Sunday, June 16, 2024

Days Not at Home


Last Wednesday morning we boarded a plane for The Netherlands, landing midday on Thursday, Amsterdam time. After figuring out our e-sims and the trains, we trundled our luggage through the cobblestone streets of Leiden to find our lodgings, situated in the medieval part of the city alongside a canal. 
Although it was 2 am according to our bodies, and we hadn't slept much on the flight (me not at all), we felt pretty good and managed to stay up until 9:30 pm by wandering through the town. Such a pretty place. I loved the irises growing in a park. 

We visited the Hortus Botanicus at the university (Botanical Garden) and saw bees buzzing about the old-fashioned bee skeps. There has been an apiary in this very spot for several hundred years. 

Narrow cobblestone streets with canals criss-crossing the city make for very charming places to wander. This morning, in another canal, we watched a swimming competition - the larger canals do not have the water plants in them. It's been a bit wet and windy, but we came prepared with rain jackets and just pull up the hoods when the showers descend. 

Canal houses big and small. Each has its own character. I'm collecting stories to tell when we get home - there are so many things to see and do here. 


  1. What an exciting trip!

  2. A little trip away is always so refreshing, seeing so many different buildings, places, people. Hope you continue to find lovely places.

  3. Such a beautiful country! And such tall people!

  4. Looking forward to your photos and stories from the Netherlands.

  5. Lorrie, thank you for sharing your trip with us—vicarious travel is my favorite travel these days! My cousin was in the Netherlands in May and another will be going in August, so this post really jumped out at me. I always love your photography and poetic descriptions!

  6. Amsterdam is beautiful.
    It has so many beautiful sights to see!
    Thanks for the trip, have a great time and we look forward to the next one!!

  7. Leiden looks beautiful. A mini Amsterdam. I’m looking forward to you stories. B x

  8. How fun! Enjoy yourselves. I look forward to hearing more about your trip.

  9. Dearest Lorrie,
    Welcome to my birth country!
    We once enjoyed a wedding in Leiden and had a boat tour on the canals, so enjoyable.
    It is one of the oldest and most historic cities indeed.
    Oh sure, rain is typically Dutch but you came well prepared!
    Hugs and enjoy,

  10. Well done on staying up till 9:30 on arrival day. That flight into another time zone is a tough one. Looks like you'll have plenty to see and enjoy on your trip!

  11. What a great place to visit. Have lots of adventures!!

  12. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Enjoy your trip away.
    I did enjoy these photographs and look forward to more.

    All the best Jan

  13. Happy and safe travels in the Netherlands! Looking forward to your travelogs.

  14. That would be a dream vacation! I hope you have good weather and a fabulous trip! WOW! What a gorgeous place to spend time...with a camera! Have fun!

  15. Marilyn M4:53 PM

    Have a magical adventure. Just this little glimpse is wonderful.

  16. Netherlands is a country I would love to visit! A beautiful trip! Have a lovely time...

  17. Great pictures -- and brings back memories -- the beautiful canals and homes and history. Even schlepping luggage over the cobblestones in the rain (more fun to look back on than it was at the time, but we laughed at ourselves even then.)


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Days Not at Home

  Last Wednesday morning we boarded a plane for The Netherlands, landing midday on Thursday, Amsterdam time. After figuring out our e-sims a...