Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Hopeful Signs

Have you noticed how much brighter the days are? Even on the rainy, cold days we're experiencing there is a sense of lightness that assures us that winter will end soon. I grew up living much further north where winter's grip held tight throughout February. Here, in the mildest climate in Canada, I can hardly complain, yet I find February a difficult month - I'm tired of my winter clothes, I want to get into the garden, and I long for colour. I crave vegetables and bright flavours like lemon and herbs. 

I indulged in purchasing several small pots of bulbs that are a wee bit ahead of what's currently blooming in my garden. Blue and yellow is such a wonderful combination, cheery and bright. After they bloom these bulbs will be buried in the garden and bring joy year after year. 

The lilac trees are beginning to bud and will soon be in full leaf followed by scented blooms. When I walk around my garden, boots squelching in the wet ground, I see so many signs of life - on hydrangeas, roses, rhubarb, the apricot tree, peonies, and more. I've begun a bit of pruning and cutting back and will be out there more when things warm up just a wee bit more. Sharp tulip and hyacinth leaves jut up from the soil. The dwarf daffodils are forming buds and beginning to open. I spent a happy hour or so choosing my garden seeds in the local nursery. All of these little things remind me that spring is not far off. 

About this second month of the year Patience Strong wrote, "While it is February, one can taste the full joys of anticipation. Spring stands at the gate with her finger on the latch." Anticipation, yes. There are still weeks to go before spring arrives here, and anticipation is building. How is February in your corner? 



  1. What a sweet breath of Spring. The flowers are gorgeous - I love the combo of yellow and blue. And thank you for sharing Patience Strong's quote about February - love the image of her finger on the latch. Around here there are no huge signs of spring except for the increasing daylight that creates the anticipation of the coming season. Oh, and the chickadees are singing spring songs already.

  2. Lovely flowers. Hyacinths in bloom herald spring. Thanks for the post!

  3. What a good idea to buy pots of bulbs. I have a friend who used to take orders from her neighbors, pot up daffodils in the fall, and deliver them in bloom in the spring. I always think I should do that for myself, but I never do. This year I've been seeing plenty of daffodils on my walks in the neighborhood, which is heartening.

    Gretchen Joanna

  4. 'No winter lasts forever, No spring skips its turn.' And for that I am am grateful!

  5. The quote from Patience Strong is delightful. My grandmother used to have her little books and often came out with a timely saying! The little pots of bulbs seem to bring the Spring in early and are ideal to give as small gifts to people who are housebound or not well.

  6. Yes, anticipation. I live in anticipation of Spring. February has been so far, a tough, cold, rainy month, not typical of our region.
    Your flowers and buds are definitely uplifting!

  7. I smile at the lilac trees soon to bloom. Our house in Newfoundland had purple and white lilac trees which bloomed in June. Quite a difference! I am tired of winter now too.

    Enjoy the rest of the week!

  8. You are far ahead of us, even with our unseasonably mild winter. But I have seen some bulb gardens in the grocery and think I may have to indulge in one, now that my valentine flowers are fading! The photos are lovely, Lorrie -- as always!

  9. We are seeing some signs. I am especially enjoying the lengthening of the light each day. So encouraging to know we will see more sunshine and a lot more color soon. Love that bud shot! :)

  10. Beautiful flowers.
    Here in Vermont, I'm confident that while spring feels as close as it is, winter still has more to show us. Meanwhile, I've chosen the flowers I want for summer. Now to order the seeds.

  11. I love yellow and blue together and as you say once finished they can go into the garden. After several spring like days we have had monsoon conditions today. Roll on spring :) B x

  12. Such beautiful flowers. Yellow and blue go so nicely together.

    All the best Jan

  13. A very good idea to buy those pots of spring flowers at this time of year.
    I, too, have noticed the lighter days. That along with daffodils in bloom here and there makes me very excited for spring's arrival.

  14. Pretty pots of bulbs. I bought some too and am enjoying having them near me in the kitchen.

  15. Many signs of Spring. Camélias in full bloom dwarf daffodils too, hyacinths coming out and daffodils. Trees are blooming too. The weather is wet and mild, but this weekend we will have anther wind storm.
    ( the souvenirs from Canada were from Montréal, Quebec, Ottawa, and Vancouver island where my daughter stayed for three months in a school when she was 15. We stayed in the Laurentides as well.)

  16. It has been a really strange winter here - so mild that we have already shed the winter duvet for a summer one. I do love your cheerful combination of yellow and blue together.

  17. Some lovely signs after a looong and dark winter! Let´s hope for some sunshine and blue skyes soon :)
    Love from a grey island & Titti

  18. I like February because it's my birthday month... and you have to like it, right! Anyway, I'm happy. Your spring bloomers are great... yes, you're right... anticipation - the most beautiful joy.
    A hug for you.

  19. Although I do not dislike winter, there comes a time (and I never know when that will be from year to year) that I am winter weary and begin to long for green instead of gray and longer days instead of early nights. That time has come for me this week! Your lovely pots of blue and yellow should make the waiting more cheerful!

  20. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I am ready for spring! We are a few weeks away but our weather is leaning that way! I love lilacs and still have one tree! I hope it blooms well this year!
    Deanna Rabe

  21. Oh the gorgeous shades of blue and yellow! I have a lot of daffodils blooming now but just one sad looking blue hyacinth! My magnolia is in bud and bluebell leaves are up. I need to get out there and work on so much - it's become an effort I admit - but Mon. hopefully my tree guy is coming to prune and I can point to several overbearing shrubs and have him trim those back too! Happy weekend dear Lorrie.

  22. The vibrant blue and yellow hues of your garden bulbs are simply enchanting!
    Here in my corner of the world, we're in the midst of a heatwave.

    Happy Sunday, Lorrie!

  23. When we lived (all year round) in western Oregon where the climate is pretty much the same as yours I remember being happy in February because there were those definite signs that Spring was on the way. But then the let-down when pretty often March did what March does and brought more rain and gray days before deciding that it actually *was* Spring. More than a few people have laughed at me because this surprised me year after year. (I am either a slow learner or an incurable optimist. Or both). Wishing you a happy February and a March that lives up to your most joyful expectations.


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On a Tuesday in February

  Tuesday are when granddaughter Cora comes over. We spend the morning together, then I take her to afternoon pre-school. Today we baked gin...