Thursday, November 25, 2010

Progress is being made...

The green carpet is slowly disappearing and is being replaced by birch hardwood. Tim took 3 days of vacation this week and the living room, hallway, entrance and office are transformed! 

I've been painting to stay ahead of him. This Saturday I'll paint the dining room and then he can continue with the hardwood there. Soon the golf course green carpet will be nothing but a memory.

Dining room, kitchen and breakfast nook still to go. Then baseboard. Little by little. I love it. I love him for taking on this enormous task. 

It's Thanksgiving for all my American friends. I wish you all the happiest of grateful celebrations!


  1. Lorrie..floors looking so beautiful...snowing hard here in Langley...keep warm..

  2. It's gonna so beautiful! It already is!

  3. I love the hardwood - so happy for you that it is all happening before Christmas.

  4. What a transformation! It looks fabulous.

  5. It's really beautiful!
    Le plancher est effectivement plus soigné et chaleureux que cette horrible moquette verte. Tu dois vraiment être soulagée qu'elle disparaisse ! Bravo à ton mari pour tous ces travaux.

  6. The floors look great, lucky you, with your handy man!

  7. So is the birch hardwood stuff the kind that just lays atop the floor and clips together to each other or what---let me know because we may eventually do something in the condo we are supposed to close on in Dec.


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