Saturday, August 27, 2022

Home is a Lovely Place


Travel is wonderful, but coming home is so very lovely. We enjoyed dinner with my parents, and spent one last night in the trailer before catching the 8 am ferry on Thursday morning. What joy to pull up to our home and begin the task of settling in once again. 
Our Iranian tenants took good care of the garden (with help from neighbours and our children), and gave us the vase of flowers seen above, as well as some delicious date pastries. 

The garden is calling out cutting back, harvesting, and weeding, and we spent much of yesterday doing just that. I clipped the very first bouquet of sweet peas before leaving home on July 22, and was able to cut another when I returned home. They sit on my windowsill along with ripening peaches. Soon they will be pulled and put on the compost pile.

Yesterday evening we spent with our children and grandchildren, and it was a wonderful time with delicious food - salads, hamburgers, and an apple cake. 

This morning I did a few in-house chores and some grocery shopping, and this afternoon I'm heading out into the garden once again. Thankfully, the weather has cooled off (we missed almost all of the heat this year). I'll be reading a few blogs when I need to have a bit of a break. 

We are filled with gratitude for our trip, and with pockets full of stories to pull out and share. I'll write some of them up for you in the coming weeks. 


  1. Good to hear that you are home again. I look forward to hearing more about your adventures.

  2. Welcome home! I look forward to heating of your adventures!

  3. Welcome home! It's always so good to walk through that door. Glad you had an amazing trip!

  4. Welcome to 'home sweet home'!

  5. There's just nothing as wonderful as coming back home after being away for a while. It's great that you arrived safely and you're both well.

  6. It is good to know that you're home safe after your long time away. I was amazed by the beautiful photography of your trip and hope you will flesh out each place with more background than the shorter accounts accompanying the pictures. It will be a wonderful way of leaving a record of every place you saw. I'm still wondering how close you were to that grizzly fishing for salmon! I know home must be your happy place now though, after so long away. Enjoy!

  7. Welcome home! Looking forward to reading more about your trip.

  8. Welcome Home! 🥳
    I look forward to reading more about your adventure.

  9. Coming home is definitely the best bit. Looking forward to hearing those stories. B x

  10. You are so right, Lorrie! Home is the best place. It's good to travel at least a little bit and then come back to the own, dear world.
    Your trip sounds and looks very interesting. Many places look refreshingly cool and enjoyable! :) I can very well believe you missed almost all of the summer's heat this year.
    Enjoy the autumnal beauty of your garden! Stay well!

  11. It was so lovely to see a comment from you on WVFM Lorrie and to know that you are now safely ensconced back in your own home after such a great adventure.
    Going out into this big wide world and seeing different sights is really uplifting but returning back to our own home again is also something rather special too.

  12. I have sometimes thought of you on your adventure, and wished I might see Canada once more. It is so lovely to come home!I wonder if you do what I do if I've been away.....go round the garden and chat to the plants? (Well done, you flowered/grew/tried hard etc)

  13. Home sweet home! but what an adventure. My husband and I have talked about what you were doing and where you were going. We are in awe of this once in a lifetime trip. I know you'll have lots to share but get some rest and enjoy the end of summer!

  14. It is so good to be home, I know! Even with chores.

  15. Welcome home after such a good trip.
    The flowers look beautiful.

    All the best Jan

  16. Welcome Home, Lorrie. Your trip sounds wonderful and I look forward to hearing more about it in the coming weeks.

  17. East, west, home is the BEST. Great that you had a great trip. The bouquets look so lovely!

  18. Glad you are home safe and sound, Lorrie! I enjoyed following your amazing trip on Facebook, and will enjoy seeing more about it here.

  19. So happy you returned home, but also that you had this amazing adventure. It was truly wonderful.

  20. Welcome back!
    The sweet peas are lovely...they seem to grow so fast in this heat...almost overnight. I still find it much hotter than I would walks are much shorter as a result.
    Enjoy your garden time.

  21. Glory to God for a safe trip and for bringing you home again with joy! You describe the feelings so well, of love and thankfulness and reconnecting with everything dear and familiar.

  22. Hi Lorrie! So glad you made it home safe and sound! You vacation photos were lovely and I just loved hearing about your journey! The photos of your beautiful flowers just made me smile...I love, sweet peas! And how nice to come home to treats, you must have had some wonderful care takers! I always feel like the best journey always bring you home! Hugs, Barb

  23. There's nothing like home sweet home!

    So glad you are back safe and sound.

    Happy Tuesday, Lorrie.

  24. Dear Lorrie, so glad you all had a wonderful trip. Yes, coming home always seems like a great big hug to me - I love the feeling. I will be anxious to hear your stories, I know they will be very interesting.

  25. Welcome home! I am looking forward to hearing more about your adventures!

  26. Yes, home is a lovely place!


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