Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Rain and Sunshine


When the rain stopped late yesterday morning, I pulled on my jacket and shoes for a walk. We are so privileged to live in a town where there are many trails and parks for walking and/or hiking. I mentioned Camas Lilies in my last post, and here they are en masse - a lovely swath of blue among mossy rocks. 

Pacific Dogwoods (cornus nuttallii) are currently in bloom. Raindrops still cling to these flowers. I'm noticing dogwoods more this year - is it an exceptional year for their blooms or am I just more aware of them? 

Here's a tree full of them. I also saw a fat American Robin pulling a worm from the grass and taking his time eating it bit by bit. How funny he looked with the worm dangling on either side of his beak. My presence didn't bother him in the least. 

Along a fence this lovely apple blossom clematis is opening. I stopped to take a sniff, but couldn't smell anything. Since my bout with Covid over a year ago my sense of smell is greatly diminished. Very sad. I keep hoping it will return. Nearby a crow flew overhead with a stick in his beak to land in a tree - nest building? 

I love the acid green of early spring leaves, maples here. Such lovely contrast with the dark branches that will soon be mostly hidden. 

Closer to home, a gentleman planted a variety of tulips, in a variety of pink shades. They are so pretty just now. 

Days are full of happy things. I try to spend a couple of hours writing each morning, followed by home-keeping and sewing or gardening. The gardening is taking the back seat these days as it's been quite cold. My tomatoes are doing well - I started them over a month ago - and I've been putting them outside during the warmer days. One night recently I awoke at 4 am realizing that they were still outside. I got up and brought them in right away. Often it's in the early hours of the morning that we get a touch of frost. I'm happy to say that the tomatoes are still thriving. 

How is Spring coming along in your corner? I wish you days full of happy things. 


  1. I'm glad you remembered your tomatoes, Lorrie. It would have been sad to lose them. How lovely the dogwoods are. We do have them here and I always think they look so beautiful. There is so much beauty in this season of beginning. Your Camassias look so similar to bluebells, sadly mine in the garden have had very few flowers, maybe due to the wet weather.

  2. Beautiful flowers.
    About the sense of smell and taste. Same here after my 2022 booster.
    I learned that salt enhances my sense of taste. I rarely go to a restaurant. Twice I noticed I can taste the food almost like I normally did. So I tried a sprinkle of salt on my food, and it helps.

  3. I do like this time of year ...
    I enjoyed seeing all of your photographs here, the flowers are lovely.

    Wishing you a happy new month of May.

    All the best Jan

  4. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I do like this time of year ...
    I enjoyed seeing all of your photographs here, the flowers are lovely.

    Wishing you a happy new month of May.

    All the best Jan

  5. What a lovely set of photographs. Spring flowers are especially welcoming, I think, after a long and dreary winter. The cornus tree looks wonderful!
    Wet, wet weather here in Blighty and no question yet about putting tomatoes outside. I'm glad you rescued yours!

  6. Blue Camas Lilies are flowering in my garden, but sadly I do not have them en masse. I hadn't realised that you had a bout of covid last year and do hope that your sense of smell eventually returns.

    1. I never tested positive for the virus, but had a few days of illness and the loss of my sense of smell was the worst symptom.

  7. Lovely photos. These bouts of freezing temps are really confusing plants around here. Happy May to you!

  8. I really enjoy your blog and envy you your spring! Do you know the picture book Blue Camas, Blue Camas? I think you would enjoy it.

    1. Thank you for the recommendation, Iris. I looked up the book online and it does sound lovely.

  9. Beautiful photos as always. Spring already sprang here but we've actually had rain the last day of April and first of May and I've awoken early to another cloudy day. Rather unusual for this desert country. On Sunday I rolled my ankle while out for a walk -- I really have to stay focused and was distracted by some things happening on either side of me, thus the fall on uneven pavement. Very frustrating -- haven't walked since but the swelling has gone down and my ankle feels much better now, thank goodness. Merry month of May.

  10. I've noticed too that the Dogwoods are especially full of flowers, both the white and my favourite, the pink ones. i like the photo of the blossoms with raindrops on them.

  11. So happy that you were able to save your tomatoes. That would have been quite sad. The photos in this post are absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Great photos after the rain.
    I hope the tomatoes aren't an issue!
    So green and nature in bloom, thanks for this great post!
    Have a beautiful month Lorry full of rides!!

  13. Wonderful views and photos, as always.
    Getting up at 4 am to rescue tomatoes made me smile; so many times it has happened to me especially with summer flowers. The coldest moment of the night is often just before the sunrise, -2,5 C here last night. (Aren't violets lovely, they stand it! )
    Wishing you happy spring days filled with flowers!

  14. That new green of spring is one of my favourite times of year. Ours is more than a month away. Your new green is glorious!

  15. Those flowers are absolutely amazing! I really need some blue blooms in my life! We planted dogwood at the lake several years ago but we never see them, as by the time we go north to open the house, blooming season is over. I love seeing yours.

  16. Anonymous8:16 AM

    I always love your photos, Lorrie. Spring flowers bring delight to my soul!

    Deanna Rabe

  17. What a lovely stroll through your neighborhood, Lorrie!
    The flowers are stunning!

    Happy Friday!

  18. Despite the weather it’s looking beautiful in your corner. Annoying about your sense of smell. I seem to be suffering too. The lilacs hardly have any scent this year which I’m sure isn’t true. Hopefully it will return. B x

  19. I am always in awe at the beauty that you have surrounding you, Lorrie! I planted two tomato plants that a friend gave me and went to check on them and they had been eaten! They were in large pots, and not in the ground. My son had to put chicken wire around some shrubs and a vine that were getting munched on. It’s a battle!
    Happy 90th Birthday to your dad. How wonderful to celebrate him!

  20. The flowers are just gorgeous this year. I miss seeing dogwood trees in the Spring. It feels more like summer here but it will only get worse! lol Happy weekend!

  21. I enjoy seeing all the beautiful flowers in your area. Things are finally starting to bloom around here! The trees in particular are filled with blossoms. Our weather has been sunny and warm this week, so I'm spending as much time outdoors as possible, although it's still a bit early to do too much in the garden.

  22. Lorrie - I first learned about Camas Lilies in Montana, and I though they only grew there. In the last few years, I have been thrilled to see them in England and in several other states. Gorgeous, delicate flowers. Thanks for visiting my blog, and enjoy your time in Amsterdam and Iceland!

  23. Dearest Lorrie,
    Those Pacific dogwoods are incredible!
    Also the Apple blossom Clematis.
    Thanks for sharing all this beauty.

  24. Marilyn M.1:32 PM

    Loving this Springtime!!! The Camas lilies are so gorgeous, the tulips make me swoon, now dogwood, peonies and lilacs just made me smile. Your pictures are lovely and I can just imagine you out walking the trails in your city.

  25. Lovely photos. The weather here has been all over the place.. rain, fog, cold days and blistering hot days..

  26. I love your red piece of furniture !
    Here the weather is cold for Spring and we have a lot of rain that spoil the flowers. We have clematis, rhododendrons, azaleas blooming and some peonies to come again. Flax in the fields and apple trees. The dogwoods flowers are very nice we don’t have them here. I love pansies they have always beautiful colours.
    Today and tomorrow it is a bank holiday and I will do some painting.


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