Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Tell Me What You Read


"I declare after all there is no enjoyment 
quite like reading."
Jane Austen

In my last post I mentioned a book list posted by Brenda of It's a Beautiful Life. I've had a fun couple of days pondering my own responses to her prompts, and here they are. I'd love to read your book choices, too, either in the comments or on your own blog. Or even your answers to one or two of the prompts. 

1. A favourite (or two or three) from your childhood: The Bobbsey Twins series, Nancy Drew series, Eight Cousins and Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, Nurses Who Led the Way, The Secret Garden, Pippi Longstocking

2. A book you read once that you can't stop thinking about: Time at the Top by Edward Ormondroyd - This was my first foray into time travel and it fascinated me. The book had an unusual yellow binding so it was easy to find on the O shelf in our school library. I did read it many times, not just once, and still think about it from time to time. 

3. One book that shaped your life: Hidden Art by Edith Schaeffer

4. A book you couldn't put down: Our Woman in Moscow by Beatriz Williams

5. A book that deepened your thinking: Walking on Water by Madeleine L'Engle, Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh, A Long Obedience by Eugene Peterson

6. A book with a favourite heroine: I've always liked Emily, found in L. M. Montgomery's books. Emily of New Moon is a more complex character than Anne of Green Gables, much as I admire Anne.

7. A book that creates a safe place when you need rest in your soul: Anything by Miss Read

8. A book that lifts your spirits and makes you feel happy: The Enchanted April, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

9. Something you want to read but haven't got to it yet: A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. I've read others of his, but not that one.

10. A book you like to read over and over: Frenchman's Creek by Daphne du Maurier in the summer, and Winter Solstice by Rosamunde Pilcher in the winter. 

11. A book you just finished and loved: Startle and Illuminate: Carol Shields on Writing by her daughter and grandson, Anne Giardini and Nicholas Giardini

12. A book you just started and already know you like: Not sure what to answer here. I just started a so-so book, but I'm picking up The Reading List by Sarah Nisha Adams at the library tomorrow and I'm looking forward to that one. 

"The magic is only in what books say, how they stitched 
the patches of the universe into one garment for us."
Faber in Fahrenheit 451
by Ray Bradbury


  1. Lorrie, I have just started The Reading List, thanks to Brenda's mention. It feels like a book that I will enjoy reading. I look forward to hearing your views. I cannot imagine a world without books.

  2. I'm reading The Women by Kristin Hannah, an excellent book, can't put it down.. Reading has always been my escape!

    1. Anonymous8:28 PM

      I just finished this book this morning. I made myself stop reading last night. So good.

  3. I love reading what people like to read about! Here are some of my answers to your questions: Childhood favorites included Nancy Drew, Little Women and the Trixie Belden mysteries; I can't stop thinking about Timothy Snyder's "On Tyranny." A book that shaped my life was "Simple Abundance" by Sarah BanBrannach; I couldn't put down just about any Louise Penny mystery!; one that deepened my thinking was "A Gift from the Sea"; My "safe place" book -- "A Fine Romance" by Susan Branch; one to lift spirits -- Mel Brooks "All About Me" -- I have other answers but rattled on too long!

  4. Lots of book prompts there for me. I remember as a child being pony mad. There was a book called I Wanted A Pony by Dianna Pullein Thompson that I read and reread. I never had a pony but that book stays with me even now. I think it’s in a box of treasures somewhere in the house minus its cover! B x

  5. All I ever remember about a book is whether or not I liked it. You have a great memory!

  6. This is interesting! Quite a few books that I recognize, but many that I don't. I like to read 'Enchanted April' around this time of year when the weather is wet , cold and gloomy. I would have been very tempted to answer the advert! There is also a beautiful film of the book.
    Heidi, Swallows and Amazons, What Katy Did and I Capture the Castle are among my childhood favourites.

  7. So many books out there! It is fun.

  8. There are only a few books I remember reading intensely, Alcott's books, Heidi, Crime and Punishment. I rarely remember how the stories go.

  9. I loved your list, Lorrie. It brought to mind so many more of my favourite books. I could probably respond to these prompts with titles I didn't think of in my earlier post. I'm off to look for Daphne du Maurier's Frenchman's Creek (never have read it) and summer is coming. I too loved Carol Shield's Startle and Illuminate. A book that really encouraged me with my writing is Brenda Ueland's If You Want to Write - loved it.

  10. Hi Lorrie~ I love your reading list. When I was a girl, I kove, The Bobbsey Twins, and still have one of tbe childhood books that was my favorite. I would really have to take a minute to answer all these questions, but, I'm excited to check out some of your favorites!

  11. I enjoyed reading your responses to the prompts. I'm rereading one of my own books and enjoying it as much as ever. It's called Nature Diary of a Quiet Pedestrian by Philip Croft. His illustrations are wonderful.

  12. I would agree with the Jane Austen quote.
    I so enjoyed reading your list. I'm not sure I could come up with answers to each question, but I do know that the Nancy Drew books were the beginning of my love for reading.

  13. Anonymous11:05 AM

    What a wonderful list of books. I read Brenda’s list too and I do love to read about what others read. Sadly I am a slow reader! My favorite childhood books were Mary Poppins and Winnie the Pooh! I also had a wonderful Child’s Garden of Verses and I can still recite a number of Mr. Stevenson’s poems from that treasured book. I have a copy of Winter Solstice that I’ve read several times. Thanks for showing me Brenda’s blog and it is always a pleasure to see one of your entries. I used to get your blog directly but now it comes through Bloglovin’ and not as often as you write an entry! Carol in Texas

  14. Anonymous6:19 PM

    A Gift from the Sea is one that I have read several times. As a young girl I wasn't allowed to read much except religious books; so when I realized I could ride my bike to the library I would sit in the aisle and read historic fiction. It is still my favorite genre to read to this day.

  15. marilyn m.6:19 PM

    Oh dear I forgot to add my name, Marilyn M.

  16. Could not resist this one! Your # 1, same except I never read the nurse book. #5, many L'Engle books, #7, absolutely!, #8, every other April for The Enchanted April! Every married couple should read it and see the movie, #10, Frenchmen's Creek! I was 17 when I first read it and went around in a daze expecting something wonderful to happen at any moment! And yes, Winter Solstice.


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

On a Tuesday in February

  Tuesday are when granddaughter Cora comes over. We spend the morning together, then I take her to afternoon pre-school. Today we baked gin...