Sunday, December 29, 2024

Through the Year 2024


Twelve photos of the past year, moments of beauty, love, and whimsy. It's difficult to choose just twelve when a year contains thousands of memories. This idea is not my own, blatantly taken from Coastal Ripples. Thank you to B.

January - An exceptionally cold spell had us all concerned about our gardens. The snowdrops showed no signs of stress, but elsewhere the stone fruit crop was ruined, meaning no peaches come summer. We've had a very warm autumn/winter until now and I wonder what lies ahead for the remainder of winter. Snowdrops are beginning to bloom here once again.

February saw us go to the west of our island to explore the tidal pools at Botanical Beach. Lots of wildlife of the bird and sea sort to observe.

March - The scent of Skunk Cabbage in spring wafts from marshy and wet spots alongside trails. Bright yellow and highly fragrant, this plant is unmistakable. We saw this one on a hike at East Sooke Park.

April saw the family gather for the 90th birthday of my Dad, seen here with my grandchildren. A fun time of celebration! 

May - The Northern Lights put on a spectacular show at a beach near us. Seeing the lights dance and sway in the sky was truly a highlight.

June, and we were off to Europe, spending time in Leiden and seeing part of the Netherlands. I was charmed by all the canals and homes in the medieval quarter. Would love to return one day.

July, and our trip continued on a cruise to Iceland and Scotland. Nootka Lupins covered the hills with gorgeous blue flowers. I loved the vast landscapes, the charming towns, and interesting history of Iceland. 

August - A family camping weekend with the tradition of making donuts one day. Everyone helped with the glazing. An indulgent tradition that is a lot of fun. 

September - A camping trip to the Rockies. Hiking, swimming, kayaking, and watching bears watch us filled our days. We live in such a beautiful country.

October and we returned to the wild west coast to watch the waves crash in from the Pacific. Exhilarating!

November - A little girl blowing bubbles in the garden provided a bit of magic. What fun she had making them, and what fun I had watching her delight. 

December has been a busy one. I did complete the pajamas for the grandchildren - flannelette bottoms for the elder three and nightgowns for the little girls. I asked them to bring them here on Christmas so that I could photograph them together. What a fun bunch of lovely humans. 

Wishing you all a joyous beginning to 2025!


  1. What a gorgeous selection of nature photos throughout the year Lorrie. I think the Lupin picture is my favourite, with the icy mountain background. Well done Grandmother with the sewing. Such lovely snug nightgowns and flannel pyjamas. Happy New Year.

  2. I loved seeing your special twelve. What a great year. Those grandchildren of yours are gorgeous. So much to enjoy. A happy new year to you and I look forward to seeing your new travels. B x

  3. Dear Lorrie
    I wish you and your family all the best for the New Year!

  4. A nice way to recap the year. Love the pajama tradition! Happy New Year to you and yours!

  5. Happy New Year to you and your family. I enjoyed all the pictures of your 2024. What a lovely idea.

  6. It may have been a hard choice, but you chose well -- both beautifully artistic photos and those that have such warm personal connection. It looks a good year. Onward and happy new year!

  7. What a year with pictures full of reasons for joy - I was lucky enough to visit Scotland and just missed out on Netherlands - next year I hope... but I didn't see bear! You do indeed live in a beautiful place. Blwyddyn newydd dda - as they say here in Wales.

  8. Yes, it is very difficult to choose twelve photographs from those taken over a year but you did well and I enjoyed them.

    Taking the opportunity to wish you and yours a happy and healthy 2025, and my thanks to you for your blogging friendship this past year.

    All the best Jan

  9. A beautiful pictorial re-cap of 2024! Happy New Year to you and yours!

  10. I'm never organized enough to highlight a year that was. The lupine picture is beautiful. And the bubble a nice capture.

  11. What a fun retrospective of 2024! Happy New Year, Lorrie!

  12. What a lovely collection of memories from 2024! I especially loved the Northern Lights in May and your family camping weekend in August. It’s clear you had a year full of beautiful moments and adventures. Wishing you even more joy in 2025

  13. You have chosen some great photos... each one as beautiful as the other, I couldn't choose a favorite.
    The pajamas and nightgowns that you have sewn are great... I also "only" gave away things that I had sewn myself for Christmas :-)) It is so much fun to make beautiful things, as well as to experience the joy of the recipient.
    Thank you for your wonderful photos.
    I wish you and your loved ones a happy and healthy 2025.
    Hugs from Viola to you Lorrie.

  14. What an amazing year you have had, Lorrie! All the photos are special. I'm almost envious! :)
    The April photo is my favourite, so much joy!
    Thank you for sharing your refreshing walk of your previous post with us.
    Wishing you and yours a very happy new year!

  15. Hi Lorrie,

    Oh, this was such a great post!! You have some magazine-worthy photos here. My favorites are the blue lupins, the Great Heron, and the bubbles in the garden! Also, the December picture of your Grand girls is darling. You are truly blessed with children and grandchildren. :) You have had quite an interesting year of travels, my friend. Thanks so much for your visit to my Christmas post; I so appreciate your sticking with me, as I haven't been present on my blog much this year. I always enjoy your blog posts and your visits here. It's so interesting to see your perspective of the world from your travels and the beautiful island you call home. Happy New Year Blessings to you, Lorrie!!!



  16. Hi Lorrie,

    Oh, this is such a good post! You have some magazine-worthy pictures here! My favorites are the Great Heron, the blue lupins, and the bubbles in the garden (lovely shot). Also, the picture of your Grand girls is darling; you are truly blessed with children and grandchildren. You have had such an interesting year of travel, my friend. Thank you kindly for your visit and comments on my Christmas post. I really appreciate your sticking with me, as I haven't been present very much on my blog this past year. I really enjoy seeing your perspective of the world through your travels and the beautiful island you call home. Happy New Year Blessings to you, Lorrie!!!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  17. Happy New Year! Your year in review was inspiring, and it was fun to see some of the photos that I enjoyed when you posted them! I pray that this new year will be a healthy, happy and blessed 2025. Hugs, Barb

  18. It was lovely to have a look back at your year . . . and I am sure that it was quite a challenge to choose only twelve photos! These represent many wonderful memories! Happy New Year to you and yours!

  19. So many beautiful moments and wonderful memories 💗
    May this year be even more fantastic! Happy 2025 to you and your family.

  20. I enjoyed your photos, Lorrie! Happiest of New Years to you.

  21. You obviously had a fine year and your pictures tell the story. I hope that 2025 will be as agreeable, filled with peace, love and good health. With my best wishes - David

  22. 2024 was full of beautiful moments...Hope 2025 will be as good of better !

  23. Isn't it wonderful that we can take lots of photos all year round. I love seeing your Dad and all the little ones. The colorful bubbles are the winner....oh and the Northern lights! Happy New year!

  24. Happy New Year, gorgeous grand children in fab pajamas!

  25. Lovely pictures from 2024! I hope you get a lovely 2025, full of happiness and health :)
    Love from Titti


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