Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Snow Day

Snow has been falling in fits and starts around here for the past couple of days. We haven't seen much, sad to say. Winters here are so very mild that I'm happy to see a couple of weeks of snow. It never lasts long. This is the sum total of our snow. Not much.

But in other areas close by the accumulation is much heavier. In fact, I was called in to teach today because one teacher was stranded at home by the snow. I loved being back at school. I taught four lovely classes in the Home Ec room. The students did a great job and good smells wafted throughout that particular wing of the school. 

Now I'm home again, with tired feet and a happy heart. Time for a cup of tea before starting dinner. And can I wish for more snow?


  1. Oh subbing in a home economics class sounds like fun. I'm wondering what the students made in the kitchen today that smelled so wonderful.

    Your snow is a nice treat. May it leave when it isn't so welcome. Lovely photo of the sum of your snow.

  2. From tulips to snow. Isn't that what it's like now? All the best in the home ec class.

  3. Lorrie, I used to be a home ec teacher before the subject was buried in the US. What a lovely day for you!

  4. A light dusting of snow would make you smile. glad you enjoyed your day back in school. Home Ec would be a nice class to teach. Hope all your subbing days are just as nice as today!

  5. What a fun way to spend a snow day. I would have loved to have you for a sub!

  6. Those lucky students!
    I braved the Malahat this morning, and it wasn't pretty I'll head home tomorrow or Thursday, depending on the weather. I don't like to drive in the dark and snow.

  7. Lovely photos! Don't you love rose hips? Such a welcome sight in the winter and one of my primary considerations when choosing a rose.

  8. Lovely photos but not much snow for your area it seems.
    Glad you are enjoying being back teaching Lorrie.

  9. Ahh good for you for being able to get out and cover for another teacher. Home Ec...wonderful!

  10. Oh, I love substitute teaching. I have taught in Middle and High School. The most fun I had was a 4-week period covering Medical Assisting for a teacher who was having surgery.
    But Home Economics sounds like much more fun.


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