Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Early June Days


Our across-the-back-fence neighbour leaves part of his garden to grow wild. He'll whack it down once or twice a summer, but it is currently filled with waving grasses, a smoke-bush tree, wild blackberries, and overgrown forsythia bushes. From my kitchen window I spied something enticingly bright and ventured through the gate to inspect it. A beautiful red poppy blooms where none have bloomed before. Today I noticed two blooms. They are a fitting bloom to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasions in France. I sporadically watch How to Renovate a Chateau How to Renovate a Chateau on Youtube and just this week, Anna and Philip posted a D-Day special. Both of them had great uncles who were in France then, but the two soldiers were on opposite sides. 

In my last post I was expecting house guests. They've come and gone, leaving behind memories along with a pair of tiny socks and two picture books. This puzzle was a gift, brought from Boulder, Colorado. The pieces are made of wood, and cut into intricate shapes. It was a fun challenge to put it all together. 

A few of the unique puzzle pieces. Great for the mind!

Oh, the wind we've had these past few days. Tree toss wildly, and petals are ripped from delicate flowers. The accompanying rain has nourished the earth and sunnier, warmer temperatures, along with less wind, are expected by the end of the week. Only one foxglove is currently blooming and I'm hoping there will be more of this delicate pink.

White peonies are looking a bedraggled by the wind, but still beautiful. The pink buds open more slowly thanks to the continuing cool weather. I'm hoping to cut a luxurious bouquet of them tomorrow. 

Fresh radishes are a treat these days, sweet and slightly peppery. I'll eat them just washed while still outdoors, but also enjoy them in a salad. They're also good roasted along with carrots or squash. 

This is a busy week with two granddaughters' birthdays, a family get together, a couple of appointments, and working in the garden. I'm hoping to get around to your blogs soon. Meanwhile, enjoy these early summer days. 


  1. That really is a unique puzzle. Mind challenging for sure. A fun radish harvest. Happy June to you!

  2. I must admit I have not enjoyed the wind and the heavy rain but I think the weather is set to improve now. The Oriental Poppies are so persistent. I once had workmen stomp all over mine and I thought they would not come back but they did!
    Beautiful radishes!!!

  3. I have a very old Victorian wooden puzzle which is made up of odd shapes. It is difficult to do. How pretty your foxglove is, the bees are in and out of mine.

  4. I found the château in Calvados region and I am also following on tv every evening « le château de la motte Husson » British people restoring an old château. (Dick and Angel)
    I think I will use « Nana » as a name, easy to pronounce for young children and yes I reminded you being called Nana!
    Your peonies are just beautiful ! My best flower with roses.
    I watched the video and I know our parents were very traumatised by the war times and told us about it and we tell our children… not to forget.

  5. Dearest Lorrie,
    We both do share a taste for fresh radishes! Your homegrown ones are oblong, never seen those.
    Peonies and Foxgloves are a study of beauty... and a treat for bees because of their pollen.
    That poppy is quite a sight—glad you captured it for sharing.
    Fun company you had and they indeed left you with some special memories...

  6. We always have the worst wind storm right after the peonies bloom. I have to photograph them quickly or I’ll miss them.

    That is an interesting puzzle. I’ve never seen one like it.

  7. I'm a great lover of radishes, especially in salads.
    I'm in favor of anything that helps with cognitive ability. The wood puzzle pieces you've got as a gift, definitely do help.

  8. What a wonderful gift this puzzle is,
    The peony is very beautiful!
    Radishes are very tasty for a summer salad!
    Have a nice day!

  9. Anonymous7:51 AM

    That's a great puzzle!
    Every year as the peonies get ready to open we'll have a few days of hot weather and they all bloom out at once! Argggg! Your garden is always filled with delights, Lorrie. Thanks for sharing them with us.

    Deanna Rabe

  10. Hi Lorrie,

    It sounds like you had grandchildren to stay last week! What a pretty puzzle! Years ago, we worked one that had pieces cut in specific shapes -- it was a folk-art picture of what looked like Cape Cod or Nantucket. It was a challenge but fun to work. :) Hal and I watch "How To Renovate a Chateau" too. We saw the D-Day special on Sunday night; I thought it was very nicely done. I love your poppy and your peony pictures; the poppies are an especially moving sight this time of year.

    Enjoy your work in the garden, Lorrie, and have a wonderful week!!



  11. How nice to find that pretty poppy in your neighbor's wild garden.
    The puzzle is sure to be a challenge with a very pretty outcome. What a nice gift.
    Our spring started out very windy. Now it is a bit cooler than normal, which is fine by me.
    Your radishes look very tasty.

  12. Hi Lorrie~ I just love to see all of your beautiful flowers! The Fox Glove is so beautiful. I used to grow it years ago, when I lived in another area, they are so gorgeous. The puzzles are very interesting and beautiful, I'll bet they were fun to put together! Always fun to stop by your blog! Hugs, Barb

  13. Oh those poppies! Sigh. I love them. And radishes. Those look fabulous. Rick didn't plant any this year which is too bad. Lovely blooms in your beautiful garden!

  14. The poppies must have been a fun surprise, among the wildness of your neighbor's yard! The puzzle is fascinating. I have never seen such unusual shapes. I am trying to guess whether the unique shapes make it easier or more challenging to put together! Happy birthday to your grandgirls! Enjoy your week, busyness and all!

  15. Time feels as if it flying by - your guests have already been and departed - I do hope that all the children enjoyed getting to know one another. I love poppies and foxgloves and especially love that they arrive in our garden every year from who knows where?
    Happy birthday to your two granddaughters.

  16. Your summer is unfolding nicely. What a treat to see those poppies blooming - with such appropriate timing, too. I didn't know radishes can be roasted along with carrots or squash - I shall try that next time. It's been so, so windy here as well. We had a nice little rain a couple of days ago, so we're happy for that. Happy Day, Lorrie!

  17. Such a lovely time of year with so much bounty from the garden. Those poppies are such a poignant reminder. B x

  18. Your neighbor's wild garden sounds like a treasure trove!
    How delightful to discovering a red poppy blooming there!
    Love the wooden puzzle
    And those fresh radishes sound delicious!

    Wishing you a wonderful week ahead filled with joy and simple pleasures, Lorrie.

  19. The poppies almost give me the shivers, appearing this week of all times. I have watched as many of the wonderful old faces that I could, whispering thank you's. I'm glad you've had the blessing of a sweet visit with memories along with little socks. Those puzzle pieces must feel good in your fingers, each one a small work of art. Your radishes are my favorite kind but we almost never find them in the produce department anymore and I always forget my intention to plant some. I have an old recipe for cream of radish soup that I mean to make every spring but wonder if it would be as good as the picture of it looks. The flowers from your garden are lovely!

  20. Roasting radishes - I think I need to try this! Poppies in a garden is something wonderful. I had an entire poppy meadow this spring and taking them out right now since they're done and I certainly don't want all of them to reseed. So I will just let a few standing and hopefully there will be poppies next year as well. I have had them since I first put out the seeds 12 years ago. Have a lovely week - Carola

  21. Bees, bumblebees & co. You will also be very happy about the abundance of wild flowers in your neighbor's garden... beautiful poppies. I have yellow Icelandic poppies in the garden.
    Your puzzle looks great, yes I believe you it was a challenge.
    I hope you had wonderful family celebrations.
    Our family and friends were also together on the weekend... wonderful.

  22. Our poppies are popping!


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