Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A REAL Snow Day

Yesterday's snow was nothing compared to today's. We woke up to a drift outside the door and snow still falling steadily. The world was transformed by white snowflakes.

The cheers of school children resounded throughout the region as schools were pronounced closed for the day. Many people chose to stay home and work via computer, or just enjoy the day off. In the afternoon, the snow ceased falling and I went out for a walk with my camera. 

On a bench, this little snowman bears witness to someone's playful spirit.

"And still the snow falls in delicate stars
Covers the wide earth gently"

I read the above lines on a German blog (translated into English) last winter and copied them down because I like the imagery. They were credited to F. Stocklin, but I could find no information on such a poet. If anyone knows more about her/him, I'd love to find out.

This photo is taken with a special effect on my camera - it's supposed to look like a painting. 

I spent a quiet day - sewing, reading, talking via Skype to one daughter in Italy and the other just a few miles away (also home because of the snow), making butternut squash soup and poached pears. This evening Tim and I took another walk in the snow, in the dark. How quiet the streets are. How muffled the noise. 


  1. I'm wishing to be at home! Your day sounds lovely. Off to check the webcam!

  2. I think this is the name you're after: Francisca Stoecklin. The link is a bit lengthy:

  3. It looks beautiful but I am glad it's not here!

  4. Lovely post Lorrie...especially the phrases in your last line. The first photo is really why we all long to see snow at least once each winter. I remember a very special snowfall in Victoria when some of the boarders from Central America were outside our school witnessing snow falling for the very first time. Keep smiling - i know you love the snow!

  5. What? We can take a photo that looks like a painting? Is that on the "effects" setting? I'm off to check. Oh wonderful snow day. Everyone should get a few every winter at least. Loved seeing the snowman, too. They are so rare these days...

  6. You always do some wonderful photo work. The little snowman put a big smile on my face. And a reference to soup and poached pears put a little growl in my tummy. We too have had a beautiful snow, the kind I call wonderful, here today, gone tomorrow.

  7. Oh,, I want some snow,,,some really good prairie, snow storm snow!! We have had the -25 temperatures, but no white stuff to speak of . Enjoy your snow days and stay warm and cozy!

  8. Lovely. I haven't braved a proper walk in the snow but then again my daughter took my snow boots with her on their road trip...

  9. I'm looking for a really good butternut squash recipe. Could you give me yours?

  10. Lovely winter shots, Lorrie. I am a little too shaky on my crutches to take a winter wonderland walk, but enjoyed seeing yours.

  11. Your pictures are amazing! I love how your last picture just POPS! It looks like a wonderful walk in winter wonderland. I remember snow days when I was in school. We couldn't wait to get outside for sleigh riding and making snowmen. Great post today!

  12. Oh, how beautiful! Texas still seems to think it's only October.

  13. Such a beautiful snow day, what a wonderful scene.

  14. Good Morning Lorrie,

    That snow is beautiful!Our snows are patchy and kinda ugly--LOL. I love the black/white photos!

    Thanks for sharing!

  15. Beautiful post. Thanks for sharing.

  16. WOW! Your photography is absolutely beautiful! I love the painted look of that picture.

  17. Oh my gosh, Lorrie! Your snow day looks wonderful!

    Makes me all chilly and wide eyed!

  18. It does look beautiful.


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