Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Tell Me What You Read
Sunday, February 25, 2024
Quiet Rain on Sunday Afternoon
Outside my window: Rain blew against the windows much of the night and into today. Trees still toss outside and the rain is a fine mist that comes and goes. Patches of yellow daffodils dot the brown garden, bright and cheery on a dull-sky day. Those patches increase every year as I plant a few more bulbs each spring. I really must take a photo to see just where those clumps will appear, for in the autumn planting season there is no sign of them at all.
I am finding beauty in the papery dried tulip petals from a bunch I had last week. I let them dry in the vase knowing that a work of natural art would result. And so it did.
In the kitchen I'm planning to make Mary Berry's Chicken and Herb Casserole, found on Jan's blog. Alongside I'll make rice to soak up all the lovely sauce, and some broccoli and cauliflower, along with a salad.
I am reading a lot of non-fiction these days. Memoirs, mostly as I plug along with my own attempt.
Thank you for reading along today. It's time for me to start some dinner preparations.
Have a beautiful week.
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Hopeful Signs
Have you noticed how much brighter the days are? Even on the rainy, cold days we're experiencing there is a sense of lightness that assures us that winter will end soon. I grew up living much further north where winter's grip held tight throughout February. Here, in the mildest climate in Canada, I can hardly complain, yet I find February a difficult month - I'm tired of my winter clothes, I want to get into the garden, and I long for colour. I crave vegetables and bright flavours like lemon and herbs.
I indulged in purchasing several small pots of bulbs that are a wee bit ahead of what's currently blooming in my garden. Blue and yellow is such a wonderful combination, cheery and bright. After they bloom these bulbs will be buried in the garden and bring joy year after year.
About this second month of the year Patience Strong wrote, "While it is February, one can taste the full joys of anticipation. Spring stands at the gate with her finger on the latch." Anticipation, yes. There are still weeks to go before spring arrives here, and anticipation is building. How is February in your corner?
Thursday, February 15, 2024
To the Beach
The tide changed and water rushed in upon the shore. We moved towards the forest once again. Halfway between sea and forest someone had placed an empty urchin shell on a tree stump, perfectly posed for a photo.
It may not have been a traditional Valentine's Day outing, but we had a wonderful time together.
Sunday, February 11, 2024
On a Quiet Sunday
The flooring is complete, and all the baseboards and trim installed. I'm very pleased with how it all came together. This room is where we visit with family and friends, but also spend most evenings reading, stitching, or watching television. There is light and warmth, and in the evening we draw the blinds and are cozy in our space. More art will be hung, but I'm taking my time with that.
The light rain seems to have mostly stopped. As soon as the bread is out of the oven, we're going for a walk, then home to supper and a quiet evening to round out the day.
Monday, February 05, 2024
Light Increases by the Minute
Inspecting the garden was a good thing today, but at just 5 degrees, a bit chilly for a lengthy stay. For my birthday a few months ago I received an orchid plant. It's been a delight ever since with such long-lasting flowers.
I never really liked orchids, preferring the blossoms more suited to our Canadian climate. When I lived in the tropics, I grew to appreciate the wide variety of orchids, from the large showy purple and white variety that grew profusely beside the road to the tiny 1/4 inch flowers forming huge clumps in trees for just a week or two in September-October. This orchid reminds me of those days and I can almost feel the intense humidity of the jungle when I look at them.
Are you a fan of orchids?
Beautiful Little Things
The snow has melted and snowdrops are once again visible. They fared well under their white blanket for a couple of weeks. I'm findin...
Making a table runner is a quick and easy way to add colour or seasonal touches to your dining room, breakfast nook, or even a library table...
The stars are always above us, swirling in the vast reaches of space, hidden by clouds or, more frequently, by light, that of the sun or o...
February has never been a favourite month. Growing up in more northerly climes, it seemed that winter had made herself too comfortable and...