:)

  27. And now retirement is a few days closer (since I am reading this on Saturday). It must be exciting to contemplate changes and new things . . . even in the midst of that "waiting room." (Great analogy, I think!)

  28. Oh my! I had no idea that retirement was so near. Very exciting I am sure. Does this mean you will not finish out the year? (Many people "retire" here and keep on working. My sister is retired, though she still works three days a week and cares for her grands the other two giving herself the weekends at least.)

    Your descriptions of the house, the outdoors, etc., make me believe that January days are not so bad for as long as I read anyway. January, thus far, has been mild here. Today I am excited for birthday celebrations.

    All of life is a giant waiting

  29. Wow! Retirement! Enjoy! and Congratulations!
    Thankfully there have been some sunshiny days to get outside a bit or I would be in big trouble. With politics and winter, plus the COVID fears I am mostly staying put. That is very hard for me, so I am appreciating seeing crocus and daffodils beginning to come up in the garden - that gives me hope.
    Enjoy your walks and retirement too.

  30. Only 2.5 weeks left until retirement? WOW!!!

    As I wrote on my post, your fairy lights were the inspiration of my teapot lights!

    I've been borrowing e-books from my local library. The borrow period is 14 days, and I'm always surprised by how fast my borrowed books "expire".


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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