Friday, March 26, 2021

Friday Favourites and What I've Read Online


Are you familiar with Wendell Berry's "The Peace of Wild Things"? 

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

It's a good poem for our time, and one I thought of yesterday when I walked beside the pond with my grandchildren. A number of wood ducks swam amongst the much greater hordes of mallards, all quacking and splashing and diving with no care beyond who on the shore might have a bag of bird seed and thus become their new best friend. 

Spending time with these dear little people (grandchildren, not ducks) drove home to me again some of the loss of this pandemic. Felix started Grade One in September and I've spent no real time with him since last summer. So I was very surprised when I heard him reading out loud in the living room, smoothly, with confidence. When did that happen? While I sense the loss, there is great reassurance that the children have continued to grow and learn and even thrive in the midst of the world's chaos. 

I love the longer evenings when we can walk after dinner in the light. Garry Oak trees are slow to leaf out and I don't mind for I find their twisted branches more interesting in silhouette than in leaf. 

It looks to me as if the branch is reaching out with bony fingers to pat the moon on the head. Not a planned photo, but fun to see when I looked at it later. 

The next full moon is Sunday, but according to the weather forecast we won't be seeing much of it. Rain and wind are on the way for that day. We had planned an outdoor family birthday party, but have had to revise our plans considerably. I will be so happy when we can gather indoors and all sit around the dining room table. It's been far too long. 

Besides spending time with the grands, I've planted seeds both indoors and out. The tomato plants are up (indoors) and every day I check them and brush them gently with my hands as I've read that helps to strengthen them. I took a load of books and a few clothes to the thrift store and am slowly working on spring cleaning. 

I've linked below to some things that I've read online recently and thought you might find them interesting, too. 

Wool and moths - I ordered the moth prevention product mentioned in the comments (kritterkill1 on e-bay), and they've just arrived from the UK. Let's hope they work! I've done some mending of cashmere this winter!

Drinking cocoa - Apparently, sales of drinking chocolate have skyrocketed during the past year. Recipe included.

Be inspired - Agatha Christie's everyday inspirations

Have a good weekend everyone! Enjoy this last week of March. 


  1. That was a good kind of shock to hear your dear grandson reading and reading well. Love that shot you got of the moon through that great tree. Fun! Hope the party rolls on with lots of good cheer and fun despite the weather.

  2. We have all missed out on so much. I actually hugged one of my sisters for the first time in over a year. We have both been vaccinated and were wearing masks.

  3. beautiful poem the moon is indeed in the branches hands!

  4. Enjoyed your post, Lorrie, and the wonderful photos. Love the Wendell Berry poem, it's a favourite. Wishing you a pleasant weekend.....Brenda xo

  5. The pictures you took of the Oak tree are so lovely.
    That poem by Wendell Berry is the only poem of his I'm familiar with. I like it a lot.

  6. There is a special beauty in those bare trees. I too miss being with extended family. Hopefully that will soon change.

  7. I saw the results of a study which maintained that time around birds makes people happier than money. I agree.

    I hope our time away from the grandkids will be ending in a few months.

  8. Beautiful wood duck photo. They are a favorite. The Moon and branch, neat photo as well. The beautiful poem will be read many times, and remembered.

  9. Beautiful poem and I just loved the silhouette of the tree, it certainly does conjure up some lovely pictures. What a surprise it must have been to hear your grandchild reading. I am wondering how much my grandchildren will have grown. Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. I have never read that poem. I read a lot of nature quotes and poems so I'm surprised I've never seen it. I'll write it in my journal today. I worry WAY too much! And then when I get out in nature, it washes away for awhile. It's been a real blessing for us to hike this past year. Thanks for those links too. Enjoy your weekend!

  11. I agree a perfect poem for our times. Thank goodness for nature around us and the beauty to ease our worries. Good that you are seeing a little more of your grandchildren. Have a lovely weekend. B x

  12. What a lovely blog!!!!!!!

    It warms my heart, when I open a blog, and it is obvious, that the Lady has taken time and effort, with the Look of her Blog. -smile- I do, with mine, and it so much fun to do, that I wonder, why everyone, doesn't. But not all do.

    So it is doubly grand, when I see one, that does!!!!!!

    "Miss BB"

  13. What beautiful photos, especially the still bare trees. Yes oh yes, they are beautiful! A Winter-sleeping kind of beauty. Especially love the branch, patting the moon. -smile-

    And what wonderful thoughts, words, suggestions! Oh we so, so, so need to find our own Place of Peace. Sooooo neeeeeed to. Worrying and fretting all the time, does not solve any problems. All it does, is steal time from our own life.

    Thank you for this lovely post.

    "Miss BB"

  14. What a wise and comforting poem. We need to stop and relax, and shake anxiety away. I love your photos of trees and this colorful duck. That duck does not live in Finland I suppose. We have not met any of the grandchildren, nor their parents, nor friends. I escape daily to audiobooks and listen in Finnish and Spanish. Maybe some day I can take use of my Spanish, we’ll see!

  15. Your pictures are really lovely and match the mood of your post and the poem perfectly. We have an evening curfew so there's been no later afternoon walking. I'm infatuated with the moon and realized the other day I've not seen it in so long. :/ Dear Covid Chaos, you've stayed around far too long. Please go away. Sigh. Enjoy your weekend. Take care.

  16. Your blogs never fail to comfort, inspire and entertain. I love the stories of your grands and family and the connection it gives me to YOUR world. Thank you for sharing Wendell Barry's words - and the reminder to me of the peace I experience in the stillness at times, of nature, and being in the presence of God in that space. I appreciated your insight about drinking cocoa - it's the one thing that I frequently use to get my teenager out of bed in the morning, and it usually works! I allow myself one small cup of its liquid chocolate comfort in my pretty blue and white hydrangea mug each day. Or maybe two if I'm having a restless night and need a reading break in the middle of it! Thank you.

  17. Good morning, Lorrie. I do love this post and Wendell Berry's poem. It is a perfect piece for comfort during such times as we are in. The photo of the wood duck is beautiful. He certainly sports magnificent color. Nature is truly a wonderful work of art at every turn. And, your area holds such beauty.

    I know you are enjoying your little ones. It won't be long until you can all be together again. We will make it through these days, I have learned much patience. Have a lovely day and week ahead.

  18. I do love that poem, Lorrie. That they don't get all in a flutter with "forethought of grief", how timely is that for me today after learning that one son has been sick for two days now. He's promised to call his doctor in the morning and I must take a lesson from Mr. Berry's poem. He was a hero to my father who met him and lived in the state above ours.

    I pulled the Agatha Christie page off on my desktop to enjoy later and send to my sister who is a huge fan and may not know of it.

    The best pleasure of all is being with grandkids! And their parents, of course! I'm so thankful for seeing mine in Instagram stories almost daily. A pleasant week ahead to you, Lorrie!

  19. I've been drinking more hot cocoa too...but I think it's from all the Hallmark Christmas and winter movies that I watched during Lockdown 2.0!


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