Wednesday, August 07, 2024

On an August Evening


It's 9:00 pm and the lamps are on. Long summer evenings will soon be a thing of the past. This season seems to fly by. I don't want to think of the end of summer yet and am resolutely ignoring advertisements and social media posts that show autumn. Like Shakespeare, I think that "summer lease hath all too short a date." But I know that our summers are pleasant affairs without excessive heat and humidity, unlike other places in the world. Are you enjoying these summer days or wishing for autumn? 

We've been away for a couple of days, visiting my parents on the mainland. I had hoped to write a blog before we left, but that didn't happen. There have been outdoor meals with friends and family, morning walks, time in the garden, reading, and all the usual things that make up daily life. 

Our apricot tree was very generous this year. I made a big batch of Apricot Jam. It's my favourite - I can taste the sunshine and warmth when I eat it in the darker, colder days of winter. There were a few upside-down cakes and an apricot-blueberry platz - a dish from my Mennonite heritage. Here's a link to a plum version, the same dough, just different fruit. And of course, we ate a few sweet apricots out of hand, juice dripping down as we took a first bite.

We arrived home from the ferry around 1:00 pm this afternoon, quickly unpacked, and then I worked in the garden in spite of the heat. Later, I cut flowers for the house and had fun photographing them with different settings. I think the increased light exposure adds softness to the dahlias now on the mantel.

Several of my rosebushes are between blooms, but Lichfield Angel is a mass of creamy flowers. It's so luxurious to pick a big bouquet of them. I chose a moodier setting for them and think they look almost like an old painting. These are for the dining room table. 

Hydrangeas are the most generous shrubs, producing long-lasting blooms. The crystal vase was a wedding gift of many years ago, and I use it regularly. 

Anne Morrow Lindbergh wrote, "Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning sun can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day - like writing a poem, or saying a prayer." Filling vases with flowers or greenery is one of my favourite things to do, and I love catching glimpses of them as I pass through the various rooms of our home. Plants and flowers make a house come alive. 

On the window sill by the breakfast table a row of old glass food and drink containers hold just a few stems - feverfew, roses, rudbeckia, hydrangea - bits and pieces from around the garden. 

This weekend we'll be doing a couple of airport runs, picking up children and grandchildren from vacation trips. Friends of one daughter will be staying in our guest room since hers is already full. Fortunately, they live close by and there will be much going and coming. 

Darkness has fallen completely now. My pillow is calling me. Tomorrow will soon arrive, another beautiful August day. 


  1. Wonderful flower arrangements. You have created lovely, different settings for them.
    I welcome the cooler days and darker evenings with their special atmosphere... and also some special guests later this month.

  2. A lovely post to read as I start the day. Beautiful flower arrangements especially the roses. Good to spend time in the garden when you have been away. Hot humid weather here for a few days. Not my favourite. Enjoy that jam it’s a gorgeous colour. B x

  3. Your apricot jam looks wonderful. I used to make it from an apricot tree in France, but had to be quick to pick as the ants loved the fruit too. Just one flower can make such a difference to a room.

  4. Dearest Lorrie,
    Being able to harvest your own apricots is special and then the joy of making jam of them is so rewarding.
    I've done that a lot, as canning too and here in Georgia the peaches are abundant. But this year I've given away all of my German Weck canning and jam jars. Post accident I no longer can do such things... The large family receiving them is into canning and preserving. They also got our food dehydrator.
    Flowers have been quite a part of our lives as well. Snipping them off in the garden and filling up the flower basket, then arranging them in so many special vases. We mainly had fragrant roses for doing so but also all sorts of hydrangea and dahlias.
    Now with the competition of large trees there are no roses left. It was heavenly for the time we had them over the 34 years that we live here.
    Enjoy yours and also enjoy your family—you're blessed having them nearby within a a managable distance. We had to fly 67 times across the Atlantic and that is different and with quite a different price tag. But still we did it!

  5. Apricots are a favorite for me. Our apricot tree got some kind of disease and we had to yank it out of the ground. My mom made Apricot jam every year in southern California. She would make the Russian version of platz with the jam, pirog. The flowers from your garden are so cheerful. Happy August to you.

  6. I'm glad you got to visit your parents and everything you do sounds so calming. Enjoy your day and those beautiful flowers!

  7. Beautiful flowers. The vase of roses does look like an oil painting.

  8. I love that Lindbergh quote. Summer is my favorite season and it seems to fly by all too fast, so I'm avoiding thoughts of autumn, too! The jam looks delicious and the flowers are just perfect!

  9. Beautiful flowers💗 Your Apricot jam looks wonderful and no doubt also tastes great.

  10. Be still my heart, the flowers from your garden are amazing. They outshine anything you'd get from a florist. You've got a lovely talent for arranging them, too.
    Thank you for the kind to comment you left on my post, you're a sweetheart.
    You're blogging sister, Connie

  11. Such a beautiful post. How lovely your flower displays look and the apricots look wonderful, I feel the warmth from them:)

  12. Blooms, apricots and jam. Such a refreshing post. Sleep well!

  13. The apricot jam and baking sound delicious—such a lovely way to preserve summer’s sweetness. Your garden must be a peaceful retreat; the way you arrange flowers brings such warmth and life to your home.
    Thank you for sharing these moments; they truly evoke the charm of an August evening.

  14. Apricot jam and homemade at that! Wow. I love your flowers but I think my fav is the window sill grouping. Just so charming.

  15. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I love all your flowers along the window sill! Beautiful!

    Deanna Rabe

  16. Lorrie, I always feel so rested and peaceful after visiting your beautiful blog. You grow such beautiful flowers and arrange them so beautifully. And I do love that moody, painterly effect of the rose photo. I envy you your apricot tree. All that apricot talk had my mouth watering. Love the AML quote you included.

  17. Your garden has rewarded all of your hard work with a rich bounty this year - lots of really beautiful blooms and I do envy you those wonderful apricots.

  18. Apricot jam is delicious, no peach jam for us this year, our crop was very poor.. but there'll be another year.

  19. Your photo of the lovely Lichfield Angel roses does indeed look like a beautiful old painting...stunning.

  20. Lovely post! I loved reading about the apricot jam and the other ways you made use of them. And the wonderful photos of flowers. They are all beautiful but I did especially like the one of the roses. It does indeed look like an old painting!

  21. It sounds like you have had a busy and fulfilling summer so far.
    Oh my, your flower photos are absolutely gorgeous.
    I can just imagine how wonderful that apricot jam tastes.

  22. I can't believe we're halfway through August! I'm trying to savour these summer days, but I must confess that I'm also looking forward to the cozy pumpkin season!

    1. Your floral images are beautiful! It's neat how the filters can make the image more artsy.

  23. Lorrie - thanks for visiting my blog and your sweet comments that I passed on to Head Chef!

    We have also benefited from low humidity, which is one of the many reasons that we chose Montana for our retirement! We are certainly enjoying our summer days, and I am not nearly ready for Autumn!

    I found your garden flowers to be truly delightful - you have a green thumb, my dear! I also enjoy making arrangements from "my" flowers as well as the "weeds" in the fields! Enjoy the rest of August!

  24. You’re lucky to have apricots in your garden. I look desperately for ripen apricots in the shops but it’s hard to find. Love your roses picture and your flowers arrangement
    For my part I am looking for Autumn ( too hot weather.very unusual weather) I am waiting for our stay in the Netherlands soon by the North Sea I hope it will be cooler!

  25. Apricot homegrown must be wonderful! August blooms are so sweet, and I love how you have the blooms displayed in those old bottles. Enjoy the beautiful days of August, many blessings to you!


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