Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Sewing Projects for Christmas

I really enjoyed making some Christmas gifts this year. I was able to use up some of my fabric stash in the process, although I did end up buying the occasional piece to coordinate. The above set of placemats and napkins are now my eldest daughter's - they match her dishes. I did these along with the Holiday Sew-Along at Sew Mama Sew.

For a friend I stitched this table runner in greens and browns. I made a similar runner for my daughter-in-law, using lighter colors but many of the same fabrics. This was not a pattern I found anywhere, but somewhere, sometime, I had read about putting together a nine-patch block (9 patches each 5 inches square), then cutting the block in quarters and re-piecing it. I had fun figuring out how to put the squares back together.

For my mom I made these placemats - which are reversible. The other side is pink and white alternating petals. The top and bottom are finished separately, then the two are blanket stitched together with batting in between. The pattern came from a quilting magazine, which I would reference properly, but it's in a box somewhere.

And for someone sweet I made these stuffed toys. The pig is from Martha Stewart, the bunny from Chez Beeper Bebe, and the ball from my own pattern. 

Now I'm thinking about the sewing I want to do this year. Some new clothes, definitely, and there will likely be house projects as well. And I'd like to continue to work at depleting my stash, so more quilty things are likely to be in the works. That's just the sewing ideas - then there's journaling and artwork - lots of things are mulling about my mind although nothing seems to be gelling yet.

What creative endeavours have you thought about for 2012?


  1. Love it all. I imagine that the baby really enjoys the textures of her toys. My stepdaughter just made a grabby ball with all sorts of fabrics on the outside of the ball. Her new grandbaby loves it!

    The placemats you made for your mom are so unique and lovely. I really enjoy making the disappearing nine patches because they can be put back together in so many fun ways.

    Looking forward to seeing all that you'll do in the sewing room this year!

  2. I just love the lt blue and browns together. Andrea Keding

  3. What fabulous presents! Each and everyone of them so personal and special. It amazes me what some can do with a sewing machine or just stitching. I use to sew many, many long years ago. I did enjoy it back then. I just don't have time for much of anything these days. I love the little toys. I remember my grandmother had made all of us grandkids bunny rabbits and stitched our names on the pockets. I had mine for the longest time, but have no idea what happened to it. I wish I still had it today. It was a true treasure. You are doing some amazing things and I like it!
    Happy New Year,

  4. Hello Lorrie,

    Love the pig toy you made!


  5. Happy New Year Lorrie! I love the color combination you put together for the first pic! You are so talented with your sewing machine!! I definately want to get some more scrapbooking done this year. Right now though, I am off to comfirm up Kaleb and Jami 's wedding invites to get them to the printer tomorrow! Happy New Year to you and yours!

  6. For one minute you had me worried that you'd started sewing for next Christmas! Imagine my relief to learn that these were pictures from this year....
    What lovely gifts you made! I especially love the toys.
    I am cross stitching and knitting - loving the ruffly waterfall scarves in Katia.

  7. I think the patchwork placemats are so pretty. One of these days I'm going to get around to making some for my table.

  8. I really like your idea for placemats and napkins as I have a large stash of fabrics, which includes many smaller pieces of toile de jouy.

  9. It was great to see all your lovely Christmas gifts Lorrie. i especially love the stuffed toys. I love the runner too! I'm sure they are favorites already. i had planned to do a post about the gifts I made soon...if I get the tree down in good time i'll work on it today.


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